Saturday, November 26, 2011


Lily Allen congratulated over birth

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Friends of Lily Allen have congratulated her on news that she has given birth to a baby girl following the heartache of two earlier miscarriages. Coronation Street actor Charlie Condou took to Twitter to confirm the news that the singer had had her baby, writing: "She has indeed, a little girl."

Though a regular Twitter user, she has yet to post any updates on the birth of her child, although she did write "Totes amaze" on the site on Friday.

Among those who responded to the news on Twitter was BBC cricket correspondent Jonathan Agnew, who tweeted his congratulations to the couple. He wrote: "Many congrats to @MrsLRCooper and Sam on birth of their first child. Lovely news to wake up to." Singer Myleene Klass also tweeted "congrats".

The X

Charlie Condou ✔

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton The X-Factor is the modern day equivalent of the Roman Circus of 3000 yrs ago...can we just send in the lions and be done with it ?


boydhilton: @Confidential_CC zzzzz...

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: RT @JOJEHARVEY: 'Amelia Lily is amazing' says Kelly. 'However, at some point in this competition I booted her out.'

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: I love Kelly's dress. I wonder how long it took her to make #xfactor

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: RT @caroldecker: @GBarlowOfficial what's your fucking problem ? I actually have perfect pitch


RobOnTheRock: @Charliecondou Canadians are rejoicing at the much anticipated return of Marcus last night! The wait is finally over!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @RobOnTheRock hooray!! X



hevdav: @Charliecondou did I just see you with your daughter in Arlesford???

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @hevdav you did indeed

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @berniekatzsoho hello princess xx


berniekatzsoho: @Charliecondou hello handsome, how are you and your beautiful daughter xxxx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @berniekatzsoho I'm great, she's got chickenpox. You ok?


berniekatzsoho: @Charliecondou oh poor little lady. make her chicken soup, I'll tell you how to make it. I'm good, at work. Xxxx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @berniekatzsoho oh! I've just remembered I need to book someone a room on the 7th Jan. shall I phone you?


berniekatzsoho: @Charliecondou. Best give us a ring, smothered in diamonds. Xxxx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @berniekatzsoho having dinner, call you in a bit xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @berniekatzsoho dm'd you baby x


Paul Keating

1PaulKeating: Think I've found an admirer


djy12345: @1PaulKeating Is it just me or does that look alarmingly like @Charliecondou ?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @djy12345 @1PaulKeating I would be offended if you weren't right

The Velvet Onion

thevelvetonion: TVO are big fans of @Charliecondou and want to encourage you to go read his fantastic weekly column. It's.. amazing.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @thevelvetonion thanks guys x


alisondavin: @Charliecondou put oats in a sock and tie it to the taps when u run her bath Makes the water lovely & creamy & will really help soothe skin

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @alisondavin I'm going to try that, thanks

Above: Charlie Condou and Mark Gatiss at one of the 2010 Terrence Hill Trust fundraisers. On the 28th November 2011 Charlie will be attending another of the THT functions.


Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_in_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett did you enjoy your birthday?


MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ It was cool, got a happy b-day from Russell Tovey and Charlie Condou, blogged by you with my twitter family <3 X

Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_in_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett a mighty big thanks form my completed Wolf transformation pic it is AMAZE!!!


Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @MarkMMerrett Happy birthday! X


MarkMMerrett: @Charliecondou Awww Thank you Charlie <3 x



Deborah726: @Charliecondou Great seeing you back on the Canadian Corrie episodes last night! Have a great day. xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Deborah726 thanks! X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason you're in this weeks column again love

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: This weeks column: @guardianfamily @HarrietRGreen


Brendan_Surrey: #FF @Confidential_CC For all you need to know about the wonderful actor and twat (his description!) @Charliecondou


Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou oh no. Are you nice about me? Do I have to read it?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason yes I am and yes you do


Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I've read it. Well done! You come across quite well xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason they'll never know the truth


streetworker01: @Charliecondou Great column, again. Didn't know you were a fellow gadget geek. I get mocked mercilessly for it in the story office! x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 oh I love a good gadget me!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: RT @Wendy_Wason: I disagree with Sartre. Hell isn't other people. It's pairing socks for a family of 5.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: My daughter has chicken pox.She's stumbling around covered in angry looking pus-filled blisters.It's like something out of Shaun of the Dead


Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou 2 days and she'll be happy and bubbly but still looking freaky - for about 2 weeks.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan she's itching like crazy, poor thing. And those spots get everywhere


lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou there's a lot of it around, good to get out of the way, might bring gabeythebaby round!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr do it! We took her to a friend who had it 3 weeks ago. I'd rather get it out of the way

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan I'm doing your show on the 2nd Dec by the way!


Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou can you believe that is my first day off for ages its my Mum in laws 80th! Gutted x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan haha bloody sod's law!


GavinJuniper: @Charliecondou Poor thing. Chamomile tea allowed to cool then applied is good and then a bit of bicarb of soda in the bath. Old fashioned.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @GavinJuniper we've just bought the bicarb


GavinJuniper: @Charliecondou It looks worse usually. We have a pic of Edie when she had it. Proper Dickensian looking. Wish her better. x


TupeleDorgu: @Charliecondou Charles! How awful. Poor Georgia :-( had a nice time last night. Thanks for sorting. Hope u guys have a good weekend x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @TupeleDorgu anytime love x


kazpoole: @Charliecondou oh god..poor thing..rose hasn't had it fun eh? x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @kazpoole well bring her over if you want to get it over with x


LMWinstanley: @Charliecondou @guardianfamily @harrietrgreen isn't the donkey for twins? It's a bit lopsided if not!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @LMWinstanley one side for newborn, one side for toddler. Very clever


ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou Looks like G has taken on board "sharing is caring". We have the pox too now!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal oh no, poor "Yaygo"

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