Above: Charlie Condou in Coronation Street June 2012.
Charliecondou: Im going to come out now RT @PatrickStrud: A column about why gay people in public life have a moral duty to come out. http://t.co/N3nTRFsE
sueperkins: @Charliecondou @PatrickStrud Me too x
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou @PatrickStrud We need our Rosa Parks moment, it can't be public transport though, can glitter balls be involved somehow?
Charliecondou: @sueperkins @PatrickStrud You do realise Sue, that if we both come out, we can never have a sham wedding. That ship will have sailed forever
sueperkins: @Charliecondou @PatrickStrud Then I am heading straight back in. Our sham marriage is all I live for and I won't give it up. I won't!
Charliecondou: First Anderson Cooper, now Matt Bomer! They're going to top all those gay power lists now, you watch. I should have waited til I was famous!
mollie5555: @Charliecondou maybe you could sneak back in the closet and then reemerge dramatically. Straight to top of all lists ….unless TC & JT nah!
Charliecondou: @mollie5555 lol
fastcheetahhh: @Charliecondou you're famous?
Charliecondou: @fastcheetahhh only very slightly
MariaAckroyd: @Charliecondou LOL, you're famous to us #Corrie fans! Be interesting to see who else "comes out"... I have my suspicions!
SprQrFn: @Charliecondou Isn't first Matt Bomer, now Anderson Cooper?
Charliecondou: @SprQrFn oh, yes
redOrly: I will finally have to face the reality that Anderson Cooper will never be mine! Such a huge crush!
Charliecondou: @redOrly on the plus side, he might be mine
redOrly: @Charliecondou Well that is just great for you! Very happy for you! *walks away to sulk!* :)
Charliecondou: Finished scenes with @realsamia @mrtobysawyer and @ryanjamesthomas who we left sleeping on set
annekirkbride: @Charliecondou @realsamia @mrtobysawyer @ryanjamesthomas bless lol xxx
Charliecondou: @annekirkbride @realsamia @mrtobysawyer @ryanjamesthomas We just left him there Annie.He was knackered. Who knows,he's probably still there
mrtobysawyer: @Charliecondou well that sofa was cosy...
Charliecondou: @mrtobysawyer I like to think it was my shoulder
mrtobysawyer: “@Charliecondou: @mrtobysawyer I like to think it was my shoulder” > it's a lovely shoulder (as shoulders go) x
annekirkbride: @Charliecondou @realsamia @mrtobysawyer @ryanjamesthomas do him good charlie xxx
ConnerHabib: This is like a tweet from me RT @Charliecondou: Finished scenes w/ @realsamia @mrtobysawyer and @ryanjamesthomas who we left sleeping on set
Charliecondou: @ConnerHabib yes but, as far as I know, he wasn't covered in body fluids
ConnerHabib: @Charliecondou Ah, but were you? #BukkakeBottom
Charliecondou: @ConnerHabib obviously
clarkhexham: @Charliecondou @realsamia @mrtobysawyer @ryanjamesthomas it's not gonna be the same without you.
Charliecondou: @clarkhexham I'm not leaving
clarkhexham: @Charliecondou oh brill. I've been mooning around at work coz they said you were leaving. Mugged off!!! Still, great news
mrtobysawyer: "@clarkhexham: @Charliecondou @realsamia @mrtobysawyer @ryanjamesthomas it's not gonna be the same without you." > me neither
alastairlewis: Hope Marcus doesn't get back with Sean. Marcus is too good for him #corrie
Charliecondou: @alastairlewis I'll tweet you too x
alastairlewis: @Charliecondou thanks for following

brianfruity: Fruity almost had a panic attack @Charliecondou @aliJcorrie @shelleyanorphan Marcus back to London omg!! Back to #50ShadesOfGrey now
Charliecondou: @brianfruity lol I'm going nowhere
brianfruity: @Charliecondou phew lol!! But I am thinking u need a new love interest a gay hairdresser lol
Charliecondou: @brianfruity haha
Cath_Tyldesley: @JackPShepherd88 @LaurenShippey how awesome is @TitanicSpa??? I want to move in! What did u have? X
JackPShepherd88: @Cath_Tyldesley @LaurenShippey @TitanicSpa we had full body massage = amazing. I fell asleep 4 times! Followed by heat & ice then a facial
Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 @Cath_Tyldesley @LaurenShippey poof
JackPShepherd88: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley @LaurenShippey go wax ya chest Condou!
Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 @Cath_Tyldesley @LaurenShippey do they do back, sack and crack?

flintoff11: They did a great job @rioferdy5, this was before they photo shopped me ! #LetsGetGold
Charliecondou: @flintoff11 @rioferdy5 just saw the trailer, it looks great
SirTomShaw: And now for something completely different: The Three Amigos!
Charliecondou: @SirTomShaw love that film

RazaJaffrey: ...is damper than a sheepdog's chin. Because it's raining in London. Again.
Charliecondou: @RazaJaffrey I've become quite hooked on Smash. Are you doing another series? And will you give jack d all my love?

RazaJaffrey: @Charliecondou Ah Charlie glad you like it. Been a laugh and JackD one of the highlights! Starts again next year - no more Dev he got racy.
Charliecondou: @RazaJaffrey Alas!! Well you've been great in it x
themaverickmen: had a bit of a day dealing with the tube/rain/getting lost on tube/rain/gym, etc...I think I'll hit it tomorrow
Charliecondou: @themaverickmen you could also try @JoeandCoSoho Tell em I sent ya x
themaverickmen: @charliecondou thanks, C!!! may just do that ;) xx
Charliecondou: @themaverickmen @joeandcosoho sure!
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou in grey trackie bottoms is all kinds of erotic
Charliecondou: @Brendan_Surrey eh?
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou Your first scene on Corrie just now :o)
Charliecondou: @Brendan_Surrey ah!
leejonathan: @charliecondou 34??!?
Charliecondou: @leejonathan I was actually really insulted because I thought Marcus was 32. Then I remembered I'm actually nearly 40
leejonathan: @charliecondou i'm 38 and wouldn't try and kid anyone i was younger. is maria going to have marcus' baby? my boyfriend just asked.

gracedent: seriously Marcus, I have DECADES of anecdotes on this. decades. It would be like taking advice off a Vileda Supermop. #corrie
Charliecondou: @gracedent oh Grace

gracedent: @Charliecondou I HAVE DECADES OF EVIDENCE.
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 are you and @clarebalding1 going to Home House on Saturday?? Say you are!
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou @clarebalding1 No...Clare is at Wimbledon
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 @clarebalding1 oh balls (pun intended)
HandsomeSmiler: Just walked past @CharlieCondou on my way to get lunch at pic station. Quite the dish AND a lovely bloke :)
Charliedou: @conHandsomeSmiler lol you should've said hi
TheCorrieGates: @Charliecondou Heya :) x are you working Tomorrow or Thursday? :) Would love to meet you at the gates, please reply x
Charliecondou: @TheCorrieGates working both days c

SalopSkyBlue: Do you think this bloke
will regret it in the morning? The Stone Roses make you do strange things.
gracedent: @SalopSkyBlue: when Stone Roses tickets go wrong!
Charliecondou: @gracedent omg I have that exact same penis!

gracedent: @Charliecondou oh charlie.

SalopSkyBlue: Wowsers!! Last nights tweet about the naked Stones Roses dancer has been retweeted nearly 450 times!
gracedent: @Charliecondou oh charlie.

SalopSkyBlue: Wowsers!! Last nights tweet about the naked Stones Roses dancer has been retweeted nearly 450 times!

VictoriaCoren: in a terrifying pot at the end, all in pre flop with KK v JJ (J on the turn, K on the river...) I finished with 934,000!

sueperkins: @VictoriaCoren congrats :) xx
Charliecondou: @sueperkins @VictoriaCoren ditto x
Above & below: Marcus (Charlie Condou) stays at Maria's place. Maria has an offer too good to refuse!
Below: Aiden (Toby Sawyer) is waiting in the wings for Marcus to move on.
richfly: Charlie is decent-looking, and clearly has a nice lil bod on him. The short, short black boxers only add to the obvious appeal.
molley: Is this the preamble to Charlie leaving? ..I'd rather it was Anthony Cotton ...That character needs a right slap!
josh.blue: I think he was popular at one point when AC first joined the street, but I think that over the past few years his popularity has waned as he seems to be playing a rather one-note character, and is of limited thespian capability. Plus he's also a notorious diva off screen
craig08: Id rather it was Jack Shepherd and Charlie

RodRoxoff: I like Marcus....he's a good character. Sean is a pain in the arse ! I'll bet that's why Bruno Langley left the Street, because they were planning on pairing his gay Todd with Sean !!
Above: Life goes on at the Rovers Return
KimberleyEscada: I'm a casual Corrie viewer, and until they were having the argument last night, I hadn't clicked they were a couple! I though Sean and Marcus were just friends. They don't seem well suited at all and I wouldn't have put Sean down as Marcus's type.
Shevk: Marcus was designed with the whole purpose of being a love interest for Sean. (IIRC he was introduced when Violet was having her pregnancy scan for Dylan) I agree though that he works best independent of Sean and is a much more appealing character than Sean is. Might be a SOR that Marcus would stay on Coronation Street if he and Sean break-up, but taking Marcus in a new direction would definitely benefit his character. The problem with Sean is that he's just too volatile, clingy (self-centred) etc and I don't buy Marcus being hopelessly devoted to him or the two getting married and having babies.
KornerKabin: I think the production team haven't quite 'got it right' with these two, which is ironic as many viewers seem to bleat on that Corrie is too gay. The biggest problem for me is that I just don't believe that they'd still be living at No.11. I do not know one long-term gay couple who would settle for sharing a poky converted front room in a dingy terraced house that they share with at least 27 other people. They'd have moved out long since, especially as they're both in their early thirties. It's all a bit of a tragic picture really, isn't it? The gays can't cope out in the big wide world so they need to be looked after by Mama Eileen - that's my reading anyway. Conversely, straight couples in Corrie move in together in the blink of an eye. In the case of Carla Connor, dumping a plush, quayside apartment in favour of Peter's grubby 70s style pad. If the production team had moved Sean and Marcus into Victoria Court, for instance, their relationship might've been a bit more believable. Heck, they could've even moved them into Jason's flat above the Kabin many months ago - but that was quickly reserved for Tina and Tommy. I sound like a proper gay rights activist. Love Marcus - especially over the past few months. I'd love to see him away from Sean but staying on the street as he's a 100000000x more rounded character than Sean can or ever will be. Remember when Tim Healy came in as Sean's dad and they had that 'storyline', yet Sean showed no empathy with Aidan who was in an very similar situation.
maisymoo: Well in that case.... (see pic)
Uncle Quentin: I like Marcus, I feel sorry for the chap that plays him having to act all his scenes with that idiot Cotton. Sooner or later, he'll get dragged down to his woeful level.
Evilredzebra: I think a lot of it is down to the acting. To even call Anthony Cotton one dimensional would be to give him too much credit. I imagine the writers are probably a little challenged when writing for Sean as they know that whatever dialogue they produce will be massacred and played with the emotional depth of a puddle in a drought.
mrsdaisychain: I can't actually stand him anymore. His acting or attempt at acting is getting worse instead of better. Let's take working in the factory, he doesn't sew on the machine, he just picks at the garment continually. That's all you see him doing, never using the actual machine. It was just pure embarrassment watching him trying to act like a drunk, I was cringing. I hate the way he waltzes up to people and ear wigs their conversations, or just sticks his big nose in. What the producers in the street keep him for, I'll never ever, know. Wish they would get shut.
Bakepres: He can't act at all but we're forced to endure him because none of his bosses have the balls to admit it.
Glomper: He is allegedly a close friend of the producer Phil Collinson!
Uncle Quentin: Oh yes, if only they would - I live for the day they finally get rid of Cotton. Sadly that's not likely whilst Collinson wields the power. I / we just wouldn't get that lucky. I've watched Corrie since the mid 70s & I have to say, he's the worst character EVER bar none - on that score he has no equal.
Above & below: Marcus (Charlie Condou) working on Coronation Street 2011
Above & below: Marcus (Charlie Condou) working on Coronation Street 2011
Hell, I feel I must be completely alone on this forum which was highlighted to me today - I love Sean, and as someone mentioned above, I am too a long standing viewer since the mid 70s. Yeah, Corie is way different now, but so is life. Sean is all most of you say he is, highly insecure (hardly suprising as he was duped into fathering a baby only for that child to be taken away from him) so I, for one don't blame him for being hesitant in wanting another, I cannot imagine what having your child taken away must be like (says me, a grandmother of 2).
ReplyDeleteSean's jealously would drive all of us mad, but come on, can anyone honestly say they have never been in his position of being absoultely heartbroken when you realise the person you love so much is slipping away and it's largely because of you. I actually think Sean and Marcus made a highly believeable couple - though I have had my credibility stretched slightly (as someone else mentioned) that both would still be living with Eileen (though I love her to bits as she's a lot like me). In the real world they would probably have their own place, but this is a soap and all the characters have to live on top of each other to spark of tension and incidents as well as the iconic humour which Corrie is best known for and makes it far better than the others.
Having watched Monday's episodes as well I fear this storyline is going along the Maria will have a child for Marcus route (haven't we been here before?) which I guess many viewers would love but what would happen (history repeats itself) when Maria eventually meets the man of her dreams. Beware Charlie! Don't do it. As for Sean, well he'll live to find another man, despite what he thinks now, they both will, please God (J Harvey) don't let Aiden be Marcus' new love interest - he's awful!!!
Charile, that bit with the photo CD and the memories was the best line in the whole story, truly heartbreaking.