thegarethmclean: No, it's a gun in my pocket.

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean what does tautological mean?

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou Is this a trick question?

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean no. I went to a comprehensive school. I don't know anything

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou And you'd know even less if Michael Gove gets his way.

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean oh I googled it. Like tautology! I DO know after all!

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou You see! You learned to use a computer. And everything else, you learned at the university of life. Or Bessie St Primary.

Charliecondou: Apparently I have a tumbler. I don't know what this is

ThatJoelfella: @Charliecondou It's basically porn, happy porn sharing!

Gatz77: @Charliecondou I have a cream I can give you. It'll pass in a few days.

EnquiriesHarry: @Charliecondou it's a glass

shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou It dries your clothes

MarkWroxham: @Charliecondou It's a midget that does head over heels around your living room.

pinderbaby: @Charliecondou tumblr hun :-)

Charliecondou: Oh alright smart arses, tumblr!

scottm1967: @Charliecondou and a very nice one it is too!

Charliecondou: @scottm1967 I haven't actually seen it

scottm1967: @Charliecondou it's ok Charlie, it's not one of those tumblrs ;-)

robertcutler17: @Charliecondou strange question if its not true but was u in gimme gimme gimme yrs ago with the fake accent #wallyrange ???

Charliecondou: @robertcutler17 yup

robertcutler17: On my 10th week tweeting sixth celeb xxx and a sexy gay one as well xxx @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @robertcutler17 haha, charmer x

hotpatooties: I am soooo tired it feels like an illness. You know that kind of tired? (Actually it feels like I feel on Day 5 of Glastonbury).

lilyrosecooper: @hotpatooties try 2 babies

Charliecondou: @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties someone told me having one kid is like having a pet, having two is like trying to run a fucking zoo!!

hotpatooties: @Charliecondou @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper you are not helping my husbands cause to take off my leg clamps people.

lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties try 4 babies and a full time job motherfuckas!!!

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties yes Liz but you're clearly an idiot

lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties am I though? They will all be rich and successful and look after me in my old (middle) age!

hotpatooties: @lizmatthewspr @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper Liz do you really have FOUR babies?? Last time I saw you there was only one?!?!?

Charliecondou: @hotpatooties @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper Dawn she's got loads! She keeps getting pregnant. For no reason

lizmatthewspr: @hotpatooties @charliecondou @lilyrosecooper I do have 4, but the last 2 are entirely Charlie's fault.

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr @hotpatooties @lilyrosecooper I did not have relations with that woman

thegarethmclean: No, it's a gun in my pocket.

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean what does tautological mean?

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou Is this a trick question?

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean no. I went to a comprehensive school. I don't know anything

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou And you'd know even less if Michael Gove gets his way.

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean oh I googled it. Like tautology! I DO know after all!

thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou You see! You learned to use a computer. And everything else, you learned at the university of life. Or Bessie St Primary.

Charliecondou: Apparently I have a tumbler. I don't know what this is
ThatJoelfella: @Charliecondou It's basically porn, happy porn sharing!
Gatz77: @Charliecondou I have a cream I can give you. It'll pass in a few days.
EnquiriesHarry: @Charliecondou it's a glass
shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou It dries your clothes
MarkWroxham: @Charliecondou It's a midget that does head over heels around your living room.
pinderbaby: @Charliecondou tumblr hun :-)

Charliecondou: Oh alright smart arses, tumblr!

scottm1967: @Charliecondou and a very nice one it is too!

Charliecondou: @scottm1967 I haven't actually seen it

scottm1967: @Charliecondou it's ok Charlie, it's not one of those tumblrs ;-)
robertcutler17: @Charliecondou strange question if its not true but was u in gimme gimme gimme yrs ago with the fake accent #wallyrange ???

Charliecondou: @robertcutler17 yup
robertcutler17: On my 10th week tweeting sixth celeb xxx and a sexy gay one as well xxx @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @robertcutler17 haha, charmer x

hotpatooties: I am soooo tired it feels like an illness. You know that kind of tired? (Actually it feels like I feel on Day 5 of Glastonbury).

lilyrosecooper: @hotpatooties try 2 babies

Charliecondou: @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties someone told me having one kid is like having a pet, having two is like trying to run a fucking zoo!!

hotpatooties: @Charliecondou @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper you are not helping my husbands cause to take off my leg clamps people.
lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties try 4 babies and a full time job motherfuckas!!!

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties yes Liz but you're clearly an idiot
lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper @hotpatooties am I though? They will all be rich and successful and look after me in my old (middle) age!

hotpatooties: @lizmatthewspr @Charliecondou @lilyrosecooper Liz do you really have FOUR babies?? Last time I saw you there was only one?!?!?

Charliecondou: @hotpatooties @lizmatthewspr @lilyrosecooper Dawn she's got loads! She keeps getting pregnant. For no reason
lizmatthewspr: @hotpatooties @charliecondou @lilyrosecooper I do have 4, but the last 2 are entirely Charlie's fault.

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr @hotpatooties @lilyrosecooper I did not have relations with that woman

ibABower: My dad just
turned into the biggest fangirl when he saw Marcus from Corrie in Piccadilly
station #hilarious
Charliecondou: @ibABower give him a kiss from me ;-)

ibABower: @Charliecondou you've just made his day ;) thanks!

JosephSscanlon: Have a look at the cover I shot of @itvcorrie stars @alanhalsall & @jenniemcalpine for @tvtimesmagazine OUT NOW

guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon thanks for the follow :)

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd You're welcome.

Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd oh get a room!

guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou Got one. You coming? ;) @JosephSscanlon

Charliecondou: @guy_interruptd @JosephSscanlon IM ON MY WAY!!

guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Bring cake

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou Charlie really shouldn't be eating cake. So just bring enough for you and me

guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon @Charliecondou last time I saw her she *was* sporting a bit of a muffin-top...

Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd Joseph I'm VERY sensitive about my weight, ever since my recent 30th birthday

guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Careful, love. That bulldog clip on the back of your neck is about to ping off...

JosephSscanlon: @Charliecondou @guy_interruptd Poor Charlie. You look beautiful for a 30 year old.

guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon @Charliecondou ....corpse

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou I think he is well preserved.

Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd you can both piss right off

guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Not coming then, no? *waggles room key*

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou I am

ibABower: @Charliecondou you've just made his day ;) thanks!

JosephSscanlon: Have a look at the cover I shot of @itvcorrie stars @alanhalsall & @jenniemcalpine for @tvtimesmagazine OUT NOW
guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon thanks for the follow :)

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd You're welcome.
Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd oh get a room!
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou Got one. You coming? ;) @JosephSscanlon
Charliecondou: @guy_interruptd @JosephSscanlon IM ON MY WAY!!
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Bring cake

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou Charlie really shouldn't be eating cake. So just bring enough for you and me
guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon @Charliecondou last time I saw her she *was* sporting a bit of a muffin-top...
Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd Joseph I'm VERY sensitive about my weight, ever since my recent 30th birthday
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Careful, love. That bulldog clip on the back of your neck is about to ping off...

JosephSscanlon: @Charliecondou @guy_interruptd Poor Charlie. You look beautiful for a 30 year old.
guy_interruptd: @JosephSscanlon @Charliecondou ....corpse

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou I think he is well preserved.
Charliecondou: @JosephSscanlon @guy_interruptd you can both piss right off
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @JosephSscanlon Not coming then, no? *waggles room key*

JosephSscanlon: @guy_interruptd @Charliecondou I am
Charliecondou: RT @OwenJones84: Bedroom tax is another cruel example of Tories mugging the poor. @thesundaypeople have a petition up to support victims
lisafaulkner1: Off to properly sign off on book 2, daughter in tow!!
Charliecondou: @lisafaulkner1 Thats a great title for a book!
lisafaulkner1: @Charliecondou isn't it!! X
If you would like to hear Charlie's excellent speech forward to the 30 min mark in the following video:
Charliecondou: Hahaha

guyachambers: And the alternative way of wearing the Tiger Shawl! Far more fetching, wouldn't you say?
Charliecondou: @guyachambers hahaha is it a carpet?

ParisLees: Just a little sneak at the stunning photography inside @DIVAMagazine's #DIVA200 and the other solo shots look great too

Charliecondou: @ParisLees @DIVAmagazine great photo, I'm reading my copy on the train to Manchester. I'm hoping people think I'm a lesbian

ParisLees: @Charliecondou @DIVAmagazine Ha!

DIVAmagazine: @Charliecondou @ParisLees You had me fooled for a while, Charlie

Charliecondou: @DIVAmagazine @ParisLees great, can I be next months cover girl??

Charliecondou: @JaneHillNews you look absolutely GORGEOUS on the cover of Diva x
ParisLees: Just a little sneak at the stunning photography inside @DIVAMagazine's #DIVA200 and the other solo shots look great too
Charliecondou: @ParisLees @DIVAmagazine great photo, I'm reading my copy on the train to Manchester. I'm hoping people think I'm a lesbian
ParisLees: @Charliecondou @DIVAmagazine Ha!
DIVAmagazine: @Charliecondou @ParisLees You had me fooled for a while, Charlie
Charliecondou: @DIVAmagazine @ParisLees great, can I be next months cover girl??
Charliecondou: @JaneHillNews you look absolutely GORGEOUS on the cover of Diva x
Corrie’s Charlie Condou is backing Samia Ghadie to win.
Published 30th January 2013 By SoapSquawk
Corrie’s Charlie Condou has thrown his weight behind Samia Ghadie to win Dancing On Ice.
The actor, who plays Samia’s screen boyfriend Marcus Dent, says he couldn't be more proud of her performances on the ice. And he’s even tempted to give it a go himself! He said: “She’s amazing. I went to watch her in week one – I had my Team Samia T-shirt on and sat in the front room cheering her on. She was brilliant. “She’d bored me in the run up with hundreds of videos on her phone of her doing different turns or skating backwards. “So I saw what she was like when she started this and I can see where she is now and she’s amazing. I hope she goes really far.” Asked if Samia had inspired him to give the Dancing on Ice a go himself, he said: “I think I would! Samia’s been teasing me about it for ages, saying that she thinks I should do it next year. “I was thinking, ‘not a chance’, but when I went to watch it live, I started to think I’d really enjoy this. “So you never know – watch this space. I think, out of all those sort of shows, it’s the one I’d want to do the most.”
Above: Charlie's autograph cards are available by writing to ITV in Manchester or contacting his agent via the link on right side of this blog. These cards can sometimes be found for sale on eBay but prices may be prohibitive.

SirThomasWynne: @msm4rsh Kym did you see the lovely pic I created with you and @Charliecondou combined?? #toomuchtimeonmyhands

msm4rsh: @SirThomasWynne @charliecondou ha ha ha hilarious! X

SirThomasWynne: @msm4rsh @Charliecondou he's got the look!!!

jules4023: @SirThomasWynne @msm4rsh @Charliecondou oh that's so funny..:)

jules4023: @SirThomasWynne @msm4rsh @Charliecondou oh that's so funny..:)

SirThomasWynne: @jules4023 @msm4rsh >>>he's
gone quiet!! @Charliecondou