Above: Marcus and Maria - Corrie July 2012

lilyrosecooper: Have the Scientologists managed to get any British Famouses to join them ? Except Agyness Deyn.
Charliecondou: @lilyrosecooper I'm joining. They might be able to cure my gayness
katemagowan: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper Yes, and then go through Equity and interview prospective 'wives' for you to 'marry'...
Charliecondou: @katemagowan I'd actually be quite up for that.

alexwinterstv: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper sorry Charlie, they can't cure it but they can help you keep it quiet. Oh, hang on....!!!
Charliecondou: @alexwinterstv hahaha
Charliecondou: RT @50ShadesOfShit: He stood up & slapped me around the face with his purple Beaver buster. i felt like Tulisa, but without the tracksuit & poor technique..

JMcEachran20: @BrookeLVincent breakfast in bed would be lovely! #cheers

BrookeLVincent: @JMcEachran20 did u not hear me the first time??.
Charliecondou: @BrookeLVincent Nice to see you babe, and to meet @JMcEachran20 When you in next??

BrookeLVincent: @Charliecondou @JMcEachran20 tomorrow lovely x
Charliecondou: @BrookeLVincent see you there. Keegs is making the tea @michkeegan
michkeegan: Going all out n making myself a brew! #RocknRoll #livingontheedge
Charliecondou: @michkeegan save it until tomorrow morn, then you can make me one too
michkeegan: @Charliecondou u in 1st?? U can make me one?? :) milky no sugar cheers! xx
Charliecondou: @michkeegan unbelievable.
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou I have your brew
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt too little too late Matthew. Too little, too late
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou Why do we always sound so formal ? It's a strange aspect to our friendship that I still don't understand
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou I don't know many more words, especially long ones so it'll have to stop !
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt I'll teach you some long words tomorrow. I'm helping @fountain1987 with his reading
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou Thanks, I'm reading Game Of Thrones (Book Two) at the minute so I'm ok on that front

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou @michkeegan see you tomorrow! In same scene tomoz!! Wahoo!!! X
Charliecondou: @msm4rsh @michkeegan woop!!

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou but don't be touching me up this time it's a bit embarrassing x
Charliecondou: @msm4rsh I thought that's what you paid me for?

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou yeh but last time I asked for a refund!!! X
Eley01: @Charliecondou: hope you had a great holiday Charlie, did you receive the gift I sent you? x
Charliecondou: @Eley01 I did today, thank you very much, they were well received in the green room!!
Charliecondou: I've been helping @fountain1987 with his reading. We're onto articles without pictures now. He's doing ever so well

BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou @fountain1987 Let's hope he doesn't find your latest edishon of your fave mag! X

Charliecondou: @BeverlyMacca1 oh Bev
Charliecondou: RT @jan_murray: The most moving @guardianedu piece I've worked on for a while: homophobic bullying in schools http://t.co/n7tAoUcJ @stonewalluk
matthewjpateman: @Charliecondou Did pretending to be in Bad Boys Inc impress the girl Signor Condou? #BadBoysInc
Charliecondou: @matthewjpateman oh yes, always. So thanks for that x
matthewjpateman: @Charliecondou You'd have been great in the band I'm sure! X
Charliecondou: @matthewjpateman of course!
matthewjpateman: @Charliecondou Do I get a follow? #cheekybastardboyinc
MarcosBritoLive: @Charliecondou @matthewjpateman what about little ole me? :-)
Charliecondou: @MarcosBritoLive Ello love x
MarcosBritoLive: @Charliecondou yaaaah!!! :-) Hello handsome - you going to see Neneh on 15th at Village Underground?
Charliecondou: @MarcosBritoLive I'm hoping to, if I'm not filming
Charliecondou: @MarcosBritoLive and here she is by the way @misscherrylala
MarcosBritoLive: @Charliecondou @misscherrylala I think Neneh already knows I'm stalking her, since I sampled BuffaloStance in 2004 with Naima in my video:-) - well, I hope to see you there kind sir :-) (what you filming at present?) :-,
Charliecondou: @MarcosBritoLive Corrie x
Maria discovers the real reason for the Sean & Marcus split!
LukeMorrison: Just had a train nap. Woke up to 2 Polish men smirking. *really* hope I didn't talk in my sleep.
Charliecondou: @LukeMorrison I'm sure it's fine. You probably just got an erection
LukeMorrison: @Charliecondou That'll be it. These skinny jeans probably didn't help matters then.
JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou catching up on Corrie. Great ep the other night. This cold cat got a bit emotional ;)
Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB ah bless you x
Below: Press play to see Charlie Condou & the Corrie cast in action July 2012.
DuaneS2012: If I was your Boss, I'd fire you SEAN! You're an idiot and a psychopath, be gone with yourself! I feel sorry for Marcus and Aiden would be a better match for Marcus. Luv n Kisses............
ooleg123456: Sean, please be out of the picture...a lot of people doesn't like you for Marcus...Out! Out!
Dominicanguy223: I don't like Sean he is old and ugly and whiny, clearly he cares more about his pride than his relationships. F.Y.I. Maria + Aiden is a better 3some than Sean.
Below: Press play to see Charlie Condou & the Corrie cast in action July 2012 - Sean & Marcus realize they have different needs and wants and dissolve their relationship.
fireflyuphigh: Marcus should just dump Sean. Sean is ugly and clingy.
jwsm2: love British soaps for having stories like this.couples whether straight/gay break up when one wants to have kids and the either one doesn't.

ooleg123456: Yay! I hope they split up for good...Marcus deserves a better partner...and Sean - is a senile man! Who can endure his fugly whining?

LOSTTheatre: @Charliecondou Hey Charlie! Glad to connect on here :D. Hows life? LOST
Charliecondou: @LOSTTheatre very good ta. I started my career at LOST!
Charliecondou: RT @LOSTTheatre: @Charliecondou Any chance we could get an RT for PROUD this summer? We'd love you to come see it too if you're free.. http://t.co/vRCuXAe4
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