Charliecondou: My name is @JamesArthur23. And I love you. Unless of course you're gay, in which case you're a fucking queer
TeamXander1: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 Really? What a neanderthal.
In2townmagazine: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 really shocked over his outburst, Charlie can u tell me what century we are in, feels like a hundred years ago
zippypippy1: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 and he can't sing either Charlie!
Megmac1987: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 have no idea what this is referring to but not surprised if he has shown his true colours.
tubbsmcguire: @Charliecondou What has he done?
Charliecondou: @tubbsmcguire http://www.holymoly.com/music/news/james-arthur-calls-man-fing-queer-wonders-why-nobody-likes-him67805
tubbsmcguire: @Charliecondou Eurgh. What a prick.
Lou1966: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 did this REALLY happen? Or is it a possibility it's invented? I'm not a fan..Just a thought knowing our media?
Charliecondou: @Lou1966 http://www.holymoly.com/music/news/james-arthur-calls-man-fing-queer-wonders-why-nobody-likes-him67805
Lou1966: @Charliecondou thanks will have a read x
Lou1966: @Charliecondou oh dear.. As you were! x
msckallen: I'd like to know who is #MickyWorthless anyway? And is he getting as much stuck for his 'rap' @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23
Emmalampkin: @Charliecondou erm that other rapper called him a faggot in his rap so technically he threw the first homophobic remark not James!
msckallen: #MickyWorthless claims "your fucking with the big timers" but id not heard of him before this - who is he? @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23
iKyle1972: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 sad excuse for a man! It's 2013 grow up or shut up, no one wants your homophobic rant James.
Jacks1973: @Charliecondou He is a bit of an asswipe, isn't he?!?
tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou He's off my Christmas card list, Charlie.
simondaysh: @Charliecondou Well, what a prick he is!
squaddietony: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 oh really???
GothboyUK: @Charliecondou Worse still, the track was actually a bullying track. Effectively this was promoting homophobic bullying. :(
real_mtclements: @_AdamDP @Charliecondou oh dear is @JamesArthur23 a hater? I must have missed this one but it'll add to the list of reasons not to like him
_AdamDP: @djhawes @Charliecondou 'fucking queer' seems to be an acceptable lyric doesn't it @JamesArthur23
_AdamDP: @real_mtclements @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 id say don't buy his songs but no-one has anyway
Nelli__217: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 Okay this is just ridiculous!! He is best friends with @Rylan and if I'm not mistaken he's GAY!! #GiveItARest
domrocks: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 Why do young men do this? Don't they realise it's much hotter to NOT be a raging homophobe?
rhondasfamily: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 well im truly disgusted by that ..and to think I admired him ..unfollowed..
smugcheeks: @Charliecondou.im afraid he is a talentless. faux sob story reality peg toothed dirty looking troll fame whore and a waste of atoms!
thedertywizard: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 that colloquialism is standard in working class people, and if you take offence DM the lad don't be a hero
Charliecondou: @thedertywizard @JamesArthur23 he doesn't follow me so I can't
Charliecondou: @thedertywizard @JamesArthur23 and forgive me but calling someone a fucking queer is homophobic whatever your class
thedertywizard: @Charliecondou plz don't think i agree with any discrimination, I pity racists or homophobes.. I think educate them don't pour scorn on them
Wilfy23: @Charliecondou he's a nasty piece of work, horrible.
buzzbee31: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 Absolutely disgusting! I dont particularly like his music.....but I definitely dont like is attitude!
CarterAndMaurel: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 what a dick. He's such a judgemental-thinks he's better than everyone else-moron
emmiejayne92: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 what a bellend! Don't worry Charlie hes just a tramp that got lucky on xfactor! What a vile man x
ShelBelIsAMummy: @Charliecondou he doesn't understand the struggle gay people face everyday. Its ignorance, he couldnt possible understand! #LoveIsLove
candwilliams: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 couldn't agree with you more! Fame gets to some people they seem to think they are untouchable !
Helenwebb4: @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 Oh dear thats not good !!!!
Charliecondou: @Helenwebb4 alright love? X
RealMattLucas: Fuck you @JamesArthur23 for using the phrase 'fucking queer' in your latest track. Fuck you.
Charliecondou: RT @RealMattLucas: Fuck you @JamesArthur23 for using the phrase 'fucking queer' in your latest track. Fuck you.
lynnie_1954: @RealMattLucas @Charliecondou he's a nobody anyway!
BeverlyMacca1: @RealMattLucas @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 He's rank...I wouldn't touch him with Davids...well not for less than ten quid! X
mdna50: @RealMattLucas @Charliecondou @JamesArthur23 don't worry Matt, not worth getting worked up over x
JamesArthur23: Any offence I have caused by using the term 'queer' in my rap battle with MC Worthless
JamesArthur23: would just like to make it completely clear that it was not meant in anyway as a reference to homosexuality.
JamesArthur23: I realise where the term has come from in meaning..
JamesArthur23: but used in the context of the rap battles I have grown up with it has come to mean something completely different..
JamesArthur23: That said, I understand why it could cause offence and that definitely wasn't my intention.
Charliecondou: @JamesArthur23 hold on, didn't you preface "fucking queer" with "you probably want to put your stinky dick in me?" How is that not a gay ref?
JamesArthur23: @RealMattLucas I am so sorry i offended you sir. I will be removing this song from the internet shortly. Im a huge admire of your career.
RealMattLucas: @JamesArthur23 Thanks, James. I look forward to your new stuff. Respect to you for responding and taking it down. Let's move on.
JamesArthur23: @RealMattLucas You're an absolute gentleman and an inspiration to many people gay or straight. #LOVE
DalnacraigMusic: "@Charliecondou: @JamesArthur23 hold on... "you probably want to put your stinky dick in me"? Wishful thinking maybe? Lol, he'd be so lucky!
justaballgame: http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/charlie-condou-no907_17.html cheers @Charliecondou @ChasCondouFans
DalnacraigMusic: "@Charliecondou: @JamesArthur23 hold on... "you probably want to put your stinky dick in me"? Wishful thinking maybe? Lol, he'd be so lucky!
justaballgame: http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com.au/2013/11/charlie-condou-no907_17.html cheers @Charliecondou @ChasCondouFans
PaulPopplewell: It's 6:26am I have Baby Einstein on loop. I'm all about the rock n roll.
Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell I'll see your baby Einstein and raise you Barbie: a fairy secret for the 11th time this week
PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou haha you know what it's all a a beautiful thing... When her Brother is up we'll be on to Sherk2 for the 1000th time
_Paddy_White_: I will follow the first 20 people to follow @SOWO_UK from now, GO!
Charliecondou: @_Paddy_White_ @SOWO_UK what happened to the shop?
_Paddy_White_: @Charliecondou @SOWO_UK the shop was always a short term plan, tho didn't expect it to be that short, but the biggest potential for us is
_Paddy_White_: @Charliecondou @SOWO_UK on the net. we've closed the shop so we can focus on rebranding and revamping the site. gunna post an official
_Paddy_White_: @Charliecondou @SOWO_UK explanation later. oooh and you'll be made up charlie, we're getting tee shirts! :) lol
Charliecondou: @_Paddy_White_ @SOWO_UK hahaha excellent #noguns
Charliecondou: @_Paddy_White_ you follow and unfollow me with alarming regularity
Charliecondou: RT @DJstewartwho: Bananalingus! Excellent RT: @jameelajamil SO I wrote a blog about Lily Allen's new video. I was tired and angry. http://jameelajamil.co.uk/post/67141222145/another-bloody-blog-about-hard-out-here
kerryjeanlister: @DJstewartwho @jameelajamil @Charliecondou I will now endeavour to insert ‘bananalingus’ into conversation whenever possible. Great blog btw
DJstewartwho: @kerryjeanlister @jameelajamil @Charliecondou For me, THIS is the best example of ‘bananalingus’ EVER. #EndOf
Charliecondou: RT @DJstewartwho: Bananalingus! Excellent RT: @jameelajamil SO I wrote a blog about Lily Allen's new video. I was tired and angry. http://jameelajamil.co.uk/post/67141222145/another-bloody-blog-about-hard-out-here
kerryjeanlister: @DJstewartwho @jameelajamil @Charliecondou I will now endeavour to insert ‘bananalingus’ into conversation whenever possible. Great blog btw
DJstewartwho: @kerryjeanlister @jameelajamil @Charliecondou For me, THIS is the best example of ‘bananalingus’ EVER. #EndOf
kerryjeanlister: @DJstewartwho @jameelajamil @Charliecondou good GRIEF. Is that a marine?!
DJstewartwho: @kerryjeanlister @jameelajamil @Charliecondou Uh-huh. I'd rather they did THAT in Iraq/Afghanistan, rather than the killing #bananalingus
kerryjeanlister: @DJstewartwho @jameelajamil @Charliecondou ‘Bananalingus, not WAR’. There’s a t-shirt waiting to be made… #bananalingus
DJstewartwho: @kerryjeanlister @jameelajamil @Charliecondou OMG, you are SO right. Not gonna rest now 'til i hear Dimbleby/Helen Mirren say #bananalingus
jo_elvin: Well, that's my mind blown.
emmafreud: @jo_elvin so so so so so so so so so so so so wrong.
Charliecondou: @emmafreud @jo_elvin apparently they are amazing, like mint matchmakers
jo_elvin: @Charliecondou @emmafreud They're going in the Christmas stash. I wonder how well they go with white wine. :-/
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