Charliecondou: Oh that's right, blame me! RT @realsamia: So tonights the night Maria's world comes crashing down in #corrie ... Don't miss it!!

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall you were AMAZING in that scene you did once

Charliecondou: So @realsamia has started giving me a really hard time at work.I think she's starting to confuse fiction with reality #itsnevergoingtohappen

realsamia: @Charliecondou talk to the hand....

Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou @realsamia Is that why you were soaking wet on the cobbles the other day? in your pants? Heh

Charliecondou: @Sparkle__Monkey @realsamia no reason, other than Samia likes to see me in my undies #pervert

simonkaston: @Charliecondou @realsamia I'm just back from hols - has she caught you at it yet?

Charliecondou: @simonkaston tonight!

simonkaston: @Charliecondou poor maria *shakes head disapprovingly*

SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou now that Maria is free of Marcus she can move onto Sean....she has a thing for gays, right? #nobodysawthatcoming

Charliecondou: @OK_Magazine well THIS happens on #corrie tonight!!

Charliecondou: For all you lot watching Corrie, can I just apologise in advance for my semi naked body

stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou no

Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan I knew you'd be watching #pervert

stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou my agent likes me to keep an eye on the next hot thing that's going to try and corner my naked market

Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan hahahaha

Claker69: @Charliecondou Will you be modelling the dressing gown and cricketers box again?

Charliecondou: @Claker69 that was all me lover

ChristyG_Journo: Bruno Langley @Charliecondou HISS BOO!!!! Todd is wicked! Great drama. Ha! @itvcorrie

Charliecondou: @ChristyG_Journo @itvcorrie poor Maria @realsamia

harveysprout: @Charliecondou . I have NEVER watched Corrie before but I am watching it right now and you are a bad boy (obviously it's really you!)!!!

Charliecondou: @harveysprout hahaha

TVKev: @Charliecondou More importantly, I think you should apologise for betraying poor Maria! I for one am struggling to forgive you!

Charliecondou: @TVKev I did not have relations with that man

ChristyG_Journo: @Charliecondou I think ur nipples could be in line for an nta next year ! Ha

Charliecondou: @ChristyG_Journo lol
l'wren scott

Charliecondou: L'Wren Scott just tweeted an hour ago. Is it confirmed she's dead? So terribly sad if true

TeamXander1: @Charliecondou Yes, seems to be confirmed. Tragic news :(

Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou Sadly true, confirmed by the @BBCBreaking

Charliecondou: RT @sarahlmorgan: My whole timeline is people in LA waking up naked and confused. My thoughts are with you at this difficult, naked time. ##earthquake
spidey senses

Charliecondou: Evening

BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou Is that your Fathers for justice pose? Please tell me you are not leaving the Street! X

Charliecondou: @BeverlyMacca1 it is and I am

barrychurchwood: @Charliecondou very confused by what this pic is doing to my privvy parts :/

Charliecondou: @barrychurchwood really? That's a worry

barrychurchwood: @Charliecondou I had a very odd childhood ;-)

theteamaker: @Charliecondou I've never wanted you more. Technically, I've never wanted you but please take the compliment as it was intended!

Charliecondou: @theteamaker you've wanted me ever since you started working as a... I want to say script supervisor??

theteamaker: @Charliecondou close. Action props.

Charliecondou: RT @lizerpool: @Charliecondou Evening!

Charliecondou: RT @liamwaterloo: @Charliecondou Evening.

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Looking good! :)

Charliecondou: @mcguinness33 that's joes mask

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Ha! I've had it on myself a few times :)

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Did you see Rowan in the Dino costume? :)

Charliecondou: @mcguinness33 hilarious !

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Yes! :))

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Ha! I've had it on myself a few times :)

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Did you see Rowan in the Dino costume? :)

Charliecondou: @mcguinness33 hilarious !

mcguinness33: @Charliecondou Yes! :))

Charliecondou: RT @Confidential_CC: CCC ^^^ UPDATES: …

Charliecondou: @ConnerHabib will you be at the GLAAD awards? We're coming over for a week!

ConnerHabib: @Charliecondou I'm still waiting for @russelltovey to ask me to be his date!

Charliecondou: @ConnerHabib @russelltovey I'm sure he will, he's not at all fussy

ConnerHabib: @Charliecondou @russelltovey WAY TO INSULT BOTH OF US,CONDOU.You'll pay for that.*realizing that sounds like opening line to 1 of my scenes*

Charliecondou: Ace! RT @HayleyNovember: @Charliecondou How totally cool is Nana Irene?!?”

BoostJuiceUK: Boosties! Tomorrow's What’s Ya Name Game names are Matt & Natalie, come and grab a free Boost #WYNG

Charliecondou: @BoostJuiceUK I tried to claim my name was Chloe today. Your man in Manchester (Cain) was having none of it

BoostJuiceUK: @Charliecondou maybe next time!

Charliecondou: @BoostJuiceUK apparently Charlie hasn't come up yet.....
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