Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson Please ask your hubby what he's drawn for me. I can't work it out and it's driving me nuts!!
LucyJo_Hudson: @Charliecondou haha Al said he thought he pressed "dustpan" so he drew a dustpan, but he must have clicked on coffin by accident! Haha x

Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson he's a moron haha

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY I wish I was called Twinnielee
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou I bet she does too!
simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou Charlielee x
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou @jojeharvey what are you talking about??? X
JOJEHARVEY: @msm4rsh @charliecondou twinnielee was the name of a contestant on The Voice! X
msm4rsh: @JOJEHARVEY @charliecondou oh yeh I see. X
JOJEHARVEY: @msm4rsh @charliecondou Twinnielee Lomas has a ring to it
The three of us
Two dads, one mum – one family
Charlie Condou
The Guardian, Saturday
24 March 2012
[…Catherine, Cam and I take it in
turns to do Georgia's storytime, but we all have more or less the same routine.
After bathtime we take her into our room to dry her and get her dressed. Then
we get into the big bed together and snuggle down with a book. After the story,
I take her upstairs to her own bed and tuck her in. Then she asks for another
story, not from a book this time. She always wants the same thing – "Tell
me a story about Daddy's Manchester." So I'll make something up about
Daddy and Georgia going to Manchester together and having a lovely adventure…]
This is an excerpt of the original
article. If you would like to read more click HERE

caramckee: @Charliecondou Junkyard Dragon, by Beth Webb, has a mum, an uncle max (stepdad, I think), and kids in the family.

Charliecondou: @caramckee thank you!

ekesse: @Charliecondou re: your book list -
Charliecondou: @ekesse thanks

and Lesbian Themes and Topics in Selected Children's and Young Adult Books

caramckee: @Charliecondou Junkyard Dragon, by Beth Webb, has a mum, an uncle max (stepdad, I think), and kids in the family.

Charliecondou: @caramckee thank you!
ekesse: @Charliecondou re: your book list -

Charliecondou: @ekesse thanks

JonnyUttley: @Charliecondou Can You
Catch A Mermaid by Jane Ray. Beautiful book about single dad and his girl

Charliecondou: @JonnyUttley ta x

limlouisa: re kids books for
@Charliecondou, look out for Mini Mia and her Darling Uncle by Pija Lindenbaum. Its great! about a little
girl living w grandma & struggling w her favourite uncle's new
boyfriend. about jealousy, acceptance
and love

Charliecondou: @limlouisa great,
ehtdoc: @charliecondou "Are we
nearly there?" by Louis Baum abt a toddler with separated parents was
loved by my pre-school son. Fab illustrations.

Charliecondou: @ehtdoc thank you x

hebdensnapper: @Charliecondou Hi. Re
alt family books- there's the excellent Not Ready Yet by Tamsin Walker, pub by
Only Women Press

Charliecondou: @hebdensnapper
excellent, thanks x
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