Posted: August 25, 2011
Philip Olivier, actor, ‘gay magazine pin up’ and ‘metro sexual tease’.
‘Olivier's repeatedly said he’s straight in all the gay magazine interviews (of which there are many) that he’s done. In 2005, he was a national judge on Mr Gay UK and he’s appeared at various gay pride events and in 2010 appeared in a BBC soap, Doctors, playing a gay yoga teacher so he’s a straight guy who likes playing with the gay boys.
This is a metro sexual who has apparently made some money from the gay community and so it perhaps helps if men keep thinking there’s a possibility of some sexual liaison. He’s on Twitter as @officialoliver and had been interacting with gay Coronation Street (huge Brit soap TV show) actor Charlie Condou via twitter. A curious thing to do you might think, but happily the Charlie Condou fan site ‘Charlie Condou Confidential’ caught the relevant tweets.
Olivier later tweeted: ‘Noooooooo! Note to self. Stay away from twitter when intoxicated. Noooooooooooooooo! xx’.
Condou replied: Charliecondou: @officialolivier ‘Mate, can’t wait to see that photo in Heat xx’.
‘It can only be a matter of time before such confident heterosexuals start posting pictures of them being mounted by a very well endowed porn star whilst fellating his best mate. “Just for the craic like”…
Metro sexual culture is confusing. I am the first to admit that! But in that confusion there is some potential for men to stop ‘going round with one hand tied behind their backs‘. I see some playful sense of ‘freedom’ in Olivier’s photo. And if it is as far as he goes down homo lane, that is his own business. In comparison to the modern metro man, gay men could be seen to be more constrained in many ways, in terms of their sexual identities. I sense some jealousy of that freedom from many gay men.
NB. This is an edited copy of the original longer text which contained very strong language.
NoNoNannette30: @Confidential_CC Well Tommy, I see that the other side is just as nice lol

Mr_Luke_Evans: New Raven poster! Awesome job guys!! pic.twitter.com/M3EHKQE
Charliecondou: @Mr_Luke_Evans Hello fella, you ok?
Mr_Luke_Evans: @Charliecondou hello sir!! How's tricks?
Charliecondou: @Mr_Luke_Evans I'm great, you? Saw the trailer for 3 Musketeers yesterday, it looks amazing! You must be having a blast
Noam25: @Charliecondou @Mr_Luke_Evans Oh jeez Charlie - do you just know everyone I know?
Charliecondou: @Noam25 Ive still not met your mother Noam, but other than that, yes
Noam25: @Charliecondou You probably have met her but didn't know.
ManchesterPride: Happy Gay Christmas everyone. And Happy Birthday Manchester Pride. It's our birthday didn't you know. . . #mcrpride
Charliecondou: @ManchesterPride isn't every year your birthday?? ;-)
ShaneRobinsonUK: @Charliecondou will u be gracing manchester pride with your presence? X
Charliecondou: @ShaneRobinsonUK indeed I will
ShaneRobinsonUK: @Charliecondou fabulous! Apparantly I'm going to be on one of the floats on saturday dressed in sexy army gear! ;) hope to see you ther xx
Charliecondou: @ShaneRobinsonUK see you there!
ManchesterPride: @Charliecondou ha your right, however this is our BIG birthday. See you tomorrow x
Charliecondou: @ManchesterPride Can't wait!! X
heatherpeace: Rain, rain, rain in Brighton. Manchester weather report please? #MCRPride
Charliecondou: @heatherpeace Will I see you at Pride this weekend? X
heatherpeace: @Charliecondou oh yes. I am there all weekend. Tonight? Playing on Sunday and vigil on Monday. X x x
Charliecondou: @heatherpeace I'll be there tomorrow and Sunday but got a night shoot on Monday so I can't be at the vigil. Guess I'll see you in the VIP! X
twinsdad72: @Jennyfremma Let us know if you are coming doll it would be great to see you both again xx
Jennyfremma: @twinsdad72 Definitely! Hope to see you there x
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma @msm4rsh what about dinner one night next week??
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Alas I'm away at my parents + then Roo's away so evenings are difficult. Lunch some point would be great however x
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma No. Dinner next week or NOTHING
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou Ya boo sucks to you
itspipmccormac: Met my first gay parents yesterday. Two dads, two 4 month old twins, no post preggo hormones. The very model, surely?
Charliecondou: @itspipmccormac Gay parents? What IS the world coming to? *Brian Sewell face*
itspipmccormac: @Charliecondou they're taking over t'Street, you know.
Charliecondou: Oooh Jamie Foreman is going into Eastenders! He's a bloody good actor
gracedent: @Charliecondou forman. he is great.
Charliecondou: @gracedent He should have had Winstone's career. Not that RW isn't brilliant obv
gracedent: @Charliecondou yes.
Charliecondou: @gracedent Yes to what?
camillapower: @Charliecondou hasn't he been in it before? X
Charliecondou: @camillapower oh, hello you! No idea, has he?
camillapower: @Charliecondou I think so...or I'm probably just imagining it which is quite possible. :)
Charliecondou: @camillapower are you well? It's been ages x
camillapower: @Charliecondou really well..just finished Whitechapel which was a blast.x x how are you? Georgia is divine!
marcooth: @Charliecondou He'll probably be some awful gangster who will square up to Jo-from-This-Life.
Charliecondou: @marcooth hahaha
tomgormer: @Charliecondou can he bring some good storylines with him?
Charliecondou: @tomgormer They should make him a gay parent!!!
yorkshiregunner: @Charliecondou hmm let me think, will he play perhaps a whispering Gangster Type?
Charliecondou: @yorkshiregunner oh no, he's much better than that
jamielomas1: @Charliecondou hello mate,how are you?
Charliecondou: @jamielomas1 I'm good fella, you ok?
Charliecondou: @jamielomas1 yep, one night next week. I'll sort it with your mrs x
Brendan_Surrey: #FF @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou Topping blog about a topping actor
Confidential_CC: Brendan than you for your kind words
Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC You're most welcome Tom x :o)
Lee__Knight: @Confidential_CC thanks for the #FF mention. x

janeclapton: just been on the Corrie set and felt like i entered a parallel universe - surreal! Spotted @AndrewLancel and @Charliecondou amongst others
Charliecondou: @janeclapton You should've said hello!
janeclapton: @Charliecondou Kind of did! We were in a group with David somebody-you and michelle collins walked past and said hello!
Charliecondou: @janeclapton Ah yes. Hope you had fun
Charliecondou: Looking forward to Manchester Pride. Gutted I can't host the candlelight vigil on Monday but I've got a bloody night shoot!
Charliecondou: Amazing website by my mate Kate Ford (Tracy Barlow) and her hubby http://t.co/ZofS1Vs
hollyquinankrah: @Charliecondou hahah shameless plugging! X
Charliecondou: @hollyquinankrah haha we obviously just got the same text
ruth_ford: @Charliecondou If you bump into Jack at Pride ask to see his wristband
Charliecondou: @ruth_ford ooooh, has he made fake??
ruth_ford: @Charliecondou A couple of years ago he scaled the fence and got 'asked to leave' for not having a wristband
Charliecondou: @ruth_ford hahahahaha. He looks the type
streetworker01: @Charliecondou I get back from hols just in time for the vigil. Shame you won't be there. x
Charliecondou: @streetworker01 Well it's your bloody fault for giving me scenes at night!
streetworker01: @Charliecondou I'm sure I didn't storyline that bit!
orangenlemon: @Charliecondou hi Charlie,will u b on the corrie float in the parade?! im so excited 4 pride now! :-)
Charliecondou: @orangenlemon I will indeed!
MeggiJade: @Charliecondou I met you today outside corrie! your soooo nice! xxx
Charliecondou: @MeggiJade nice to meet you x

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