Charliecondou: This is a fake account @NSosanya

LePiedPiper: @Charliecondou @NSosanya you that queer off the telly?

sosanyatorium: @Charliecondou I thought it might be. What a pisser!

juliebooley: Charliecondou Thank you. Do you think the real Nina is likely to join?

Charliecondou: @juliebooley she won't, I've just spoken to her

JANEP86: @Charliecondou @NSosanya I don't know who she is anyway

Charliecondou: @stephenfry I didn't get a chance to say hello at the @UKLabour gala dinner but well done, your hosting was marvellous as always x

DJDanLisa: @Charliecondou Rocking the beard this morning :) #beard #morningsurprise

clairepilkingt2: @Charliecondou cool beard on the wright stuff today x

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou have you grown a beard so no one recognises you #wrongstuff

MarcAlmond: @Charliecondou great to see you on The Wright Stuff Charlie .

Charliecondou: @MarcAlmond thanks Marc x

lesleylyness: @Charliecondou brill on wright stuff did you enjoy ? You were calm and relaxed X

Charliecondou: @lesleylyness it was a lot of fun

ShowbizSecrets: @CharlieCondou is quite fit. #Corrie.

Matthew_Wright: RT @ShowbizSecrets: @CharlieCondou is quite fit. #Corrie.

Charliecondou: @Matthew_Wright @ShowbizSecrets hahaha Matthew, I KNEW there was a spark between us x

Charliecondou: So @BrunoLangley plays an arse on Corrie but he's produced some amazing kids audiobooks https://itunes.apple.com/gb/audiobook/beautiful-bedtime-stories/id892465581

leejonathan: @Charliecondou @BrunoLangley when you day he plays the arse, do you mean bottom?
YOU ??!!?

salislee: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish you were not in gimme gimme gimme???!

Charliecondou: @salislee I sure was

DJDanLisa: @Charliecondou Rocking the beard this morning :) #beard #morningsurprise

clairepilkingt2: @Charliecondou cool beard on the wright stuff today x

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou have you grown a beard so no one recognises you #wrongstuff

MarcAlmond: @Charliecondou great to see you on The Wright Stuff Charlie .

Charliecondou: @MarcAlmond thanks Marc x

lesleylyness: @Charliecondou brill on wright stuff did you enjoy ? You were calm and relaxed X

Charliecondou: @lesleylyness it was a lot of fun

ShowbizSecrets: @CharlieCondou is quite fit. #Corrie.

Matthew_Wright: RT @ShowbizSecrets: @CharlieCondou is quite fit. #Corrie.

Charliecondou: @Matthew_Wright @ShowbizSecrets hahaha Matthew, I KNEW there was a spark between us x

Charliecondou: So @BrunoLangley plays an arse on Corrie but he's produced some amazing kids audiobooks https://itunes.apple.com/gb/audiobook/beautiful-bedtime-stories/id892465581

leejonathan: @Charliecondou @BrunoLangley when you day he plays the arse, do you mean bottom?
YOU ??!!?

salislee: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish you were not in gimme gimme gimme???!

Charliecondou: @salislee I sure was
TheEyeCasting: Don't miss @SeanBrowne82 on @itvcorrie tonight!!! Poor @Charliecondou - Bayo

Charliecondou: @TheEyeCasting hello love x

Charliecondou: @MsGfaye is this the real you??

MsGfaye: @Charliecondou yes darling it is, not verified, but definitely me! Missed you last night, loving the new cobbles! Hope all's well with you X
Coronation Street catch-up:
New Gullible Marcus may be even more gullible than Gail
Over at Eileen’s, Todd was doing some pre-breakfast snogging with someone who wasn't Marcus, but he couldn’t keep it under wraps because on his way to get his toast, a blurry eyed figure in a leopard print pyjama top clocked them at the front door. “He was snogging someone else!” Sean said victoriously across the Rovers bar while Marcus and Todd had a pint and Todd spoke only in lies, cliches and quotes from a panto script. Obviously anyone else would have laughed Marcus’s ‘friend who had a dead dad and needed comforting’ story out of the door and down to Roy’s Rolls, but New Extremely Gullible Marcus: not so much.
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