Yes out of Oz comes another secret snap that fell off a lorry down the pub!
Yes out of Oz comes another secret snap that fell off a lorry down the pub!
Here is birthday boy Charlie Condou and friends at his recent 41st birthday party held at his parent's place The Paramount in Soho.
ParamountSoho: RT @VincentAllenby: @msm4rsh @uncledaveeed @Nadine8wright Fab night at @ParamountSoho thanks @Charliecondou you never fail squire! Xxx #BIRTHDAYBOY
lisapayne26: Watching @Charliecondou on gimme gimme gimme looking so young! Nice pants!!
stemercer1522: @Charliecondou just watching an episode of Gimme Gimme! Nino the Italian! Was that one of your first roles?

MissSammieKing: After all these years, I still love watching you walk around with no clothes on...@Charliecondou haha #GimmeGimme
MrShaneReaction: @Charliecondou those pants you're wore Gimme Gimme Gimme were very of the time... Thank God that time has passed!

Charliecondou: Thanks for the #GimmeGimmeGimme comments. I can only apologise for my pants
TheBoyWhoBakes: @Charliecondou still one of my all time favourite shows!
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou My favourite scene in that entire series. You should apologise that it wasn't longer. The scene, that is. U get my emails?

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho Yes, just! I'll email in a bit xxx
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou Made a bodge of sending 'em, files too big *yawn*. THEN worried you'd changed email & they'd just seeped into the internet.
bluesavannah_70: @Charliecondou never apologise for your pants :-P
PoloBoy: @Charliecondou Oh I remember googling you after seeing you in those pants years ago :)
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou I like your white pants x
liampeacock: @Charliecondou why apologise you look mighty fine! ;)
lloyd_sceats: @Charliecondou but they're your favourite pants.
semadivad: @Charliecondou Nice culottes, Condou.

Charliecondou: @semadivad it was the mid 90's. They were very "of the time"
liamwaterloo: @Charliecondou @semadivad It doesn't excuse poor style. *combs curtains, slips on bomber jacket and picks up 'Slammin Vinyl' record bag*

mike_gartside: @Charliecondou I thought you were shamazing in that episode crackin Italian accent

ianeastlondon: @Charliecondou one of my favourite scenes. And I loved the pants.
mike_gartside: @Charliecondou I thought you were shamazing in that episode crackin Italian accent
ianeastlondon: @Charliecondou one of my favourite scenes. And I loved the pants.
Charliecondou: Best massage ever! RT @AKAguffers: .Please can everyone RT & follow my beauty spa @CitySpaEscapes You'll find us in Quay House, Floor 2
AKAguffers: @Charliecondou @CitySpaEscapes thank you so much lovely. Hope your well? Xx
Charliecondou: @cleverprime LOVE your photos!
cleverprime: @Charliecondou Ah thank you so much! Where are you looking, flickr?! It's a terrifying insight into my brain I'm afraid.
Charliecondou: @cleverprime Your website. Love the ones of Chris

cleverprime: @Charliecondou Well thank you, I really appreciate it. I don't think it's possible to take a bad pic of Chris, he's disgustingly handsome.

Charliecondou: @cleverprime well yes, that helps

cleverprime: @Charliecondou cc: @ChrisCamplin - just a head's up, dear boy.

ChrisCamplin: @cleverprime @Charliecondou it's all Lee's skills i swear!

Charliecondou: @ChrisCamplin @cleverprime *jumps in cab for first ever naked shoot*

cleverprime: @Charliecondou @ChrisCamplin *phones Grazia* HOLD THE FRONT PAGE, LADIES.

ChrisCamplin: @Charliecondou @cleverprime Sorry, Tom got there first :P

Charliecondou: @ChrisCamplin @cleverprime god DAMN!

frazerpp: @Charliecondou they're being posted upon the morrow - hope they like! Xxx

Charliecondou: @frazerpp you are AMAZING!! Thanks so much x

frazerpp: @Charliecondou pleasure! Xx

cleverprime: @Charliecondou Well thank you, I really appreciate it. I don't think it's possible to take a bad pic of Chris, he's disgustingly handsome.
Charliecondou: @cleverprime well yes, that helps
cleverprime: @Charliecondou cc: @ChrisCamplin - just a head's up, dear boy.
ChrisCamplin: @cleverprime @Charliecondou it's all Lee's skills i swear!
Charliecondou: @ChrisCamplin @cleverprime *jumps in cab for first ever naked shoot*
cleverprime: @Charliecondou @ChrisCamplin *phones Grazia* HOLD THE FRONT PAGE, LADIES.
ChrisCamplin: @Charliecondou @cleverprime Sorry, Tom got there first :P
Charliecondou: @ChrisCamplin @cleverprime god DAMN!

frazerpp: @Charliecondou they're being posted upon the morrow - hope they like! Xxx

Charliecondou: @frazerpp you are AMAZING!! Thanks so much x

frazerpp: @Charliecondou pleasure! Xx

Back in 2009 armed with 20 years of family research my wife and I headed off to the UK to tour, sightsee, lecture at a few schools and present informal talks, on various subjects, including: Life in Australia, my Convict Ancestors and Life Boat Rescues. I spent time at Hethersett (shown above) and Norwich Castle visiting displays where my convict ancestor Elizabeth Pulley was incarcerated before transportation on the First Fleet. I gave the local organisations a set of computer files and made a few suggestions as to how important the Pulley/Rope family became when they got to Australia.
Long story short - got word today that one of my suggestions is coming to fruition. The local school drama society have produced a play and they might try to get a telemovie produced - Tom.
Dear Tom and family,
You may be pleased to hear that your ancestor
Elizabeth Pulley appears in our short play, ‘The Surlingham Girl’ which will be
part of a History and Drama evening here in Norfolk, UK at Framingham Earl High
In our rendition, Elizabeth befriends Susannah Holmes
and the audience see that she is a feisty survivor! We chart the story from the
crimes to gaining permission from Lord Sydney for baby Henry to be reunited
with his mother Susannah on board the ‘Friendship.’
You are, of course, warmly invited to join us. The
convict stories are not well-known over here – yet! We are now doing our best
to put the fascinating history on the map. It is incredibly interesting.
Susannah Homes and Henry Kabel now have a placard in the cells of Norwich
Castle aka the prison of 1793.
Some documents trace Elizabeth back to Felthorpe, Norfolk
and have her as a resident of Hethersett when she is arrested.
There is
definitely a UK-Aus (Norfolk-Sydney!) film begging to be made here!
So glad you enjoyed your visit to Norfolk. Do let me
know if you or family are returning. I will be happy to spend some time sharing
Norwich and Norfolk with you.
Best wishes,
J Mack
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