The following Tweeters are just a few of my supporters who have kept the Condou blog going for over 2 years and it's lovely that we still find the time to send #FFs or take the time to reply to #FFs. They are all lovely people, obviously!
CoopRespectLGBT: @Confidential_CC :-) x

WeLoveSamia_: @ChasCondouFans Thankyouuuu sweetie :-* x

AustinFx4: @Confidential_CC thanks matey

fgbtony: #ff nice guy I follow @Confidential_CC

pekelika: @Confidential_CC Thanks so much for #FF. Hope all is well. Thinking of you! Xx

Janhatesmarmite: @Confidential_CC Thank you, and a cheery #ff right back at you :) xx

AlanChand: @confidential_cc Thanks love!

badjonesyinc: @Confidential_CC ta Pa!! Cxx

nancycato1: @Confidential_CC thank you

wilbunny: #FF @Confidential_CC :))

polly444: @Confidential_CC thanks :)

david_kirwan: @Confidential_CC I thank you

misterknight: #FF @Confidential_CC thanks + right back at you!

sophfowler: #FF @Confidential_CC

ShaunDellenty: @Confidential_CC thank you :)

BienSoeur: #FF @Confidential_CC :-)

Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC Thanks Tom

JohnTarbet71: @Confidential_CC Many Thanks for the #FF I hope you have a great weekend

FoxyLorri64: #FF @Confidential_CC Thankyou ..Have a glorious weekend,love to you all from a really sunny Leicestershire! :D X

benniedenton: @Confidential_CC why thank you xx

NoNoNannette30: @Confidential_CC Thank you for the #ff sweetie ((hugs)$

KathyKincaid: #FF @SirThomasWynne

Deejrdee: @SirThomasWynne thanks!

TaTUM_Maggie: @Confidential_CC Thanks Tom

russwrightfla: #followfriday xo @Confidential_CC

Foxfontaine: @Confidential_CC thanks!! #FF

Potentilly: Thanks for #ff to @Confidential_CC

emanuellenery: @Confidential_CC , thanks for the #FF, honey! :)

thomasinmanc: @Confidential_CC Thank you kindly :-)

MarkMMerrett: @Confidential_CC mwah ty tommy

valeriemeachum: Thank you!! xx @SirThomasWynne: #FF

JamesPowers33: @SirThomasWynne thank you

Dorina335: @SirThomasWynne thanks darling xx

Bcgkelly: @SirThomasWynne #FF Thanks Tom

EllieJuckes: @Confidential_CC cheers;)

WindmillWAG111: Thank you kindly @Confidential_CC sir. This young man is worth a follow.

Charliecondou: @Lindsayfrankel spoke to niki, Monday works for us x

Lindsayfrankel: @Charliecondou Wonderful - will book and email you both, any preferences or you happy for me to choose? x

Charliecondou: @Lindsayfrankel Nopi was great before but frankly I'd be happy with a sarnie

Lindsayfrankel: @Charliecondou Oh, you're so showbiz! x

Charliecondou: @davidvitty nice to meet you @msm4rsh's party x

davidvitty: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Nice to meet you too Charlie. Was a great night. See you at the next one!

Charliecondou: @davidvitty I usually try to avoid anything @msm4rsh has organised but yes, see you soon x

davidvitty: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Haha! She'll slap you for that! See you soon mate x

Charliecondou: RT @ETittensor: 2 weeks until the release of #SPIKEISLAND! Madchester Massive!!! :)


scouserachel: (we will rock you)

Charliecondou: @scouserachel very good

scouserachel: @Charliecondou it was @tomgormer - clever

Charliecondou: @scouserachel @tomgormer applause

InsideSoapMag: Oh, Tina! Will she really try and keep the baby? #Corrie

Charliecondou: @InsideSoapMag is that Eddie Izzard?

skipnewton: This weekends fashion tip @Charliecondou #onlineadvice

Charliecondou: @skipnewton my nan had curtains like those

Confidential_CC: #FF @gillywalshy @kathleen_condou @pierrecondou

Confidential_CC: #FF @AdamBlease @skipnewton

_DaCattos: Up at 6 to go to London. Flip off.

NoNoNannette30: @Confidential_CC Thank you for the #ff sweetie ((hugs)$

KathyKincaid: #FF @SirThomasWynne

Deejrdee: @SirThomasWynne thanks!
TaTUM_Maggie: @Confidential_CC Thanks Tom

russwrightfla: #followfriday xo @Confidential_CC

Foxfontaine: @Confidential_CC thanks!! #FF

Potentilly: Thanks for #ff to @Confidential_CC

emanuellenery: @Confidential_CC , thanks for the #FF, honey! :)

thomasinmanc: @Confidential_CC Thank you kindly :-)

MarkMMerrett: @Confidential_CC mwah ty tommy

valeriemeachum: Thank you!! xx @SirThomasWynne: #FF

JamesPowers33: @SirThomasWynne thank you

Dorina335: @SirThomasWynne thanks darling xx

Bcgkelly: @SirThomasWynne #FF Thanks Tom

EllieJuckes: @Confidential_CC cheers;)

WindmillWAG111: Thank you kindly @Confidential_CC sir. This young man is worth a follow.

Charliecondou: @Lindsayfrankel spoke to niki, Monday works for us x

Lindsayfrankel: @Charliecondou Wonderful - will book and email you both, any preferences or you happy for me to choose? x

Charliecondou: @Lindsayfrankel Nopi was great before but frankly I'd be happy with a sarnie

Lindsayfrankel: @Charliecondou Oh, you're so showbiz! x

Charliecondou: @davidvitty nice to meet you @msm4rsh's party x

davidvitty: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Nice to meet you too Charlie. Was a great night. See you at the next one!

Charliecondou: @davidvitty I usually try to avoid anything @msm4rsh has organised but yes, see you soon x

davidvitty: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Haha! She'll slap you for that! See you soon mate x

Charliecondou: RT @ETittensor: 2 weeks until the release of #SPIKEISLAND! Madchester Massive!!! :)


Charliecondou: @scouserachel very good

scouserachel: @Charliecondou it was @tomgormer - clever

Charliecondou: @scouserachel @tomgormer applause

InsideSoapMag: Oh, Tina! Will she really try and keep the baby? #Corrie

Charliecondou: @InsideSoapMag is that Eddie Izzard?

skipnewton: This weekends fashion tip @Charliecondou #onlineadvice

Charliecondou: @skipnewton my nan had curtains like those
Charliecondou: Filming Family Fortunes tomorrow. I wonder who I'm up against @lane_paula @georgiafoote @mrdavidhaye

georgiafoote: @Charliecondou @lane_paula @mrdavidhaye oooh thats interesting! Apparently im not up against paula?! So either one of the other two! X

Charliecondou: @georgiafoote @lane_paula I hope I'm up against @mrdavidhaye Let's face it, it's the only chance ill ever get to knock him out

martincairns88: @Charliecondou defo be watching that! Saw an episode of Midsomer Murders with ur good self in! Must have been a while ago!

Charliecondou: @martincairns88 it was about 10 years ago

georgiafoote: @Charliecondou @lane_paula @mrdavidhaye haha! What a good line up! X

Nickygidigbi: @Charliecondou Which family members you taking on? I used to work for your mum and dad, would love to see them on screen!
Don't forget to keep an eye out for Charlie Condou later this year when he is scheduled to appear on the UK game show Family Fortunes (aka Family Feud in USA and Oz). And don't forget to read yesterday's blog post there are more family details mentioned.

georgiafoote: @Charliecondou @lane_paula @mrdavidhaye oooh thats interesting! Apparently im not up against paula?! So either one of the other two! X

Charliecondou: @georgiafoote @lane_paula I hope I'm up against @mrdavidhaye Let's face it, it's the only chance ill ever get to knock him out
martincairns88: @Charliecondou defo be watching that! Saw an episode of Midsomer Murders with ur good self in! Must have been a while ago!

Charliecondou: @martincairns88 it was about 10 years ago
georgiafoote: @Charliecondou @lane_paula @mrdavidhaye haha! What a good line up! X
Nickygidigbi: @Charliecondou Which family members you taking on? I used to work for your mum and dad, would love to see them on screen!

Confidential_CC: #FF @gillywalshy @kathleen_condou @pierrecondou

Confidential_CC: #FF @AdamBlease @skipnewton

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou I love the fact I seem to be in a #ff with ' the Condous ' I've made it ;)

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy finally!

AdamBlease: @gillywalshy @Charliecondou But I'm in a #FF with @skipnewton Beat that! :-) x
skipnewton: @AdamBlease @gillywalshy @Charliecondou finally found fame eh
AdamBlease: @skipnewton @gillywalshy @Charliecondou My life is complete :-)
gillywalshy: @skipnewton @AdamBlease @Charliecondou I'm already famous in 26 countries. Made a video...
skipnewton: @gillywalshy @AdamBlease @Charliecondou mmmmmmmmm #ibetyouhave
AdamBlease: "@gillywalshy: @skipnewton @AdamBlease @Charliecondou I'm already famous in 26 countries. Made a video..." #Filth
_DaCattos: Up at 6 to go to London. Flip off.
Charliecondou: @_DaCattos are you gonna come see us??
_DaCattos: @Charliecondou I can do! :D At the Bowie exhibition at the V&A at 1.15, I can text you when I'm done there? :)
Marcus, Maria and Sean are at a wedding. Sean and several mates surround Marcus and tease him about another bloke there that has always fancied him. They have assumed Maria is just his "wingman" otherwise people will think he's trying to look straight. Maria overhears that last bit and is clearly upset that it looks as if he's going to let them think they're friends but he reluctantly breaks the news that they are a couple.
Below: Charlie Condou enjoying his recent USA holiday soaking up the sun at Soho Beach House Miami, 13th May 2013.
Click proof sheet to enlarge:

Marcus, Maria and Sean are at a wedding. Sean and several mates surround Marcus and tease him about another bloke there that has always fancied him. They have assumed Maria is just his "wingman" otherwise people will think he's trying to look straight. Maria overhears that last bit and is clearly upset that it looks as if he's going to let them think they're friends but he reluctantly breaks the news that they are a couple.
Watch a preview of these scenes in the video below:
Below: Charlie Condou enjoying his recent USA holiday soaking up the sun at Soho Beach House Miami, 13th May 2013.
Click proof sheet to enlarge:
Did you know in 2005 Charlie Condou featured in a 12 minute short film called The Girl In The Red Dress (and no Charlie wasn't the one in the red dress)? The short was directed by Aletta Collins.
Charlie Condou: Rory
Shirley Henderson: Gaynor
Jenny Éclair The girl in a red dress.
Director of Photography Gavin Struthers knows that short films are a difficult
genre to crack, but when he read Jill Parker’s script of The Girl in the Red
Dress, he immediately recognised its high calibre. “It was incredibly well
written and the dialogue had a natural feel and pace,” he recalls. Unusually
for a 12 minute short film, it was shot on 35mm and stars Shirley Henderson
(Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets and Bridget Jones’ Diary) as
Gaynor, Charlie Condou (Charlotte Gray and Judge Dredd) as Rory and Jenny
Eclair (Perrier Award winning comedienne) as the girl in the red dress.
Notably, it is Writer Jill Parker’s first film script, Choreographer &
Dance Film Director Aletta Collins’ first fiction film as Director, and
Production Manager Julia Valentine’s first film as Producer.
The Girl in the Red Dress opens as a party and a relationship are drawing to an end. The two lead characters, Gaynor and Rory, leave the party and on their early morning walk home, Gaynor resists Rory’s attempts to tell her he’s leaving her by reflecting back on a conversation she had with one of the party guests – the girl in the red dress. In her drunken state, the girl had misread the situation and encouraged Gaynor to think of herself and Rory as the perfect couple. Gaynor’s efforts to save their once great relationship fail and, when they reach her flat, Rory leaves her. As she ascends the stairwell to her flat, she remembers other, very different nights and imagines what might have been.
The film was shot over one day and four nights and 90% of the shots were on Steadicam, so logistically the whole film was a pretty steep learning curve,” admits Struthers. “In the party and flashback sequences, the red dress was really important to Aletta – she wanted it to shout out from the screen. As the couple leave the party and move into the square outside, there’s a transitional shot of a reflection in the window of the girl in the red dress waving, as Gaynor and Rory walk down the street. It's a haunting scene.
The Girl in the Red Dress opens as a party and a relationship are drawing to an end. The two lead characters, Gaynor and Rory, leave the party and on their early morning walk home, Gaynor resists Rory’s attempts to tell her he’s leaving her by reflecting back on a conversation she had with one of the party guests – the girl in the red dress. In her drunken state, the girl had misread the situation and encouraged Gaynor to think of herself and Rory as the perfect couple. Gaynor’s efforts to save their once great relationship fail and, when they reach her flat, Rory leaves her. As she ascends the stairwell to her flat, she remembers other, very different nights and imagines what might have been.
The film was shot over one day and four nights and 90% of the shots were on Steadicam, so logistically the whole film was a pretty steep learning curve,” admits Struthers. “In the party and flashback sequences, the red dress was really important to Aletta – she wanted it to shout out from the screen. As the couple leave the party and move into the square outside, there’s a transitional shot of a reflection in the window of the girl in the red dress waving, as Gaynor and Rory walk down the street. It's a haunting scene.
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