msm4rsh: Emily likes Craig and I am torn between him and mischa b. But most improved act is def Marcus! X
Charliecondou: I'm completely obsessed with #littlemix
lizmatthewspr: "@Charliecondou: I'm completely obsessed with #littlemix" ME TOO!! Pls can you get them to play at your b'day party?!
Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr OMG That would be AMAZE!!!
Shmouise: Celebrating all that is great about TV in the North West #rtsnw
Charliecondou: @Shmouise did we win owt?
Charliecondou: @Shmouise @JOJEHARVEY Amazing. What did I win?
Shmouise: @Charliecondou @jojeharvey the meat raffle.
JOJEHARVEY: @Shmouise @Charliecondou did I win perkiest tits? x
Shmouise: @JOJEHARVEY @charliecondou joint first with Johnny Vegas.
jedessex: @Charliecondou Hey! Thanks for the request dude - thought you were still on - stupid twitter. you ok sexy?
Charliecondou: @jedessex I'm good ta, my twitter was doing something weird. Wouldn't let me read your answers lol
jedessex: @Charliecondou wanna ask a question charlie boy! xx can be annoymous!! xx ;-)
Charliecondou: @jedessex lol no that's ok, just enjoying the answers
jedessex: @Charliecondou Plans for the weekend charlie boy? did u finish reading all my answers ;-)
Charliecondou: @jedessex Yep, read em all lol
Confidential_CC: @jedessex @Charliecondou Chas I almost got Jed to be an Aussie....It was not meant to be, sadly...but he may change his mind later x
richardpbacon: @Charliecondou @emmafreud Wife & son will be delighted with that. I've started combining all 3, I took 'em both to the Dean Street Townhouse
Charliecondou: @richardpbacon Follow me, I want to DM you about Tuesday
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou how's tricks big lad
Above: Charlie Condou with fans at ITV Corrie central Manchester
Charliecondou: My fantastic editor at the Guardian has finally joined Twitter! Give her a follow @HarrietRGreen
HarrietRGreen: aw, thank you Charlie! x @Charliecondou
Tom_In_Oz_: Morning @Charliecondou hello and welcome to Twitter @HarrietRGreen I am Charlie's blog keeper...I live in Oz and I am mostly harmless, Tom x
HarrietRGreen: hello @Tom_In_Oz_ ! Better late than never, I hope...x top column today @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @emmafreud Im doing @richardpbacon's show again on Tuesday. Im befriending him purely to get last minute tables at posh restaurants
emmafreud: @Charliecondou v wise. @richardpbacon brillliant for a) bookings b) toptopwife and c) fun. Good package.
Charliecondou: Amazing piece by Steve Coogan from yesterday's Guardian
Charliecondou: @emmafreud @richardpbacon His wife is superb, and I imagine his son is too. But its really just about the restaurant bookings for me
Charliecondou: Amazing! I want to go to Teapot Island!! RT @EmmaK67: My new Guardian Column starts today. Here's the first one.
shebahronay: @Charliecondou @emmafreud @richardpbacon you can all stroke each other on Thursday :-)
Charliecondou: @shebahronay @emmafreud @richardpbacon I was going to ask if they were coming! But it would've been embarrassing if they hadnt been invited
Charliecondou: Oh, and here's my column too @guardianfamily @harrietRgreen
Charlie Condou: The three of us
Two dads, one mum – one family
By Charlie Condou Sat 19th Nov 2011
[…Just when do you break the news to a two year old that she's going to have a baby brother? Too early and you give them an inconceivably long waiting time; leave it too late and they don't have enough time to process the idea. We decided to wait until the final three months to tell Georgia, and so now we have one very excited big-sister-to-be on our hands...]
If you’d like to read the complete article please click HERE.
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou wonderful, as ever. Px
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou "lover"? I thought we had this out in the wine bar?
jpflintoff: @Charliecondou greetings fellow Holland Parker! am enjoying your column and features in the Guardian…
lawriejordan: @Charliecondou really nice read Charlie. I'm about to embark on a similar path and its good to know other people are going through it too x
jonesyinc1: This made me cry but it's so beautiful, please watch
Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou this in from @jonesyinc1 it is really amaze it's so beautiful, please watch
jonesyinc1: @Tom_In_Oz_ @charliecondou it's amazing - one of those you wish you could make everyone watch! Cx
Tom_In_Oz_: @jonesyinc1 @charliecondou well it made me misty and it's not even my time of the month x
edwardclarke: Virgin cattle truck to Coventry
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke disturbing they run it just for virgins but how did you qualify?
edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ I winked at the ticket collector ;-P – Oi! Things looking up! Hot New Zealand eye candy just sat opposite :-)
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke put your knitting in your hand...he will soon be on you like a rutting bull...NZ men have a thing for wool and sheep!
DiversityRM: @jameswharton @Charliecondou Charlie has been an inspirational role model with us. Aside from not ironing his shirt.
Charliecondou: On the train from Manchester to London for the 5th time this week. At least I've got a good book @thatbloodyMikey
christhake: @Charliecondou and good clean thumb nails.
Charliecondou: @christhake lol
thatbloodyMikey: @Charliecondou Yay!.. the sequel! xxxx really hope you like mr xxx
Charliecondou: @thatbloodyMikey I'm sure I will, and according to the acknowledgements, you wrote it for me. Which is very sweet of you x
scottagnew: @Charliecondou are you on the 3.35 from picadolly? I'm on that one - tell me I'm not inadvertently stalking you!
Charliecondou: @scottagnew 4:15, don't worry
scottagnew: @Charliecondou enjoy the book then it's fab! I'd have been forced to come blether otherwise. Safe trip!
LissieG28: @Charliecondou I'm also boarding a train from Manchester #platform7
Charliecondou: @LissieG28 I'm halfway there!
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