Sunday, May 29, 2011



Charliecondou: Stressful day with my daughter who's just hit that tantrum phase. I've left her downstairs with my other half. I'm pretending to have a poo

DonnaP1984: @Charliecondou are you really tweeting from the toilet

Charliecondou: I've been in here for almost 30 mins. I might never come out

shobnagulati: @Charliecondou u may as well have one x

Charliecondou: @shobnagulati No, I'm saving it for pre-bathtime escape

allyska: @Charliecondou ignore the bad, praise the good. Ignore the bad praise the good #mantra. Biggest punishment at that age is no attention x

shebahronay: @Charliecondou I am laughing out loud. By myself. The tantrums get worse and then they add intellect and basically you're stuffed

Charliecondou: @shebahronay I don't give a shit Shebah, another week of this and I'm giving her to you

shebahronay: @Charliecondou she'll be most welcome although like jail she'll come back with more tricks up her sleeve as my 2 teach her terrible things

gracedent: @Charliecondou I call aged 2-4 the 'being trapped at a party with a totally unreasonable dickhead for 17 hour shifts' stage.

Charliecondou: @gracedent totally. A drunk one that shits themselves and dribbles on you

Charliecondou: This is all Pepa Pig's fault.

semadivad: @Charliecondou I'd blame that bitch Dora the Explorer.

Charliecondou: I just flushed. I reckon I have 7 mins of hand-washing time before they notice

MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou Tell them it was a floater - gives you however extra time the cistern takes to fill ;)

Charliecondou: I bet Elton doesn't hide in the fucking toilet

shebahronay: @Charliecondou not unless it's for something else. Plus it's usually him having the tantrum surely?

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou I bet Elton leaves for Portofino. Bog hiding my arse

Charliecondou: @Brendan_Surrey hahaha I just said that!

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou Great minds :o) x

Charliecondou: @Mark_Hoppers Brilliant!

angbaker9: "@Charliecondou: I bet Elton doesn't hide in the fucking toilet" No just George Michael ! ;)

Charliecondou: @angbaker9 hahaha

ShahinaLakhani: @Charliecondou Man up Charlie She needs t see you as a strong n compassionate father, she will model her relationships aftr you i kno u can

Charliecondou: @ShahinaLakhani Whatevs, Im staying here till she's 7

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou I'm drinking at Century. You're the only member I know. You clearly should be here.

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN I can't, I'm hiding in the toilet

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou you're what?! Oh I don't want to know.

andrea_mclean: 4:30am and the four year-old is up and at 'em. FOUR THIRTY. Husband still drunk after footie, hasn't even reached hung-over yet. Have sent hubby back to bed as he wasn't really helping...

Charliecondou: @andrea_mclean Hide in the toilet!

JOJEHARVEY: I have done lots of writing today. I have written the title and my name. That's loads.

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY if it was an English O-level you'd get marks for name and title, so well done you

Charliecondou: RT @Wendy_Wason: My daughter has just made me really proud: "That eclair looks really lonely. I think I might have to eat it".

A warm welcome to my new blog follower David W. Ross whose new movie “I Do” is currently in production:

Confidential_CC: @david_w_ross jees you've done alright for a straight boy in a gay world xx

david_w_ross: @Confidential_CC haha


streetworker01: Watched Frenzy tonight to avoid the footie. Surely Hitchcock's most underrated thriller?

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 it is a brill movie and north by northwest is bill too if ya get the chance to find it x

streetworker01: @Confidential_CC I have North By Northwest on Blu Ray and on my iPad. I co-wrote a biography of Cary Grant in '02.

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 so preaching to the converted. I have it on a couple of diff formats 2. R U a major Cary fan or just a book writing interest

streetworker01: @Confidential_CC Big, big fan of Cary. He was a big mate of my friend's Dad - Eric Morecambe.

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 name dropper cousins in UK were best friends with Bob Monkhouse does that count? I am a Cary fan I admired his suave persona...and have collected a variety of his early movies as well as more famous ones.

streetworker01: @Confidential_CC Wasn't name-dropping as such. Eric's son, Gary, was my co-writer on the book.

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 Just found it still selling on Amazon

70sStreetFan: @streetworker01 @Confidential_CC I particularly love the "screwball” comedies he did in the 30s and 40s.

streetworker01: @70sStreetFan @confidential_cc Bringing Up Baby is superb!

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 @70sStreetFan The one my kids grew up on was Father Goose...both my son & daughter now as 30 year olds have copies of it x

70sStreetFan: @streetworker01 @confidential_cc I also love The Philadelphia Story, The Awful Truth, His Girl Friday, My Favourite Wife, Arsenic and Old Lace.

Confidential_CC: @70sStreetFan @streetworker01 Friday with Rosalind Russell I particularly enjoy...x

70sStreetFan: @Confidential_CC @streetworker01 I love Ros Russell. Particularly like his pairings with Katharine Hepburn-even curio "Sylvia Scarlet"

streetworker01: @70sStreetFan @confidential_cc Grant himself hated Arsenic And Old Lace, funnily enough. Mae West saying she discovered him irked him too. I also love Charade. Best Hitchcock film not made by Hitchcock.

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 @70sStreetFan After all the things we agree on can I say the movie that I didn't like of his was House Boat...ur thoughts?.

70sStreetFan: @Confidential_CC @streetworker01 It's years since I've seen it,but I liked it back then.

Confidential_CC: @70sStreetFan @streetworker01 Nah 4 me it just seemed too contrived...used as a vehicle for both Cary & Sophia...lacked chemistry IMHO

streetworker01: @Confidential_CC @70sstreetfan Hmmmm, rumour has it that the last thing Cary and Sophia lacked was chemistry (allegedly).

OLD LACE and codswallop
boydhilton: Barcelona are so awesomely amazingly brilliant that any team who has ever actually beaten them should automatically attain mythic status 
fentonstevens: @boydhilton you wouldn't happen to be an Arsenal fan, would you? 
boydhilton: @fentonstevens ha, perhaps... 
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens @boydhilton Have you seen the movie "Arsenal And Old Lace?" 
fenton-stevens: @Confidential_CC you're thinking of Arselick and old spice, aren't you? X 
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens No, but I am now....
Xpletiv1975: Just catching up, what's occurring?? 
Confidential_CC: @Xpletiv1975 Charlene and Bruce got married then Bill and Arthur had a tryst just after the divorce from his ex who he married twice OK? 
Xpletiv1975: @Confidential_CC succinct & to the point. Kudos to you.

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