Tuesday, July 26, 2011



John_Pullan: @Charliecondou If that was u in Spin'fld with partner & little un - you are even more cute in 'real life'!

Charliecondou: @John_Pullan it was and thanks

Confidential_CC: Some good news re @Charliecondou he's getting close to 8,000 hits a day on the Condou blog. That's nearly 50,000 people per week...Ta fans x

AubreyEMiller: @Confidential_CC great news. As you know I like to read @Charliecondou's tweet diary...you and he are a great team. Charlie's Oz angel x

tommacwriter: @charliecondou What a delightful three word biog you've got there Charlie. I'm sure at least 2 of them are true. Tom MacRae x

Charliecondou: @tommacwriter ello handsome x

Charliecondou: @tommacwriter Oh, all three are absolutely correct. Apart from the actor bit

News Bites


Tuesday: Better than The Poke in the eye with a sharp stick (26/07/2011)
TV Fact: Corrie's Charlie Condou eats pizza in Su Pollard's local.


hollyquinankrah: If I close my eyes.... my dishwasher sounds like the ocean !

Cath_Tyldesley: @hollyquinankrah Are you intoxicated?? x

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @hollyquinankrah she's clearly on drugs

Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @hollyquinankrah Innit babes x

Steph061992: @Charliecondou lovely seeing you again today charlie xxxx

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @hollyquinankrah she nearly ran me and Craig Charles over earlier! Wasted

Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @hollyquinankrah Heart made of stone son...I wouldnt mess x

juliehes: @Charliecondou @cath_tyldesley @hollyquinankrah no she meant to do that, she told me. #headlineseeker

Cath_Tyldesley: @juliehes @Charliecondou @hollyquinankrah ha ha . Blates Jules. She tried starting a fight with me in Rosso last night. x

hollyquinankrah: @Cath_Tyldesley @juliehes @charliecondou well tylds I just thought it was the wrong time for you to be telling me you had a todger..!

hollyquinankrah: @juliehes @charliecondou @cath_tyldesley Jules shhh that hit and run plan was a secret!

juliehes: @hollyquinankrah @charliecondou @cath_tyldesley soz mate. Did the syanide on the in/out book not work either? X
juliehes: Rather enjoying torchwood. Isn't the welsh woman ACE?! X

Charliecondou: @juliehes Julie Hes, what time is @caitlinmoran's thing on thur?

juliehes: @Charliecondou 6.30pm...think I might still be working dammit. Might dash down when I'm done. X

Charliecondou: @juliehes hmmm, well keep me posted dear x

Charliecondou: @juliehes hmmm, well keep me posted dear x

juliehes: @Charliecondou will do dahlink x

juliehes: @Shmouise @charliecondou yes at waterstone's lou. Xxx

Charliecondou: @juliehes @Shmouise Come Lou!

Shmouise: @juliehes @charliecondou sounds awesome - desperate to read her book after your glowing recommendations xx

Charliecondou: @Shmouise @juliehes It's AMAZING!! (haven't read it yet)

Charliecondou: Twenty twelve is very good isn't it?

juliehes: @Charliecondou @shmouise be knows it all anyway cos he's her ACTUAL friend, that's how cool he is . @caitlinmoran

Charliecondou: That's my mate Nina Sosanya. She's very good #twentytwelve

seantmiller: @Charliecondou in Nathan Barley? Pub etc?

Charliecondou: @seantmiller ah yes. She was in that too. Hilarious & Co.

seantmiller: @Charliecondou No second series, travesty

Charliecondou: @seantmiller innit

Charliecondou: @juliehes @Shmouise I think we should take the entire corrie cast to listen to @caitlinmoran talk about her fanny. Is Barbara in that day?

juliehes: @Charliecondou @shmouise @caitlinmoran Barbara would love it! X

Charliecondou: @Shmouise @juliehes She could come with Eileen!

juliehes: @Shmouise @charliecondou @caitlinmoran "Barbara, we know you're not in on Thursday but Louise has requested u drive up to talk about vags"

Shmouise: @juliehes @charliecondou @caitlinmoran Everybody Loves Charlie

juliehes: @Shmouise @charliecondou @caitlinmoran you got the power! X

drummerwhitey: @Charliecondou I bought that book for the Mrs , should be compulsory in schools

Charliecondou: @drummerwhitey did she like it?

drummerwhitey: @Charliecondou I thought it was brilliant

boydhilton: @Charliecondou I love it.

Charliecondou: @boydhilton hilarious! Never seen it before

Charliecondou: The translator is a brilliant actress called Karina Fernandez.

robwestern: @Charliecondou L-O-V-E Nina Sosanya! Walked passed her once & struggled not to slip on my own drooling tongue. #soundswrong

Charliecondou: @robwestern she's fantastic

rpenryj: Going for an x ray today for the knee. Looking like I might need another op. Wish me luck

Charliecondou: @rpenryj Break a leg. Oh

Getting kind of a drag

Below: Louie Spence

louiespence: Just another day @ the office

Charliecondou: @louiespence hot

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou how are u mister?

Charliecondou: @IanAFletcher very good, you??

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou I'm fab thnx. How are Dr Laux and Georgia? X

Charliecondou: @IanAFletcher they're well, winging their way up to Manchester as we tweet!

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou how lovely! Train?

Charliecondou: @IanAFletcher yep. Thank god for laptops and peppa pig

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou let me know when ur all back and I'll pop over to urs for that long overdue vist! X

Charliecondou: @IanAFletcher deffo x

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou PS, tell Cam that Simon Pickstone-Taylor is back in London with his new baby. Be good to all meet up!

IanAFletcher: @Charliecondou yay will look fwd to that!

Annie_Rose_: @Charliecondou Hi, I wrote a complaint to the DM/PCC about the B. Sewell article. DM replied that they let their writers say what they want.

Charliecondou: @_Annie_Rose_ yep, it's a shame but that's how it is. Thanks though

Charliecondou: RT @Peace_UP_: Tim DeChristopher's sentencing is today. Follow @joshkahnrussell @heydebhenry @ash_anderson @hoorae ow.ly/5N6sc #Bidder70

LanceBass: Wanna hear a joke? What's brown and sticky?

Charliecondou: @LanceBass a stick


Confidential_CC: @TheCowlicker ooo just noticed the face fuzz is back x

TheCowlicker: @Confidential_CC I'm keeping it for a while.

Confidential_CC: @TheCowlicker my fave....pic of you so far...x

TheCowlicker: @Confidential_CC Thanks. :)

IanAFletcher: I am deeply disturbed!

Confidential_CC: @IanAFletcher yes I agree x

IanAFletcher: @Confidential_CC cheers! X
Confidential_CC: @IanAFletcher BTW your pic is cute...probably no-one has told you this just me x

IanAFletcher: @Confidential_CC are u being sarcastic? :-/

Confidential_CC: @IanAFletcher nope...I was just saying to Mike Cow Licker that beards are cute...and then you showed up with a beard...too cute x

IanAFletcher: @Confidential_CC lol. I've had one for years! And thank u! :-)

Confidential_CC: @IanAFletcher yep I know I fixed your previous avatar...but the latest piccy makes it more prominent and it's cute x

IanAFletcher: @Confidential_CC thnx

Below: Charlie Condou poses with Grace - a Coronation Street fan

NatalieGumede: I still struggle with technology!

Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede hello!

NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou hello! I've got it easy for now, already finished for the day, and back at flat learning tomorrow's lines :)

Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede I was done by 10!! See you tomorrow x

AubreyEMiller: @Charliecondou It's been a while since I tweeted you but I am still a little infatuated with you...hope you can forgive me x

Charliecondou: @AubreyEMiller ha, I'm flattered x

AubreyEMiller: @Charliecondou Charlie I was hoping you'd follow me on twitter. I don't know if you can read my followers list but many people you may know. PS if you don't - I still love you to bits x

JoeA_P19: @Charliecondou hi :) thinking of taking lil bro to gates. Do u no who will be working thurs or friday :) please reply :)

Charliecondou: @JoeA_P19 I'm in Friday, no idea about others

damoncorrie: @Charliecondou yes my brother x

Charliecondou: @damoncorrie innit guy x

Charliecondou: Here's @fountain1987 working hard

amski_ONED: @Charliecondou saw you on Saturday.. you’re not that bad at playing football ;P xxxxxxx

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