Saturday, November 12, 2011


Stonewall takes on homophobic language this Anti-Bullying Week

Nov 11th, 2011

‘Stop and think – words can hurt’ is the theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week (14-18 November).

Ninety five per cent of secondary school teachers, recently polled by YouGov for Stonewall, reported hearing the phrases ‘you’re so gay’ or ‘that’s so gay’ in their schools. And nine in ten said that children and young people, regardless of their sexual orientation, experience homophobic bullying, name calling or harassment.

This Anti-Bullying Week several high-profile supporters have joined Stonewall’s Education for All campaign, which tackles homophobic bullying in schools. Household names including Coronation Street star and Guardian columnist Charlie Condou and broadcaster and journalist Vanessa Feltz have spoken out about the urgent need to tackle this issue.

Ben Summerskill, Stonewall’s Chief Executive, said: ‘Anti-Bullying Week is a powerful opportunity to raise awareness of the need to tackle homophobic bullying and language in our schools. No child or young person should be prevented from fulfilling their potential because of homophobic bullying.’

There are many ways to get involved in Stonewall’s work this Anti-Bullying Week and beyond. Take part in Stonewall’s photo competition, ask your old school, or a school near where you live, to become a Stonewall School Champion or hold a tea party in aid of Stonewall. See for more ideas.

Sixty three per cent of secondary teachers say homophobic bullying has a negative impact on pupils’ school work, which can ultimately lead to them missing out on career and development opportunities.

‘The bullying had a huge impact on my school work and home life…I found it a lot harder to concentrate, worrying about silly things like leaving the classroom for break, or getting across the yard between lessons.’ – Jess, 16


Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Thanks for all your messages so far, please feel free to leave comments on the Guardian website

Homophobia kills

Christopher Leader

LeaderAbrahams: @Charliecondou hiya hope you've had a good rest of the week. Just read your @guardiannews & @DiversityRM article on bullying which is great!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @LeaderAbrahams thanks x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @niall_odriscoll My feed tells me you've just started following Justin Beiber. I hope you are thoroughly ashamed

Niall O'Driscoll

niall_odriscoll: @Charliecondou Yea, I just started following 'The Beiber' & Tool Academy. Call it research. #BieberFever4eva

Shirley McMillan

shirleyatshimna: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie, great article, thanks! Our school in N. Ireland runs a GSA to tackle homophobia:

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @shirleyatshimna Brilliant! Good work x


trixibellenet: @Charliecondou just want to say I think you're ace :o) Love everything you've been doing in the Guardian.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @trixibellenet Thanks xxx


lane_paula: Its official, I shall be running the London Marathon 2012 for Henshaws!!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @lane_paula You are MAD!!!!!


JaneHillNews: Super piece in the Guardian Charlie. @charliecondou on homophobia in schools and amongst teens:…

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JaneHillNews Thanks Jane x


juliehes: Great article in guardian today by lovely@Charliecondou. All about homophobic bullying. X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @juliehes ta Juliehes cxx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Listen to "Taxi cab", proof, if you need it, that this is THE best album of the year @tracey_thorn - #iTunes


tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou You are a complete sweetie xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn Well that's true obviously. But it is a great album x


ParamountSoho: What a lovely way to start the weekend...being serenaded by @PalomaFaith while I tweet. She has an amazing voice and is very small fyi

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @ParamountSoho Oh @PalomaFaith serenaded me at Century once. "Ive never loved a man (the way I love you)"She absolutely meant every word too

Philip Olivier

officialolivier: #FF @mrPJProductions if u like going to nightclubs. In the industry? Want PA's?? Follow then!! xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @officialolivier @mrPJProductions I'm on it!!


tracey_thorn: @KathViner I don't know why I don't have my own fashion column really, hint hint #sensiblemumclothesadvice

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn @KathViner I'll be editor of The Guardian by next year, I'll give you a column


tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou @KathViner That's true! I love how much you are taking over the Guardian!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn @KathViner Thanks. Im hoping to be made Tory correspondent by Christmas. Then I want @gracedent’s job


realsamia: @JOJEHARVEY .. I'd love t come n c your play.. Can we sort tickets easily?! Xxx hope ur well love!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @realsamia @JOJEHARVEY Im thinking of going on Tuesday Sam, if I get up there in time. Fancy it??


realsamia: @Charliecondou .. Ooh I can't do next tues.. Will prob be a week or two before I can go if u can wait that long for our date??! X ;))

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @realsamia I'll wait for you Samwise!!!


realsamia: Been 2 vets 4 a post op check up with my dog Sonny.. He had a teeth clean this week, was v brave! Teeth probs run in the family it seems!!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @realsamia (Hows the toothache btw?)


realsamia: @Charliecondou yayy! Let's sort a good date n book tickets.. Big x to u 3! Xxx

Graham Linehan

Glinner: All channels! RT @helenhamill: what channel is it always on?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Glinner Is this the cooking programme with Ross, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Chandler and Joey?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy Hiya hon x


bainser: What with his column & now this @Charliecondou is pretty inspiring these days *dabs eyes complains of dusty room*

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @bainser Thank you kindly x


bainser: @Charliecondou I've just filled in the application form to be a @DiversityRM volunteer.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @bainser @DiversityRM That's brilliant, thank you! It's quite an amazing charity


munchkindamo: @Charliecondou You are SUCH a legend. Brilliant article and I agree with every word. Thank you for everything you do to make things better x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @munchkindamo Why thank you xx


timowenjones: Read this and please tell everyone about it…... thanks @charliecondou

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @timowenjones thanks x


scottm: Why do I love @Charliecondou? Writing like this, that's why » Why is school such a hard place to be gay?

Charlie Condou

Charliecoondou: @scottm Thanks x


djy12345: I just picked up guardian and saw @Charliecondou and NAKED TRUTH and thought crikey he's doing page 3.

Charlie Condou

Charliecoondou: @djy12345 Give me time Douglas, give me time...

Below: Charlie's tweet linking his article on how gay children are being bullied in school is sat next to George Michael's tweet about the numbers of gay people...

Why is school such a hard place to be gay?

Despite the high profile of young characters such as Kurt and his boyfriend in TV show Glee, two-thirds of gay teenagers are still bullied at school. Charlie Condou, who plays a gay character in Coronation Street, considers why – and what is being done to stop it

Article by Charlie Condou for the

Thursday 10 November 2011

Extract from Guardian article:

[...Homophobia kills. LGBT kids are two to three times more likely to commit suicide than their straight peers. They are also more likely to self-harm and suffer from depression or substance abuse. And that's before we begin to count those who are harmed by others, attacked because of their sexuality, real or perceived. Stonewall's Education for All campaign aims to raise awareness of a problem that is often trivialised or ignored by schools. Let's hope that message finally gets through...]

If you would like to read the complete article click HERE

If you’d like to have more information on how to help go to:


streetworker01: @Charliecondou Lovely to see you again earlier. x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 you too. Sorry I couldn't chat x


sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou really interesting..loved it x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @sally_lindsay ta love


Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou U r so gay! LOL!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: RT @lisafaulkner1: My #ff today is for @francesbarber13 who makes me laugh everyday on twitter. She is hilarious!!


DanielGilbertUK: @Charliecondou Brilliant Gurdian piece - really inspiring. Wish more schools were proactive against homophobic bullying…

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @DanielGilbertUK Thank you

George Michael

GeorgeMichael: I REMEMBER YOU (same show)…

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @GeorgeMichael Here you are George x…

Chris Sullivan…”@Charliecondou beautiful article mr! X please read

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @mrchrissullivan Thanks love x


meamandamealing: @Charliecondou Hi babe. You in town later? Xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @meamandamealing No darling, got a crazy day today. Next week Im a lot quieter xx


andywasley: Why is school such a hard place to be gay? via @guardian <-- Superb article by @CharlieCondou.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @andywasley Cheers Andy x

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