Friday, April 27, 2012


Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: Raised my eyebrows when Cam asked if I'd remembered my passport for trip to Brussels. Got to Eurostar and handed over my daughter's. Had to go back. Cam's smug
DunstanKesseler: @Charliecondou No change there then! Good job you don't live in St Albans. That, and it's impossible to get a decent flat white there...
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @DunstanKesseler unbelievably dull. When are you kids around? It's been an age!
DunstanKesseler: @Charliecondou @cait_ferrara We are around and we'd love to see you and the fam and especially to meet Hal! Not so fussed about Cam mind you
Caitlin Ferrara
cait_ferrara: @DunstanKesseler you are the best husband. I am so hungover.
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @cait_ferrara wasssuuuuuppppp *bud lite face*

The three of us
Two dads, one mum – one family
o    The Guardian, Saturday 28 April 2012

[…Whichever house the kids are in, they have the same bedtime routine and discipline is consistent. It's important that there is never a suggestion that they can get away with behaviour with one parent that would be unacceptable with the others…]

The above is an extract from Charlie’s weekly column. To read the complete article click HERE

Dunstan Kesseler
DunstanKesseler: Samsung back outselling Apple as premier smartphone manufacturer. To paraphrase the Backstreet Boys, Android's back, aalright!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @DunstanKesseler dude!

Hardeep Singh Kohli: The BBC hung me out to dry
[…The incident that cast such a shadow over his life occurred two years after he separated from his wife Sharmila (the couple met as students in Glasgow and have a daughter of 19 and son aged 14). At the time Kohli insisted it was banter between colleagues that went wrong. “Nobody has accused me of sexual harassment. I recognise I overstepped the mark and have apologised unreservedly,” he said…Sitting in Dalston’s CafĂ© Otto, it is hard to imagine Kohli causing offence. True, his love of un-PC jokes can make you gasp. But he’s greeted warmly by the public. Later tonight he’s making shepherd’s pie for his “London family” who include Scottish actor Douglas Henshall, his playwright wife Tena and Coronation Street actor and gay columnist Charlie Condou…]

The above is an excerpt. If you would like to read the complete article go HERE

PaulBurston: Today's #ff are for the Brussels brigade - @Lindag3 @surandickson @JaneHillNews @Charliecondou - great event, great company @Charliecondou went to bed early. Which may explain why he looked fresh faced this morning and I, erm, didn't

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