Spimon: Beetroot on a pizza was surprisingly delicious!
Confidential_CC: @Spimon you're just saying that x
Spimon: I truly love a bit of beetroot @Confidential_CC
Confidential_CC: @Spimon an old Oz joke for ya but you have to know that in Oz "root" is used for the word "f*ck" ...so are you ready to play...?
Confidential_CC: Spimon What's the difference between an egg and a beetroot?
Spimon: @Confidential_CC - I don't know what is the difference between an egg and a beetroot?
Confidential_CC: @Spimon you CAN beat an egg, but ......
Spimon: @Confidential_CC - haha saucy!
twinsdad72: The boys have had a fab day in weatherfield with there friends @antonycotton @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @twinsdad72 SO sorry to see them go!! They are such great kids x
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou just told them what you said....there reply was hey thanks #friendsforever
fayeconstable: Sorry if all I said to you was "aren't you from coronation st" lol, was half asleep @charliecondou
Charliecondou: @fayeconstable it's alright. That's what most people say to be honest
Charliecondou: @SarahMillican75 I saw you on the train from Manchester a few days ago. I would have said hello but you looked busy. Plus I don't know you
SarahMillican75: @Charliecondou oh well say hello next time, will you? X
Charliecondou: @SarahMillican75 Oh I will. I spend at least 67% of my time on that train.
emmaramsay: @Charliecondou if I saw @sarahmillican75 on the train I wouldn't shut up, she would have to chuck me out!
SarahMillican75: @emmaramsay @charliecondou and she probably would! ;)
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou @sarahmillican75 watch him Sarah. #freakystalker
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason @sarahmillican75 Sarah is now officially my funniest female friend
SarahMillican75: @Charliecondou @wendy_wason Define "friend". Run Wendy! X
Charliecondou: @SarahMillican75 @wendy_wason Oh come now Sarah, I know you feel it too
LyndonOgbourne: One more teaser pic that was taken by @mattyc24 for @GayTimesMag but wasn't used in the mag will be released on here at 8.15pm *watch out*
Charliecondou: @LyndonOgbourne I'm holding my breath!
LyndonOgbourne: RT: @Charliecondou @LyndonOgbourne I'm holding my breath! Ha! I thought you would be! :-)
Charliecondou: @LyndonOgbourne Just DM them to me, I have really weak lung capacity
LyndonOgbourne: @Charliecondou haha!...I'll chuck you a laminated copy!!!! Just in case you spill your coffee on it?!?!
Charliecondou: @LyndonOgbourne haha of course!
JOJEHARVEY: it WAS 2 jacket potatoes, cut in half, covered with cheese, chilli, sour cream and some cheeky salads.
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY I'm not being funny right babes, but it looked vile
Charliecondou: I've been watching Ali King do some heavy scenes today. If she doesn't win some awards I'll eat my leg
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas I'm still waiting for those speedo photos Ryno
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou @ryanjamesthomas you and me both babes. White and wet? x
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou aren't they on Grindr already?
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston Oh it wouldn't surprise me Paul
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou @PaulBurston Ryan and Phil. PARTNERED BUT LOOKING FOR NS FUN. No fuglies.
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY hahahahaha *downloads grindr and waits patiently*
photogirluk: @Charliecondou I'm on a train up noorth reading @gracedent's latest... When we pokering?
Charliecondou: @photogirluk Soon!! It's been too bloody long! X
faerymadness: @Charliecondou Pass on the Twitter love to Ali. Wish she was on here!!
Charliecondou: @faerymadness will do
Steve_Townley: @Charliecondou evening Charlie, are you down here or up there?
Charliecondou: @Steve_Townley on the train between the two!
stephanie_todd_: @Charliecondou CHARLIE! Please please tweet me, I think your brill as Marcus :)xo
Charliecondou: @stephanie_todd_ why thank you kindly x
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou you're on telly now. In Corrie.
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY OMG!! What am I doing?? Am I wearing that really gay vest??
AubreyEMiller: @Charliecondou @JOJEHARVEY Charlie looks good in anything (but better in nothing) x
MichaelLeVell: @Charliecondou start eating pal ! They have there favourites. That's showbiz.
Charliecondou: @MichaelLeVell Im saying NOTHING pal x
MichaelLeVell: @Charliecondou watching footy now tweet later :))
Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran I've nearly finished it! What the fuck will I read next? Is @gracedent's out yet?
caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou It is and it's a fucking hoot. PLUS you can play "Guess who she's slagging off"
Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou are you bookclubbing? Xx
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin YES!!! (When is it again?)
Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou Sunday 15th xxx
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin Oh yes. YES!
Hemmo: @Charliecondou @angela_griffin Where is it? At a house? *Sunday train panic face* xxx
Charliecondou: @Hemmo @angela_griffin Im not having you all here again #notenoughchairsorstew
Hemmo: @Charliecondou @angela_griffin You bloody tried to nick my glasses.
Charliecondou: @Hemmo I was going to ebay them
welshjaci: @Charliecondou Get yer kit off again! #JacilovesCorrieactorsinskimpyvests
Charliecondou: @welshjaci Hahaha was I wearing it??
welshjaci: @Charliecondou You were! I think it was after a shower. Now "Chris" is in it. I think "Jason" was first owner! I love Wardrobe economics!
Charliecondou: @welshjaci haha we pass it round
HRWright: I ate ever such a lot of very-nice-indeed Thai food at the confusingly-not-on-Twitter @SIAM in Soho last night. Am *still* not hungry.
HRWright: That said, I'm sure I can manage just a little lunchtime morsel of something.
Confidential_CC: @HRWright meat x
HRWright: @Confidential_CC Always ;-)
suetilley1: Don't really know why people think that Justin Timberlake is gorgeous but he seems like a jolly funny chap #alancarr
Confidential_CC: @suetilley1 Thimble Lake reminds me of Doogie Howser x
suetilley1: @Confidential_CC wyeah I see what you mean
JAMESINREHAB: What does Paris Hilton actually do? If I described her job-wise what would it be? #parishilton
Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB porn actress?
MackenzieBR: @Charliecondou @jamesinrehab I said the same... But amatuer... You seen the vid? Was crappy! I vomed
Charliecondou: @MackenzieBR I know! I have better ones on my iPhone!
MackenzieBR: @Charliecondou we could bump iPhones and share the porn... Or bump nobs.. Whatever
BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou have you seen what those naughty boyz have bin up2 in Thailand!! xx http://t.co/lhQFCcF
Charliecondou: @BeverlyMacca1 hahaha
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @BeverlyMacca1 speaking of porn do I blog that ? Think NOT x
BeverlyMacca1: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou are you sayin my blog is porn! how very dare you... LOL! xx
Confidential_CC: @BeverlyMacca1 Bev babes was saying I don't think I'd put your snap on @Charliecondou's blog charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com
BeverlyMacca1: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou Duh...you shud now by now that bev is a thick biatch! Luv ya! xx Talkin of blogs - http://t.co/4TQUfql
BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou Your blog is ded posherer than mine! Luv it tho! Happy Friday garjus. xx http://t.co/4TQUfql
boydhilton: Over a million viewers for home-grown comedy Trollied on Sky1 last night. If you build it, they will come...
stuartmurphy100: @boydhilton thanks Boyd, and well done everyone on #trollied. Ace show. Follow the guy responsible for #trollied (& the office) @AshAtalla
boydhilton: @stuartmurphy100 @AshAtalla Really pleasing that your drive for home-grown comedy is already paying dividends.
stuartmurphy100: @boydhilton @ashatalla thanks boyd. Typing quietly as kids asleep here. About to get storm which @Aiannucci just had. That'll wake them up
Charliecondou: @stuartmurphy100 Well hello! How are you? Is DC on here too? X
stuartmurphy100: @Charliecondou hello mister. Dc isnt on here. Dc is barely on e mail. Quill and parchment, thats dc. Xx
Confidential_CC: @stuartmurphy100 letting U know that I run a blog for Charlie & Russell Tovey so U'll show up on their Twitterspondence charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com
Charliecondou: @stuartmurphy100 I'll send him a telegram. Are you well?
stuartmurphy100: @Charliecondou really good. Sunburnt on hols just me and the kids. In fact DC is on here under full name. Lets have beers when im back x
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens Dear Mike re HeeBeeGeeBees track “Meaningless Songs” 5 years ago U sent me the mp3 & still waiting for it on CD. Cheers Tom in Oz
fentonstevens: @Confidential_CC that's nice to know. The album is now available in Aus. I'll find out the record company and pass it on. Digital, of course
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens Hope you read the blurb on the HeeBeeGeeBee song site I made for my music blog & what's more I hope I had the info correct? x
fentonstevens: @Confidential_CC I've written to Philip Pope and asked him when the digital remaster of original master will be ready for download. Soon!! x
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens Can’t wait for updates the album got to #2 in Oz.
fentonstevens: Had drinks with Robin Gibb after the show last night. For an old HeeBeeGeeBee that was an interesting chat! He was a charming BeeGee, though
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens OMG was Rob Gibb in awe of you oh Lord HBGB?
fentonstevens: @Confidential_CC @Confidential_CC he showed the proper respect x
fifi05: @Charliecondou Hi, how are you ? I have been ill 4 a week with a gastro-viral bug, i got 2 the point of being dehydrated & today is the 1st day i've felt better ! It's been horribe. So any chance of a mention from my fave #Corrie star please ? Thankyou sweetie x x
Charliecondou: @fifi05 hope you feel better soon! Xxx
fifi05: @Charliecondou Thankyou lovely x x x
idhToronto: watching an episode of Pie In The Sky starring a very young and very handsome @Charliecondou
Confidential_CC: @JamesAFleet No news here hope all is in the swim there x
JamesAFleet: @Confidential_CC All well. Raining.
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