DaisyMimsy: @Charliecondou what about Su Pollard?

sistervegas: @Charliecondou Glad someone else is watching.

hugefoodlover: @Charliecondou brilliant! Lol

philford: @Charliecondou pink mermaid barbie doesn't look impressed with bent over naked barbie

joshjay1969: @Charliecondou That reminds me of tonight's #CBB!

F10MCW: @Charliecondou how funny... Maybe you are. Closet doll fantasist?

alandoran00: @Charliecondou @G_Foz way too funny pmsl

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou I used to play with my dolls in the bath ! I used to drown them :)

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy why doesn't that surprise me

Charliecondou: I've just started following @LauraPrepon who I want to be best friends with, along with Jennifer Lawrence and Oprah.

JenBrister: @Charliecondou She's a Scientologist mate.

Charliecondou: @JenBrister DONT SAY THAT!!!

JenBrister: @Charliecondou I've said it Charlie! I'm bloody well SAID IT!!!

Caspa_O: @Charliecondou @LauraPrepon Amen to Jennifer Lawrence!

theteamaker: @Charliecondou @LauraPrepon I'm sorry cast member the position has already been filled

Charliecondou: @theteamaker I will totally fight you for her Lana.

thestooshie: @Charliecondou Your recent follow spree does make it obvious that you're started watching #OITNB ...

Charliecondou: @thestooshie I'm OBSESSED

thestooshie: @FloPerry @Charliecondou I've watched it all about three times over now. My expectations for season 2 are positively ASTRONOMICAL.

FloPerry: @Charliecondou @thestooshie I LOVE IT TOO. Pussay is my favourite. Can't wait til season 2!

thestooshie: @FloPerry @Charliecondou It's one of the more er... awkward shows to watch on your iPad whilst on public transport.

Charliecondou: @FloPerry @thestooshie it's just fantastic. Is it wrong that I'm vaguely attracted to the prison guard with the tache?

thestooshie: @Charliecondou @FloPerry No no no! He's really good looking outside of the get-up:

marcusbrig: Austrian Hotel Sauna Rules: You MUST be naked. This rule does NOT apply to the outdoor pool... I discovered 2 minutes too late.

alexisconran: @marcusbrig can't wait to hear all about it round the poker table!!

Charliecondou: @alexisconran @marcusbrig poker you say??

alexisconran: @Charliecondou @marcusbrig oh yes. Next time you're coming Charlie. X

Charliecondou: @alexisconran @marcusbrig oh fo sho!

hayleysoraya: @Charliecondou @alexisconran @marcusbrig hello?! Charlie you know everyone don't you?! Ha! Poker takes place at our flat! Ha! Xx

Charliecondou: @hayleysoraya @alexisconran @marcusbrig I'm on my way!

Charliecondou: George Osborne is estimated to have a personal fortune of £4m. Just so you know

UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I guess any of his offspring won't be needing 18-25 housing assistance like I have then?

Charliecondou: RT @UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I guess any of his offspring won't be needing 18-25 housing assistance like I have then?

jobeyG: @UKPositiveLad @Charliecondou we don't call Osbourne offspring offspring. We call it spawn.

MoJoMungo: @Charliecondou. Loose change. :-D

fiona_mccrum: @Charliecondou amazed he can survive on that pittance

mbainesy: @Charliecondou It actually doesn't seem that much for him.

SimonCTodd: @Charliecondou Osbourne loaded ? You do surprise me

pspiller0: @Charliecondou Coalition govt will be out year next Apr.

keels75: @Charliecondou they need to cap private renting so my greedy landlord can stop bumping up our rent! #chasingmytail

Yah_Reed: @Charliecondou @theblondebmw And the rest!! Bet he's got more than that

Jusssssstin: @Charliecondou aren't most of this cabinet millionaires? #inittogether

julienewey: @Charliecondou @alexwinterstv but hey, we're all in this together ay?

Charliecondou: I can't handle this programme about living dolls. This is what's currently going on in my bath.
G_Foz: @Charliecondou is that Miley Cyrus Twerking on Ariel?
Br00zR: @Charliecondou They stare at your penis while you bathe...pleasant dreams.
AmyMayHenry: @Charliecondou Omg! I'm dying! It's a #Barbie world xXx
BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou Looks like the bath in #cbb tonight! X
Bushell5Lou: @Charliecondou ha!!..they're only marginally prettier! #livingdollss ..bizarre!!
ArchGS89: @Charliecondou I used to have one like the one with the pink tail. In fact one of my first words was mermaid lol
janewet3: @Charliecondou they're going to come to life and parade around your house...
JazCornish: @Charliecondou omg that made me laugh so much:')
singerswing88: @Charliecondou I hope ariel is wearing clothes and her tail?
sistervegas: @Charliecondou Glad someone else is watching.
hugefoodlover: @Charliecondou brilliant! Lol
philford: @Charliecondou pink mermaid barbie doesn't look impressed with bent over naked barbie
joshjay1969: @Charliecondou That reminds me of tonight's #CBB!
F10MCW: @Charliecondou how funny... Maybe you are. Closet doll fantasist?
alandoran00: @Charliecondou @G_Foz way too funny pmsl

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou I used to play with my dolls in the bath ! I used to drown them :)

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy why doesn't that surprise me
Charliecondou: I've just started following @LauraPrepon who I want to be best friends with, along with Jennifer Lawrence and Oprah.
JenBrister: @Charliecondou She's a Scientologist mate.
Charliecondou: @JenBrister DONT SAY THAT!!!
JenBrister: @Charliecondou I've said it Charlie! I'm bloody well SAID IT!!!
Caspa_O: @Charliecondou @LauraPrepon Amen to Jennifer Lawrence!
theteamaker: @Charliecondou @LauraPrepon I'm sorry cast member the position has already been filled
Charliecondou: @theteamaker I will totally fight you for her Lana.
thestooshie: @Charliecondou Your recent follow spree does make it obvious that you're started watching #OITNB ...
Charliecondou: @thestooshie I'm OBSESSED
thestooshie: @FloPerry @Charliecondou I've watched it all about three times over now. My expectations for season 2 are positively ASTRONOMICAL.
FloPerry: @Charliecondou @thestooshie I LOVE IT TOO. Pussay is my favourite. Can't wait til season 2!
thestooshie: @FloPerry @Charliecondou It's one of the more er... awkward shows to watch on your iPad whilst on public transport.
Charliecondou: @FloPerry @thestooshie it's just fantastic. Is it wrong that I'm vaguely attracted to the prison guard with the tache?
thestooshie: @Charliecondou @FloPerry No no no! He's really good looking outside of the get-up:

Charliecondou: @thestooshie @FloPerry you see, I KNEW I wasn't nuts. He's dreamy

Tom_in_Oz_: @Charliecondou: @thestooshie @FloPerry his tache has its own site

Charliecondou: @Tom_in_Oz_ @thestooshie @FloPerry amazing

marcusbrig: Austrian Hotel Sauna Rules: You MUST be naked. This rule does NOT apply to the outdoor pool... I discovered 2 minutes too late.

alexisconran: @marcusbrig can't wait to hear all about it round the poker table!!
Charliecondou: @alexisconran @marcusbrig poker you say??
alexisconran: @Charliecondou @marcusbrig oh yes. Next time you're coming Charlie. X
Charliecondou: @alexisconran @marcusbrig oh fo sho!

hayleysoraya: @Charliecondou @alexisconran @marcusbrig hello?! Charlie you know everyone don't you?! Ha! Poker takes place at our flat! Ha! Xx

Charliecondou: @hayleysoraya @alexisconran @marcusbrig I'm on my way!
Charliecondou: George Osborne is estimated to have a personal fortune of £4m. Just so you know
UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I guess any of his offspring won't be needing 18-25 housing assistance like I have then?
Charliecondou: RT @UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I guess any of his offspring won't be needing 18-25 housing assistance like I have then?
jobeyG: @UKPositiveLad @Charliecondou we don't call Osbourne offspring offspring. We call it spawn.
MoJoMungo: @Charliecondou. Loose change. :-D
fiona_mccrum: @Charliecondou amazed he can survive on that pittance
mbainesy: @Charliecondou It actually doesn't seem that much for him.
SimonCTodd: @Charliecondou Osbourne loaded ? You do surprise me
pspiller0: @Charliecondou Coalition govt will be out year next Apr.
keels75: @Charliecondou they need to cap private renting so my greedy landlord can stop bumping up our rent! #chasingmytail
Yah_Reed: @Charliecondou @theblondebmw And the rest!! Bet he's got more than that
Jusssssstin: @Charliecondou aren't most of this cabinet millionaires? #inittogether
julienewey: @Charliecondou @alexwinterstv but hey, we're all in this together ay?

Charliecondou: Do you know what's REALLY good fun? Putting a bottle of wine in the freezer for 20 mins to cool then forgetting about it for a week
vogue1970: @Charliecondou did that once and the bottle exploded when defrosting wasnt a fizzy wine either x
Loopylou1980: @Charliecondou how do you forget about wine ?? lol
ThatMrStirling: @Charliecondou Serving suggestion:
ZoomZoooom: @Charliecondou ooh youve got a #winesicle now!
adora_boy: @Charliecondou the real question is how did you forget about it?

Charliecondou: @adora_boy well, quite!

Charliecondou: @adora_boy well, quite!
MatofKilburnia: @Charliecondou I've done that with Veuve, makes quite the mess
scarlettstarr86: @Charliecondou wine slushie :)
MrBell1985: @Charliecondou nice mr.freezes/ ice pops!!
taxghirl: @Charliecondou large ice lolly ?
Cardiffste: @Charliecondou i did that last week! tasted ok tho after an overnight thawing on its side
Morticia67: @Charliecondou oops

_DanielRyan: @Charliecondou ah the old Sauvignon Slush puppy!

frosted_north: @Charliecondou If you're forgetting to drink wine, you're either not doing it right, or you've done it a bit too well.
_DanielRyan: @Charliecondou ah the old Sauvignon Slush puppy!
frosted_north: @Charliecondou If you're forgetting to drink wine, you're either not doing it right, or you've done it a bit too well.
(PART 1)
Charliecondou: RT @pinknews: Interview: @Charliecondou talks about leaving Coronation Street to @pinknews

marmee2407: @Charliecondou @pinknews look forward to reading it :)
marmee2407: @Charliecondou @pinknews look forward to reading it :)
(PART 2)
Charliecondou: I'm conflicted. On the one hand, he's a dick and I hope he starves. On the other, I'm desperate to bake him a quiche
LilMissMystic: @Charliecondou People like him make me sick. As Betty White said: "Mind your own business, and don’t worry about other people so much.”
benjamincohen: @Charliecondou For a second I thought you were linking to your interview with @pinknews
Charliecondou: @benjamincohen @pinknews Already done that! x
benjamincohen: @Charliecondou @pinknews any chance you can post that as you not an RT? It will get more clicks... xxxx
Charliecondou: Here's an interview I did with the lovely people at @pinknews
pinknews: RT @Charliecondou: Here's an interview I did with the lovely people at @pinknews
Jay_boy_: @Charliecondou bake him your quiche then let's hope he chokes on it XxX
themaverickmen: @Charliecondou maybe he's starving for dick
DGee123: @Charliecondou bit crazy that the Supreme Court is putting a hold on equality for him
LadyJaineGrey: @Charliecondou bake him a quiche ...but with plenty of laxatives, so he will be #bullshit free
samfantastic: @Charliecondou haha! What an idiot! What's it got to do with him who gets married or not! Don't like it then turn around! #weirdo
Golden_Gaytime: @Charliecondou Well, since the Supreme Court ruled "in his favor" for the moment he can eat again...
RACHW1981_OM: @Charliecondou na.. Hes a dick!!
paultyrer1: @Charliecondou great way to shed those Xmas pounds...

lives2talk: @Charliecondou Let him starve! Never heard of the twit before! Perhaps he trying to gain recognition to run as Republican Senator!
lives2talk: @Charliecondou Let him starve! Never heard of the twit before! Perhaps he trying to gain recognition to run as Republican Senator!
(PART 3)
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou I didn't know you were gay in real life. I thought it was just some of your so-called "acting".
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou "they don’t struggle on the tube when they are on their way to John Lewis like we do" #PrayForCharlie
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou etc.
alanbenzie: @Eamonn_Forde @Charliecondou He's about as 'gay' as you are 'irish' probably.
Eamonn_Forde: @alanbenzie @Charliecondou "Northern" Irish are basically bisexuals. "Oh, we're Irish. And we're English too." Half spud/half roast beef.
Charliecondou: @Eamonn_Forde I hate you
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou :(
nitsohara: @Eamonn_Forde @Charliecondou Get a room.
Eamonn_Forde: @nitsohara @Charliecondou Don't hate our love.
Sunday 5th Jan 2014
Todd Grimshaw makes it his mission later this month to make sure Marcus Dent knows exactly how he feels about him. Marcus maybe in a relationship with Maria Connor, but that's not going to stop Todd, who is convinced he can steal Marcus from her.
At his birthday meal Todd pulls out all his biggest flirting moves, leaving Marcus feeling slightly uncomfortable. He later corners Marcus making it clear he fancies him, but will Marcus be able to resist his charms!
Charlie Condou has previously said, "Marcus and Maria were not destined to have a happy life, this is soap!,"
In 2009 while being interviewed on a UK radio show, Prime Minister David Cameron, made an offensive joke about not wanting to join Twitter. He said of people using the social networking tool, "It's a case of too many twits make a twat!" After apologising profusely for his gaffe, he went quiet for a while until he capitulated and joined Twitter. The Prime Ministerial account was staffed by aides but occasionally Dave would be allowed to play with it!
And just when things seemed well, in October 2012, Dave went and opened a Twitter account just for himself...OMG
As if his aides didn't have enough to worry about!
In 2013, things didn't go well for Dave, as he made a few embarrassing blunders. In July, he posted a message in support of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith's welfare reforms but blundered by including the name of a spoof account for the Cabinet minister.
Towards the end of 2013 Dave appeared to have blundered again on Twitter, marking a highly offensive tweet as a "favourite" on his official account on the social networking site. This particular gaff was spotted by many. The error occurred after the account, run by the Prime Minister and Tory aides, posted a message saying he had given his condolences to Kenya's president Uhuru Kenyatta after the attack and added that Foreign Secretary William Hague would make a statement. The reply, which was mistakenly marked as a favourite, said: "@David_Cameron please call off @WilliamHague, hasn't Kenya suffered enough today?" The user's profile coupled an offensive username with an image of Lord Tebbit in the aftermath of the Brighton bombing. One report said the error was made overnight by one of the aides running the Tory leader's Twitter account. A spokesman said: "This is a deeply offensive account that the Prime Minister would never want to be associated with. "Clearly the Tweet was favourited by mistake and was removed as soon as it was realised."
And at the very end of 2013, who could forget the Nelson Mandela memorial selfie?
And at the very end of 2013, who could forget the Nelson Mandela memorial selfie?
The world was aghast at the lack of respect shown by three world leaders!
And we thought Oz PM Tony Abbott was a joke!
It's like that old proverb:
'Somewhere in the world someone is always worse off.'
Good luck, UK!
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