Thursday, November 24, 2011


Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Having a curry and a beer on my own at Akbars. People are looking at me with pity

Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou no it's the stained shirt and terrible have lost your gay sparkle obv x


thankyoudaniel: @Charliecondou No man with curry is an island, Charlie. What curry did you order?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @thankyoudaniel All of them

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Someone just asked for a photo, then asked if I'd like to join their table. She did that sympathetic head tilt as she spoke


Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou they do that all the time. Haven't you noticed?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason Yes. I do it to you when we talk about baby weight


Jennyfremma: The leveson enquiry is fascinating. My stomach was churning watching the Mccann clip on c4 news. Those poor poor people.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma @RupertHill Will I ever see you again??


Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou @ruperthill whenever you like big boy! Roo's back & forth filming for another week but then we're both here. Miss you xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma @ruperthill I'm off next week but praps the week after. I miss you (Matilda) too x


Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou @ruperthill sounds good to me. And I'm not bringing Matilda if SHE'S gonna get all the attention x

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma So tempting! (isn't jalfrezi the word you use for your mimsy?)


Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou no I call that my lamb bhuna

Guardian Family

guardianfamily: @Charliecondou but Charlie, you have the whole of Twitter with you.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @guardianfamily I'm not sharing my curry!!


misterhsk: @Charliecondou did I mention poker at mine on Dec 11th?x

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: I've just ordered a balti. If @misterhsk was here he'd slap me #notaproperdish


misterhsk: @Charliecondou darling, if I was there I'd be cooking...

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @misterhsk I know lover, I know (don't know where I'll be on the 11th but if I'm there, I'm THERE XX)


zoetaylor97: @Charliecondou can you please tweet @AbigailWillis23 for her 20th birthday she would be so happy she loves you in the old corrieee

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @AbigailWillis23 happy birthday x

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @zoetaylor97 done


zoetaylor97: @Charliecondou thank you so so so so so so so much!!!!

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @zoetaylor97 (she's not even following me)


AbigailWillis23: @Charliecondou thank you! X


shebahronay: @Charliecondou are you just using your twitter account/phone to look like you're not the sad lonely man they think you are but VIP?...I can call you if you really need...

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @shebahronay No!! (yes)

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: Haha it beats movember RT @naomirog: Please RT and support cervical cancer awareness by ditching the wax and getting your bush on! #fannuary


BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou started mine already lovely man! xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @BeverlyMacca1 oh Bev


BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou head start Charlie! xx Hope you are well. xx


LucyGreen_TT: @Charliecondou I've had a tweet off you before, not that you remember :( but today its my birthday so pleeaase can I have a little tweet :)

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @LucyGreen_TT happy birthday xx


TupeleDorgu: @Charliecondou thankyou am chuffed 2bits. Manc 19th go put a word on that board! :-) x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @TupeleDorgu just one day or a tour??

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: They took my naan tree away while I was tweeting. I am bereft

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: It's ok though. I got TWO After Eights. #benefitsofbeingontelly


Liam1709: @Charliecondou haha two? Greedy. Ps. Osteo isnt covered for insurance to work anywhere other than her treatment room.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: RT @RickNewMoney: @Charliecondou RT Lola from eastenders is running the marathon for great ormand street hospital! check out :) x


Liam1709: @Charliecondou although I can drag you there. It isn't far.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Liam1709 alas x


jamesndaisy: @Charliecondou was lovely to see u in @paul_a_young the other day but by the time I came up to say hi u had gone!!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @jamesndaisy @paul_a_young ah yes, love that place. I was with @rpenryj


jamesndaisy: @Charliecondou @paul_a_young @rpenryj still trying to grab @Gailporter to get some chocs for honey!! U not following me? Shameful lol

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @jamesndaisy I am now


jamesndaisy: @Charliecondou so I see!! ;0) can now keep u up to date with new chocolate!! Window display...


Xanneroo: @Charliecondou am just heading out for curry on MY own. This is a shocking waste of serendipitous synchro-sub-continental supper opportunity

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Xanneroo innit


Xanneroo: @Charliecondou not so much as a sniff of After Eight...


shebahronay: @Xanneroo @charliecondou only darling Xander could put it so beautifully


shebahronay: @Charliecondou No. They just on auto for the TWO customers they're used to serving

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @shebahronay Shebah, please don't make me invite THE WHOLE OF TWITTER to your party


shebahronay: @Charliecondou shush..delete...delete

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @shebahronay haha (I actually have a horrid feeling that my scene tomorrow is being moved to last meaning I won't make it!)


shebahronay: @Charliecondou nooooo - tell them you have a doctor's appointment or something. VAT return?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma no, I'm watching the One Direction documentary with @Harry_Styles who is just lovely


Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou @harry_styles are they in several billion pounds of debt?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma @harry_styles not yet but give them time. Hair products are fucking expensive these days


Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou @harry_styles surely they can just use their excessive levels of teenage fluids to style their hair? #andothermoneysavinggems


olivermellor: @Charliecondou Ohhh I wud have come! x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @olivermellor Oh piss, I didnt know you were still here

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