Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Sam_Womack: Ok .... So I'm trending!! What does that mean? Had great time at tv choice awards. What a week. #toastandmarmite
Charliecondou: @Sam_Womack Nice to see you on Monday, sorry I didnt get a chance to chat x

MatttHowson: Deffo just walked past @Charliecondou in Piccadilly train station, being so hungover I hardly realised #mess
Charliecondou: @MatttHowson say hello next time x
MatttHowson: @Charliecondou I was on the phone haha and you were walking down the stairs before I realised!! Oh man could have had a picture!

Charliecondou: So annoyed I missed the launch of Jonathan Yeo's exhibition @NPGLondon last night. One of the best portrait artists of our generation
shebahronay: @Charliecondou @NPGLondon  :-))x

AubreyEMiller: @reallorraine “@ChasCondouFans: CHARLIE AND CAMERON TALK TO ITV'S LORRAINE - See BLOG
reallorraine: Delightful couple RT @AubreyEMiller: @reallorraine “@ChasCondouFans: CHARLIE AND CAMERON TALK TO ITV'S LORRAINE - See BLOG


Above: Charlie Condou at Thames Television prior to appearing on the Lorraine Show.

Above: Cameron Laux on the Lorraine Show 10-9-2013.
Below: Charlie & Cameron on the Lorraine Show 10-9-2013.
Learn how you can become a gay mom or dad
The Alternative Parenting Show returns to London this month at a time when gay families are booming and LGBT parents are earning new respect

The annual Alternative Parenting Show, which returns to London this month, exemplifies an explosion in the growth of gay parenting. 
New film Any Day Now has just hit UK cinemas and serves as a stark reminder of how far gay people have come in the past four decades in respect to equal rights – particularly in respect to parenting. In the film, which is loosely based on a true story, actor Alan Cumming plays Rudy, a drag queen in late 1970s Los Angeles. He and his new boyfriend attempt to become foster carers of a young man with learning difficulties, but when the authorities discover the true nature of the couple’s relationship, they face a courtroom battle to keep the boy under their guardianship. Although the film is set in the US, the situation in the UK was not much different at the time. Fortunately, things have changed greatly since then. A law was passed in 2005 allowing gay couples to adopt, and following the introduction of civil partnerships in that same year, more and more gay couples (and single people) are realizing that they too can think about having a family of their own – either through surrogacy, donor insemination and IVF techniques or adoption and fostering. According to the UK’s Office for National Statistics, in 2011, 8,000 same-sex couples had children in their care. In 2012, that number had risen to sharply to 12,000 couples. Figures for 2013 have not yet been released, but they are likely to show a further rise. Helping would-be mums and dads to realize their dream of becoming parents is the annual Alternative Parenting Show. Taking place at the Grand Connaught Rooms in Covent Garden on Saturday (21 September), in association with London Women’s Clinic, the Alternative Parenting Show is aimed at anyone – gay, bisexual or heterosexual – who may be having trouble starting a family. Organized by Square Peg Media (publisher of g3 and Out In The City magazines), it will offer invaluable information to same-sex and heterosexual couples and to single men and women on how to make the dream of having a family a reality. Over 40 exhibitors are anticipated, including London Women’s Clinic (headline sponsor), Dawson Cornwell (legal partner), The Fertility Center of Las Vegas (surrogacy partner), Bright Horizons (Childcare Partner), Circle Surrogacy, AdoptionPlus, European Sperm Bank, The Bridge Centre, My Alternative Family, Wandsworth Borough Council, Pride Angel, Little Miracles, Think Adoption and many others. For a full list, check out the official website. ‘The show has become much more than an event for finding out the best routes to becoming a parent,’ says Square Peg director Sarah Garrett. ‘It also illustrates how more gay parents are beginning to believe they have an equal right to have a family and that it is possible. Last year, a gay couple came to the show for the third time, this time with their newly born twin babies. ‘They said the show really helped them to realize how normalized same-sex parenting has become.’ Attendees can learn how to navigate through the alternative parenting minefield, including advice on surrogacy, fertility, co-parenting, adoption and legal information. Seminars will run throughout the day, with seminar admission just £3 per session. These will include specialists on fostering and adoption, surrogacy, IVF, co-parenting and much more. You will also have the opportunity to speak to the Alternative Parenting Show ambassadors, actors Charlie Condou and Sophie Ward, who will share their experiences of being parents. If you’re seriously looking at ways to become a parent, to extend your current family, or just considering options for the future, the Alternative Parenting Show will offer a wealth of information and advice. The show, which will run from 9.30am till 5pm, costs £8 to attend.

And for a limited time:
Watch Charlie & Cameron on ITV's Lorraine Show
Alt_Parenting: Great interview @reallorraine (10:45) @Charliecondou & partner Cameron talk about starting a family @Alt_Parenting
Charliecondou: RT @Alt_Parenting: Great interview @reallorraine (10:45) @Charliecondou & partner Cameron talk about starting a family @Alt_Parenting

Above & below: Charlie Condou attends TV Choice Awards 2013 at The Dorchester Hotel in London

Below: If you look very hard you'll spot Charlie Condou peeking from between the microphone and Barbara's head while she makes a very long acceptance speech after Corrie won 'best soap' 2013.

ClaireJoBenji: @michkeegan accepts her award with @Charliecondou #intheADoffice 


Doctor Who, Coronation Street Winners Of The Night At TV Choice Awards 2013

Last night saw the stars of the small screen arrive at The Dorchester for the annual TV Choice Awards to see if they would be winning a coveted award to take home and put on their mantelpiece.
And that was the case for the cast of Doctor Who and Coronation Street who became the winners of the night bagging numerous awards. With the 50th anniversary special episode taking place in just a couple of months, Doctor Who continued to reign supreme picking up the awards for 'Outstanding Contribution Award' and 'Best Drama Series'.
Natalie Gumede and charlie Condou at the 2013 TV Choice Awards.
Coronation Street also reigned supreme when it came to soaps picking up the 'Best Soap' award as well as the newly engaged Michelle Keegan picking up the award for 'Best Soap Actress'. Taking to Twitter after her win, Michelle posted: "Jst finished work n got told that I won Best Soap Actress at the @TVChoice awards! Im absolutely over the moon! THANKYOU so much to every1 who took the time out and voted for me. This means so much. Thankyouuu! WOW what an amazing day! I have to keep pinching myself #solucky X." The hit murder mystery drama Broadchurch continued to prove popular picking up two awards: 'Best New Drama' and 'Best Actor' which went to former Doctor Who star David Tennant. Whilst Michelle may have won 'Best Soap Actress', EastEnders funnyman Shane Richie took home the award for 'Best Soap Actor' and is EastEnders co-star David Witts scooped the 'Best Soap Newcomer' award for his role as Joey Branning. Comedian and Call The Midwife star Miranda Hart took home the gong for 'Best Actress' and the award for 'Best Comedy' went to Mrs Brown's Boys. Presenting duo Ant and Dec arrived on stage to take the award for the return of their Saturday night TV show, Ant And Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway. But as the duo won the award for the show, we're sure they were pretty happy to see that Britain's Got Talent and I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Out Of here - two shows they front - also won 'Best Talent Show' and 'Best Reality TV Show' respectively. Paul O'Grady won the award for 'Best Factual Entertainment & Lifestyle Show' and 'Best Daytime Show' went to The Jeremy Kyle Show. The Big Bang Theory scooped the award for 'Best International Show' and the 'Best Food Show' went to Jamie's 15 Minute Meals.
Check out the list of winners:
Best Soap, Sponsored By Daz
Coronation Street
Best New Drama
Best Drama Series
Doctor Who
Outstanding Contribution Award
Doctor Who
Best Actor
David Tennant,Broadchurch
Best Actress
Miranda Hart, Call the Midwife
Best Comedy
Mrs. Brown’s Boys
Best Reality Show
I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here 
Best Talent Show
Britain’s Got Talent
Best Entertainment Show
Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway
Best Factual Entertainment & Lifestyle Show
 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs
Best Daytime Show
The Jeremy Kyle Show
Best Food Show
Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals
Best International Show
The Big Bang Theory
Best Soap Actor
Shane Richie (Alfie Moon, Eastenders)
Best Soap Newcomer
David Witts (Joey Branning, EastEnders)
Best Soap Actress
Michelle Keegan (Tina McIntyre, Coronation Street)

misterhsk: My first steak and kidney pudding of the year... 
Charliecondou: @misterhsk the year or day?
misterhsk: @Charliecondou cheeky
HarryAlffa: @Charliecondou @misterhsk Even in Yorkshire that would be a steak & kidney pie.

ChasCondouBlog: @Charliecondou Michael Le Vell "delighted" at being cleared of offences 


- IN OZ -

SirThomasWynne: Airhead Oz Prime Minister Tony Abbott described the crisis in Syria as "baddie versus baddie!" It's come back to haunt him in a new range of T-shirts.

MonORCA_Gilbert: @Tom_in_Oz_ Oh good grief! What a moron!
SirThomasWynne: Airhead Abbott's promised to stop boat refugees. It didn't work 200 years ago and it won't work now. 

Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_in_Oz_ I know, I detest him.
SirThomasWynne: Airhead Abbott has a few shortcomings and he's a sellout! 
SirThomasWynne: Summer is on the way but sadly the Oz political climate has gone considerably chilly.

Tom_in_Oz_: I'm just a harmless old grandpa who loves his family. What would I know about politics?
JaneMarkland: @Tom_in_Oz_   probably a great deal more than most politicians Tom!! You live in the real world.

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