Friday, July 29, 2011


Hardly working

Charliecondou: Here's @fountain1987 working hard again!

simondaysh: @Charliecondou the face of crunch bar!! Haha :-)

Charliecondou: @simondaysh I know, I get about

Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran I called you "Inspirational" today. I don't think I've ever used that word to describe a friend before.

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou That's because we both spent too much time on popbitch talking to hunglikeahoss, Charlie :-(

Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran hahaha

YehJacqui: @Charliecondou can I just throw the name "Flynn" into the baby name pot!! (It’s a grower!)

Charliecondou: @YehJacqui a good one but my mates sin is called Flynn

YehJacqui: @Charliecondou #NameFail lol x


misterhsk: I'll be blowing the froth off a coffee on Byres Road in a couple of hours. I love coming home...

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk I shall await the pics of you blowing x

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC you're v naughty. I may be coming to Oz this year. Top secret...

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk and am I allowed to blog that secret?

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC blog away and it's only just a possibility. But a very exciting one!

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk currently Essex entertainer @mrchrissullivan is doing the Oz cruising circuit (on a ship for a change) *wink*

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC lol

mrchrissullivan: RT @Confidential_CC: @misterhsk currently Essex entertainer @mrchrissullivan is doing the Oz cruising circuit (on a ship for a change) *wink*

misterhsk: Home...

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk Edinburgh royal mile statue of what's his name...had the cone on it when I was there last Dec x

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC this is Royal Exchange Sq in Glasgow. We started it. Edinburgh always follow our lead...

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk Must be true! The Burgers seemed a little slower than the Glasweggies x

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC I'm biased...obviously

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk Mrs has lots of rellies in Glas & a couple in Stirling & a smattering on other side in Portobello Edinburgh...she's 90% Scottish

misterhsk: @Confidential_CC I knew I liked her...x

Confidential_CC: @misterhsk I have the Hope family of Edinburgh who have a very lovely kilt which I can claim - shows off my calf muscles really well x

rebel rebel

Derren_Litten: I also met @realmattlucas - twice. Once he was nice. Once he wasn't. So I guess you all have a point.

Confidential_CC: @Derren_Litten is that the @realmattlucas who plays one of the twins (brother and sister) in Bridesmaids?

Derren_Litten: @Confidential_CC dunno. Not seen it yet. But I want to.

Confidential_CC: @Derren_Litten it has 2 Oz actresses in it, Rose Byrne and Rebel Wilson, go see it x


Confidential_CC: @marcuswhitney1 Marcus have not tweeted me for the bloody hell are you keeping...and are you yet rich enough for a trip to Oz?

marcuswhitney1: @Confidential_CC hi tom, all good in uk, very busy with work., in need of a holiday, but might have to pop back to Turkey. Hope you are well

Confidential_CC: @marcuswhitney1 I'm fine but dad's in middle of lymph-node biopsy and daughter 6 weeks away from baby delivery and she has complications...

Confidential_CC: @marcuswhitney1 you should save ya money tho and make a month long break in Oz...come and pat a koala x

the smurf
boydhilton: Films seen on holiday: Woody Allen's Midnight In Paris: lovely, funny, gorgeous; Conan O'Brien Can't Stop: truly revealing; Beginners: great

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton I thought you might be actually having a rest from movies and media....go to the Bronx zoo or something x

boydhilton: @Confidential_CC I shall do that the day you stop posting every single detail of the minutiae of a couple of actors' tweets and lives!

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton I don't do this 4 a job, u never seem 2 rest from doing it, 4 me it's a hobby.

boydhilton: @Confidential_CC ha I'm just responding to your presumably humorous comment in kind. You mustn't take everything everyone says so seriously!

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton I was being sincere when I said I hope you were relaxing in the USA and getting some down-time away from the media.

boydhilton: @Confidential_CC oh really?! How odd. It's really not THAT exhausting to watch some films for fun. Many people enjoy it.

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton dad's been diagnosed with cancer, my daughter's pregnancy has so many complications she hospitalised and I am trying not to take things seriously, was trying to say have a rest mate from the media!

boydhilton: @Confidential_CC OK thanks... and I was only joking. Good luck with everything

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton thanks babe, I know we can spar like idiots at times but I am coping with a lot of stuff and was trying to say to you plz relax x

boydhilton: Security so tight at Smurfs 3D screening you had to give them your name to get OUT of there

Confidential_CC: @boydhilton were you painted blue at the time?

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