Thursday, November 15, 2012


Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: RT Jenny_oreilly: Marcus from Corrie looks like him ...

Tweeting_our_CR: Good luck to all the nominees at tonight's Creative Diversity Awards at the Hackney Empire 15th Nov. Celebrating television as it should be, always!

The Creative Diversity Network (CDN) is a partnership of broadcasters, independent production companies and media organisations working collaboratively to support diversity across the industry.
Public Nominations
The Radio Times Soap Award - voted for by the public
Holby City
Coronation Street
tanyamTV: Here we go... @Charliecondou @adilray onstage together what a double act, smooooth Creative Diversity Network awards.

An Open Letter on ... Marcus and Maria
One of the CCC blog followers has been moved to make her own YouTube video explaining her thoughts on the current storyline of Marcus and Maria [UK soap Coronation Street]. I commend you to watch and enjoy. Many thanks Steve, Tom in Oz.
Steve Doran
girlsteve: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou An Open Letter on Marcus and Maria #corrie #coronationstreet #BisexualityExists

Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC What a splendid young lady. Topping vlog
Julie-Ann Pleb
BienSoeur: @Confidential_CC Fantastic YouTube vid! Marcus+Maria story is award nomination stuff-Brilliantly portrayed with intelligence+sensitivity! xx
AubreyEMiller: @Confidential_CC the girl in the video @girlsteve makes a very lucid set of points. Congrats x
Andrew Stripe
DivaAndy: @Confidential_CC hi love Charlie’s work but don't like what Corrie writers have done with Maria & Marcus straight guys don't understand friendships (but after seeing the video) I think the girl has hit it on the head, I feel rather silly now, very true should not matter who you love whatever gender. Cheers
Julie-Ann Pleb
BienSoeur: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou Its taken 2 exceptional talents to deliver this story with such empathy.Beautifully teased out-like life! xx
Confidential_CC: @BienSoeur yes could have a spin off all its own Maria and Marcus is more complicated than your average soap plot line
Tracey brown
tabootlb: @Confidential_CC @welshfreak I really don't like the storyline makes straights think we can change what do you think @welshfreak stu? xx
Stu Roberts.
welshfreak: @tabootlb @Confidential_CC I'm not sure - but right now I just wanna give Marcus a big hug..feel sorry 4 him :( _ but it does happen! x
Julie-Ann Pleb
BienSoeur: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou ... and yes, we'd LOVE a Marcus and Maria spin off - God yes, please please please? :-)
_MichaelHarvey: Has anyone asked Rupert Everett what he thinks of Charlie Condou's character's 'change of sexuality' on Coronation Street?
Nate_ForeverSky: @Charliecondou you've given me a few inspirational lines tonight on Corrie. Well done Charlie boy.
mattking269: Did Roy aim that @Charliecondou "please let me know if you enjoy the sausage" #doubleentendre on #coronationstreet #marcusmightmisssausage
brianfruity: Haha Love it on Corrie, Roy asks Marcus if they like the new Sausages lol not any more he don't @Charliecondou lol

Confidential_CC: Woop THE LITTLE BLOG THAT DID...gone past 10,000 hits per day. It doesn't happen every day!
(click picture below to enlarge)
NoNoNannette30: @Confidential_CC Woohoo! Congratulations! ((Hugs))

TraynorKyle: @Charliecondou nice meeting you yesterday! Retweet me pleasee
jasonbaxendalee: @charlie condou good meeting you yesterday, bet you was shocked when i put my hat on your head haha:)

Mark Green
markymarkat40: @Confidential_CC I think Charlie has been superb in Cora more so with this new story line keep up the gd work
Confidential_CC @markymarkat40 AGREE the writers are doing a damn fine job with @Charliecondou as Marcus and the acting by all this past 2 weeks is superb
sweetbabygalrox: @Charliecondou think ur an amazing actor enjoy watching u :) xx

Confidential_CC: @_ThomasDavidson Latest update: "HAND ACTING AT ITS BEST" - 

_ThomasDavidson: @Confidential_CC you know it

anthn: @Charliecondou didn't @realsamia almost turn you in real life
anthn: @Confidential_CC lmao @alanhalsall wtfs this I daren't click the link
Confidential_CC: @anthn @alanhalsall it's safe as long as you don't mind seeing 2 men in love x

Posted by Anthony D. Langford on November 14, 2012
[Corrected by Tom in Oz]

I was really not happy with Corrie early this past week, but then the show turned around and redeemed itself. I know a lot of people are down on this story, feeling that it’s offensive to have a gay man falling for a woman, but I've been going with the flow, mostly because I love the characters involved and frankly, Maria and Marcus have such terrific chemistry that I'm buying what they are selling. But what I didn't buy was that Marcus would immediately (and rather aggressively) leap into bed with Maria so quickly. That seemed like something that would be built up to rather than happen quickly like it did. That scene rang very false to me.
But then the show turned itself around by having Marcus so confused and in turmoil after his night with Maria. Marcus wasn't happy about what happened and I think Charlie Condou did a good job at showing Marcus’ issues about feelings he’d never had before. Samia Ghadie was excellent as well, slowing her joy at finally being with Marcus and being heartbroken when Marcus told her it would never work because he’s gay. And while Marcus and Maria decided to go for it in the end, I hope they remember that conversation a few months from now.
I didn't like seeing Aiden get hurt out of all this. He was a nice guy and he deserved better than what he got. Though frankly, I don’t see how Aiden could believe for a minute that Marcus was in love with Sean and wanted to go back to him. Aiden was there for the breakup, he knows what Sean was like during that relationship and he knows that Marcus has had very little to do with Sean for months. I would think Aiden would be smarter than that and think it’s another man other than Sean involved.
Of course Sean believing that Marcus would want him back is no surprise given how self-deluded and self-absorbed the character is. I have the feeling that when the truth about Marcus and Maria does come out, Sean will make it all about him.

NB. Actor, Toby Sawyer (Aiden on Corrie), finished his run on 20th September and thanked people at the time on Twitter:...
mrtobysawyer: Quite a day on the cobbles. Genuine thanks @Charliecondou @realsamia & @antonycotton for being welcoming & wonderful. An ambition fulfilled

How do you solve a problem like Maria?
[Corrected by Tom in Oz]

With a baseball bat? How unkind! Everyone's favourite hairdo on legs has now been strutting her stuff on't cobbles for over a decade. I hanker after the days of the greasy-haired kennel maid . . . but enough of my life and back to Maria. She's one of the characters who developed quite nicely early on but then stopped doing anything in about 2004.
Dear old Maria. Amongst the man-hungry, deranged female inhabitants of the Street, she stands out as the woman who really knows how to pick 'em. After a dozen years, her best prospect for lifelong happiness remains Tyrone. Back in the day though, they were just a sea of grimy skin and dog hair. Oh the joys of teenage romance. As we know though, it didn't last - and so began Maria's hopeless search for Mr Right. She found several Mr Dodgys. Remember the less-than-lovely John Armley, Toyah's squeeze who got Maria in the family way. Big mistake. As was her dalliance with Nick Mark 1 (the 'lite' version as opposed to the current grizzled granddad . Didn't they make a lovely couple? No, not really. They swanned off to Canada and she came back with a Whistler Mountain of hair on her head.
the next nutter she bedded was, of course, the rational thinker known as Charlie Stubbs. Well, maybe the manly stubble and swagger made for a nice contrast to Nick touching up his highlights in the mirror. Anyway, add Tracy to the equation and that was the end of that. For many women, it would have been a time for soul-searching and sadness. Not for our tangle-haired temptress though. Just around the corner was Lee-yum. With a band of gold jammed on her finger, Maria was set for life. She set about turning number 7 into something horrific, joy almost flickering across that pretty face. Oh but fate can be a cruel mistress, or some old twaddle, and Tartan Tony, he of the bulging eye(s) was ready to play Grim Reaper. Before then helping himself to a slice of Maria. Lee-yum of course, didn't die. He simply travelled back in time and minced around a Yorkshire country house but don't tell Maria . . .

Sadly, the cosy set-up of 'daft as a brush hairdresser' and mass murder was never going to last. Maria left her tasteless house for the dreaded Mammy Connor in Ireland - and that was that. Except that it wasn't. With a glint in her eye, Mistress Connor returned with baby Lee-yum and love seemed to be on the cards with lunk-head Chris Gray. Having been cast aside by his own stunningly dull family, Chris toyed with Maria's affections before the lure of boredom dragged him back to Cheryl's, no doubt beige, bed linen. Maria loves a numpty and so who better to fill the void than Jason Grimshaw. However, there was always the terrifying possibility of having Eileen as a mother-in-law. Eileen - a woman who often seems to be possessed by the spirit of nothing at all. However - and I'll stick my neck out here - I predict love everlasting with confused homosexual Marcus. Love will indeed blossom in that nasty flat. To them will be born a child whom they will name Marcia. The child will have its mother's intellect and its father's love of Doris Day movies.

Join me if you will in a toast to Maria Connor.

Here's to another dozen unhappy years.

Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @NoNoNannette30 must be getting close to snowing over there.... Keep seeing snowflakes in a snow dome in my vision moments...
NoNoNannette30: @Tom_In_Oz_ It's close...this was this morning! 
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @NoNoNannette30 ooh it’s like what I saw in snow dome vision, thanks for that luv x
NoNoNannette30: @Tom_In_Oz_ You're welcome! We were "Frosted" this morning! ;)

Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc Hi son, been seeing lots of visions of wine and tumblers of late....
Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ and tumblers of wine too?
Tom In Oz
@badjonesyinc well son, I didn't mean the juggler and acrobat kind…but you need to cheer up...and put a smile on your dial..
Chris Jones
@Tom_In_Oz_ lol! Yeah drinking wine from an actual glass is easier than from an acrobat.....
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc BTW my doctor & I had a talk about my ESP and visions. She's a firm believer after I told her about a man called Garth that she had to phone. Sure enough Garth lived in France and she was supposed to call him because her daughter was working with him on a film project.
Then, I told Doc her daughter was pregnant and she phoned 4 days later to confirm with me.
Then, I told her I could see new tiles in her kitchen that looked like marble with honey swirled streaks and she said, "Close - it's granite not marble."
Also told her she was going to hospital and she'd be surrounded by tulips, which didn't make much sense to me...she messaged from Sydney to say she was put in a hospital room with paintings of irises but when her husband came for his first visit she asked him what kinds of flowers were in the pictures and he said "tulips!" She and I share all manner of weird stuff now.
Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ me too!! I'm a firm believer Cx
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc just for a second then, I was just seeing visions of men in Speedos, sadly NOT what I should be seeing as I am watching a TV show of home movies by Prince Charles!
Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ are you sure you're on the right channel?
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc son, it's your thoughts I am monitoring, you've been working overtime on your sexy blog or summit?
Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ lol! Just can't sleep so blog early and late....
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc your mind is active and creative so don't fight it - sleep when you need all artists and free spirits....
Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ true! Been keeping a notebook by bed and doodling stuff and using iPad, etc to jot stuff down!! Cxx
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @badjonesyinc still love your cute bears with button eyes... Shame you can't sell the rights to a TV show or @PeteLordAardman he'd treat you well

Chris Jones
badjonesyinc: @Tom_In_Oz_ @petelordaardman me too! If only.....

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