Above: Proud parents Cameron, Charlie & Catherine with Hal's big sister Georgia.
(Hal in many countries is an abbreviated form of Henry if you didn't know)

hughbon: @Confidential_CC fantastic
gorgeousness & congrats all round. Welcome to the party, Hal x
ChadLDN: Bless @Charliecondou, who left his newborn to come talk about Kardashians and Paris Hilton.
nannyhollyrixon: @Charliecondou Congrats to you, Cameron and Catherine!!! Miss N and I can't wait to meet baby Hal the baby!!! ;) xxx
meamandamealing: @Charliecondou Congratulations to you all babe. Welcome to the world little man. Xxxx
twinsmum67: @Charliecondou congratulations to u all on the safe arrival of Hal. Big hugs & kisses from us all. Xx
nicstep: @Charliecondou welcome Hal!!! Congratulations love. Let the madness begin!!!

lizzlevalente: @Confidential_CC
happy news like yours makes the day brighter. Welcome to the world little one.
Shum65: @Confidential_CC Hiya CCC, great to tweet ya mate, thanks great news about Charlie’s little baby boy congrats !!! Bet he’s busy lol XxX ;-))
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou
Hurrah! Welcome Hal Condou x

RichardHesketh1: @Confidential_CC How
wonderful is that? Well done Chas, mum and everyone! Now, onward to

EllieJuckes: @Confidential_CC awww
lovely:))) thanks for sharing x
fifi05: @Confidential_CC Aww,
that is lovely news x x
tvordlj: Congratulations,
@Charliecondou on the safe arrival of
the little'un!
simperman: @Charliecondou
Congratulations to all of you on young Hal x
missamandalamb: @Charliecondou Bloody
hell! Here you go again! Huge congratulations to you all!! Welcome to this
crazy world little man, it's so much fun x
lesleywinter: @Charliecondou Welcome
Hal Condou into the world..well done to you both..much love. x
Above and Below: Kym Marsh and Charlie Condou at Century Club Soho London on the occasion of Charlie's 39th birthday. Photos taken in the early hours of Sunday 8th of January 2012.
Below: David Tennant also departing charlie's party.
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