Below: Charlie Condou flashes his Calvin Klein undies on the way to work 11th June 2011.
PownallCo: @Charliecondou Me, my daughter, my friend and nephew were in the play area with you and your daughter last fri :-) you were so nice 2us xx
Charliecondou: @PownallCo aw, nice to meet you
PownallCo: @Charliecondou You too, I think my friend had more fun than the children haha we all had fun xx
Charliecondou: RT @dazgale: RT @dazgale: Tulisa's pink lipstick is clashing horribly with her orange face and yellow hair. She looks like a stack of multicoloured post it notes.
Charliecondou: I've been baking with my 3 year old. Does anyone want a cupcake? We have 60
kitchencoach00: @Charliecondou her aunt taught her everything she knows...
Charliecondou: @kitchencoach00 she actually said "Thats not how Justy does it" in a really patronising way
kitchencoach00: @Charliecondou That's my girl. It's Joosty, by the way. Ask her what ingredients make a Victoria Sponge
kitchencoach00: @Charliecondou check out p12 Guardian Review, says 'The Cordon Bleu Chef...'
Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou if you're in Durham and delivering I'm keen.
Charliecondou: @Philippa_Perry carrier pigeon?
Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou you can't trust pigeons with cake. I've sent out to Tesco for a McVites ginger.
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou did she wash her hands first? Do any of them have bogey on them?
Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal No and yes
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou oooh, in that case, save one for me!
mrSamuelBarnett: @Charliecondou yes. Yes I do.
Charliecondou: @mrSamuelBarnett *sends over 59*
ryanjamesthomas: Just been to see Dred...it was Dredfull!
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas not as good as the original THAT I WAS IN

Charliecondou: For those that have seen the pic of me and @realsamia kissing can I just say she's been all over me like a rash ever since #obsessedwithme
realsamia: @Charliecondou what can I say? U are irresistible clearly!
Charliecondou: @realsamia I know I am babe but it's never going to work between us for the obvious reason. Your fringe is just too gappy
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou @realsamia She's only after you for your cupcake empire.
Charliecondou: I wonder if thats the same Bel Ami I've been watching RT @realsamia: Just watched Bel Ami. Hmm not sure is the verdict. One watch is enough
Spiceyben: @Charliecondou Ha ha I think @realsamia is far too too innocent for THAT Bel Ami!!!
NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou @realsamia whereas @alanhalsall just gives me a rash!
alanhalsall: @NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou @realsamia Haha Harsh but fair !!
Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede @realsamia @alanhalsall is that from sitting on his chair? Cos I'm a bit scratchy
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou @nataliegumede @realsamia that's because last time you sat there .... Oops

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall I love that you have photos of me stored in your phone
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou they're not the only ones - the others aren't fit for twitter #private#%*~bank
Charliecondou: @alanhalsall I only have one of you
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou not hairy enough !! Got him covered
Charliecondou: @realnigelslater may I say your "really good simple chicken dinner" is my favourite ever recipe. I make it every week without fail
realnigelslater: @Charliecondou Charlie, thank you.
Charliecondou: @realnigelslater anytime dear x
BrookeLVincent: ..no regrets
Charliecondou: @BrookeLVincent Really? Not even the turban??
BrookeLVincent: @Charliecondou he'll no bad hair day charlstons
gogibbogo: @Charliecondou you missed the BEST fight in #gillwing over a breadbin. The customer was vile. I loved it #firstworldproblems #BreadbinGate
Charliecondou: @gogibbogo I know, everyone was talking about it after you left!!
gogibbogo: @Charliecondou Oh my god, I missed #BreadbinGate review? I should've stuck around but I couldn't look at anymore fluorescent kitchenware
Philippa_Perry: @Krizanovich: Worst Wedding Dress. Bar none (already posted once but. just. cannot. believe it.)
Charliecondou: @Philippa_Perry leedle bit porn star
Maria has more than curlers on her mind on Monday, when she reveals to Marcus that she has a lump in her breast. She chooses him rather than Jason to accompany her to the clinic and gets the results on Friday. Thanking Marcus for being such a good friend, what does Maria do? Buy him a bottle of wine? A bunch of flowers? No, the pair kiss.
That’s right. Gay Marcus kisses straight Maria.
Now that’s hair-raising.
The "kiss" episode is No.7969 airing Friday 5 OCT UK