Friday, July 29, 2011


Most people have seen it…
simondaysh: @Charliecondou any chance of a follow? ;-) lol

Charliecondou: @simondaysh of course! I'm always happy when people call me by my name instead of "him off corrie" or worse "Sean's boyfriend"

RupertHill: @Charliecondou hey Charlie, can I send you my record?

Charliecondou: @RupertHill but of course!

JenStarfish: @Charliecondou was it you at Starbucks, Deansgate, with the man who I returned a cashcard to as you were leaving? Thought I recognised you!?

Charliecondou: @JenStarfish yep, that was me and my forgetful other half x

juliehes: @Charliecondou did u manage to get tkts love or was it sold out? X

Charliecondou: @juliehes oh sorry, forgot to call you. @caitlinmoran has put us on the lust

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou @juliehes Yes. You're on the lust.

Charliecondou: @juliehes @caitlinmoran Obviously "on the lust" is exactly what I meant

juliehes: @Charliecondou @caitlinmoran how did u know?? Can I sneak in late with shit wig flattened hair and remnants of lilac eye shadow? Thank u! X

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou @juliehes Wait until you see MY anecdotes *leers*

Charliecondou: RT @Charliecondo: And so it continues RT @Glinner: My God. #notw

percybiz: @charliecondou Been invited to a do at your Dad's place next Feb. A fundraiser featuring lots of senior Auntie Beeb news people. Is it nice?

Charliecondou: @percybiz of course it's lovely! Have fun

JAMESINREHAB: Pic of me in my Speedos.... #virginactivelondontriathlon

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB hot

Charliecondou: RT @andydiggle: There is still such a thing as journalistic integrity. The hacking scandal would still be buried if not for the @Guardian

Charliecondou: RT @holymoly: Hate to blow my own trumpet etc:…

Charliecondou: Looks like The Mirror has been hacking phones too

olivermellor: Think the doc makes an appearance in corrie tonight! How y'all been? I've been totally crap with the tweets x

Charliecondou: @olivermellor Afternoon!

olivermellor: @Charliecondou hey Charlie! U been catchin some rays today? x

Charliecondou: @olivermellor I have indeed. Got a proper farmer's tan

olivermellor: @Charliecondou fancy a beer next time I'm working?

Charliecondou: @olivermellor most definitely

Charliecondou: RT @Claire_Phipps: Can everyone please stop RTing @danwooden on alleged Piers Morgan suspension? It's a fake account.

danwooller: ...or this one for that matter

Charliecondou: @danwooller that's a fake account

danwooller: @Charliecondou I know, saw your tweet. I just want to make him more famous than @danwootton, that guy screwed me over

Charliecondou: @danwooller hahaha

danwooller: @Charliecondou he's almost as vile as Piers, but not quite Lord Archer

jodieharsh: Love the bed in my hotel room in Manchester. Working out a way to nick it tomorrow morning.

Charliecondou: @jodieharsh what are you doing up here??

jodieharsh: @Charliecondou unconditional opening tonight starts at 7

Charliecondou: It's a sellout!! @caitlinmoran

juliehes: @Charliecondou Charlie, just finished now so will be ridiculously late. Sorry love. Know it will have been ace. Gutted. X

Charliecondou: @juliehes it's great, she's starting the Q&A soon

Charliecondou: It's a sellout!! @caitlinmoran

michkeegan: Watchin my Lil bro @RooKeegs gettin his brows threaded, I've bullied him into it.Think I'm gonna enjoy this! Haha!

Charliecondou: @michkeegan Keegs is there ANYONE in your family who isn't beautiful??

nikishisler: @Charliecondou 1,500 words so far. Getting there, hope to finish tomorrow. What time you back in town?

Charliecondou: @nikishisler woo hoo!! Afternoon sometime x

Charliecondou: Oooh, Caitlin signed my book

jonathaan76: @Charliecondou does that say what I think it's says. If so lucky bitch!! Lol

Charliecondou: Most people have seen it to be fair

shebahronay: @Charliecondou @caitlinmoran well I haven't so I feel left out. Do remember next time you're over please

Charliecondou: @shebahronay oh I'll send you photos. Actually maybe Jonny could paint it

semadivad: @Charliecondou I saw an artist's impression etched on the back of a door in GAY late.

semadivad: @Charliecondou I say 'artist' had the comedy 3 pubes and slight 'spillage'.

Charliecondou: @semadivad I drew that

semadivad: @Charliecondou I could tell, from the girth...

djy12345: @semadivad @charliecondou And from the phone number next to it.

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou SO LOVELY to see you tonight. You are looking insanely buff for a man who's pregnant xxx

tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou @caitlinmoran *whispers* Charlie, she's not really a woman, that's the whole point of the joke, we're all in on it

caitlinmoran: @tracey_thorn @Charliecondou Yeah - "How To Be A Woman" - that's, like, my To Do list.

Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran you too. You're really quite funny for a woman xxx

tracey_thorn: @caitlinmoran @Charliecondou I mean, all things considered, you're really *quite* convincing.

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn @caitlinmoran yes, apart from the obvious wig, I was convinced

PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou I'm filming in a old bank in Bristol, whod a thunk it

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell haha is it the same one?

PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou yes mate, another heist, this time on the receiving end x

imyersunplugged: Scenes like that between Brian & Marcus tonight are what makes #Corrie the best of the soaps, not crime & misery. Stick to what you do best!

Charliecondou: @imyersunplugged why thank you!

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