Charliecondou: Does anyone know anything about Wikipedia? I have no idea how to update my page or add a photo

Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou the fun thing is to let other people do it. I read on Wikipedia that my husband had a sex change. Luckily for me not true.

Charliecondou: @Philippa_Perry I used to date Will Young apparently

Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou you see? You can find out so much about yourself you didn't know. Best leave Wikipedia alone.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry IF IT’S ON WIKIPEDIA IT MUST BE TRUE

Philippa_Perry: @Confidential_CC The application safari quit unexpectedly. It was all too hot to handle. I now hope someone changes my Wikipedia pic.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry how about this pic from before YOUR sex change? lol

Philippa_Perry: @Confidential_CC awwww that's my friend Tom Chatfield - we went on tour together flogging our books.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry - NO you WERE named Tom before your CHANGE - your secret is out! lol

thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou You adding the white pants picture!? X

Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc hahaha fuck off

Charliecondou: Actually what I meant to say was, I cant be arsed changing my wiki page or adding a photo. Can someone clever do it for me please?

decath10n: @Charliecondou You're opening yourself up to all sorts of mischief there Charlie. And by that I mean, yes, I will gladly help you.

Charliecondou: @decath10n Maybe you could just add a photo of you? Thanks

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Ask and you shall receive...

Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen My DM doesnt seem to work! Just choose a nice photo from Google and add it purlease xxx

thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou Let @MIKEYBUCKLEY & I do it!

Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc @MIKEYBUCKLEY Oh good God no

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Okeydoke. I'll have it sorted within an hour or so. Find a nice dashing one of you. Anything else? :p

Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen Thats all thank you dear. You ok?

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Yes indeed! Working on two new writing projects at the mo - well, as well as uploading a pic for you. ;)

decath10n: @Charliecondou this one? (I apologise in advance)

Charliecondou: @decath10n My God, you are FIT!! Where did you get that pink top?

Charliecondou: Just googled myself to find a wiki image and autofill gave me "Charlie Condou shirtless". Im vaguely disappointed that there werent any

alanbenzie: @Charliecondou get to it then....

Charliecondou: @alanbenzie Im on it obv

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou I believe that's called Egosurfing. x

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY Well Ive already watched the whole of Xtube

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou were you in it?

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY All over it babes. ALL. OVER. IT

shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou Shall I mention about all them Oscars you won and your picture being on a thirty-pound note?

Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan DO IT!!!

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I think my Wiki page has me younger than I am and born in denmark...i've never bothered to change it!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 You do look like a Danish teen to be fair

DerekInTorre: @Charliecondou Have you searched for "in his pants" :)

Charliecondou: @DerekInTorre Oh God, no

DerekInTorre: @Charliecondou In the words of Jacqueline from Benidorm "Oh yes" :)

Jettco: @Charliecondou How about this one ????? :)

Charliecondou: Thats the one! @Jettco

Gatz77: @Charliecondou I have the camera if you have the time.

Charliecondou: @Gatz77 Lets do it!!!

Gatz77: @Charliecondou *frantically searches for vaseline* for the lens of course.

Charliecondou: @Gatz77 Just use nylons. For the lens of course

Gatz77: @Charliecondou oh I've loads of those in my trannie drawer.

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Here you go, buddy.

Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen Nice one, ta xx

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Not shirtless, but should do the job, no? (Did I mention I nicked your middle name for a character 'The Garden'?)

FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Oh, Wiki kind of implies your son is Georgia and daughter is Hal. :-\ Who writes this stuff? All fixed now, though.

murton: @Charliecondou - is it wrong that I find that photo strangely hot? I have a problem.

Charliecondou: @murton you really do

Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou What about the topless shots from GimmeGimmeGimme? x

FrankhamAllen: @Sparkle__Monkey @Charliecondou That's more than just topless! Wonder if Wiki would allow that? lol

Charliecondou: @Sparkle__Monkey Oh Elaine....

Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou Oh Chaz.....x

FrankhamAllen: @Sparkle__Monkey @Charliecondou Heh! Still remember my shock when I first watched that episode. LAST thing I expected, I can tell you! lol

Bandit_Chris: Don't forget this one either! @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris My God, I was so skinny!!!

Bandit_Chris: @Charliecondou and what fetching underwear....

Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris Yes, less said about them the better

Bandit_Chris: @Charliecondou #movingswiftlyon i'm in manchester being entertained by the cooperative. We're prob village bound should you fancy it?

Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris Alas, Im in London town

bimadew: I love reading the snarky recaps on Vulture, followed by the commenters' rage-y 'these recaps are crap!' comments. Dude. Sense the tone.

Charliecondou: @bimadew nice piece in today's guardian x

bimadew: @Charliecondou Thanks!

DiversityRM: Big thanks to @NickelSpaLondon for donating an amazing prize for our forthcoming charity event

Charliecondou: @DiversityRM @NickelSpaLondon What was that??

DiversityRM: @Charliecondou @NickelSpaLondon some lush treatments. Do you think you need one? ;-)

Charliecondou: @DiversityRM @NickelSpaLondon Always. Maybe I'll bid

DiversityRM: @Charliecondou @NickelSpaLondon Too expensive for you. However we do have a nice ceramic dog you might like for your mantel....

TeamTonyHirst: @Charliecondou When you see Tony, ask him to have a word with Paul - telling him to hurry back to the street as his fans are missing him ;)x

Charliecondou: @TeamTonyHirst I saw him for a pint yesterday, he'll be back onscreen very soon

TeamTonyHirst: @Charliecondou haha, ok thank you for letting me know :) x
Charliecondou: Does anyone know anything about Wikipedia? I have no idea how to update my page or add a photo
Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou the fun thing is to let other people do it. I read on Wikipedia that my husband had a sex change. Luckily for me not true.
Charliecondou: @Philippa_Perry I used to date Will Young apparently
Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou you see? You can find out so much about yourself you didn't know. Best leave Wikipedia alone.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry IF IT’S ON WIKIPEDIA IT MUST BE TRUE
Philippa_Perry: @Confidential_CC The application safari quit unexpectedly. It was all too hot to handle. I now hope someone changes my Wikipedia pic.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry how about this pic from before YOUR sex change? lol
Philippa_Perry: @Confidential_CC awwww that's my friend Tom Chatfield - we went on tour together flogging our books.

Confidential_CC: @Philippa_Perry - NO you WERE named Tom before your CHANGE - your secret is out! lol
thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou You adding the white pants picture!? X
Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc hahaha fuck off
Charliecondou: Actually what I meant to say was, I cant be arsed changing my wiki page or adding a photo. Can someone clever do it for me please?
decath10n: @Charliecondou You're opening yourself up to all sorts of mischief there Charlie. And by that I mean, yes, I will gladly help you.
Charliecondou: @decath10n Maybe you could just add a photo of you? Thanks
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Ask and you shall receive...
Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen My DM doesnt seem to work! Just choose a nice photo from Google and add it purlease xxx
thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou Let @MIKEYBUCKLEY & I do it!
Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc @MIKEYBUCKLEY Oh good God no
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Okeydoke. I'll have it sorted within an hour or so. Find a nice dashing one of you. Anything else? :p
Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen Thats all thank you dear. You ok?
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Yes indeed! Working on two new writing projects at the mo - well, as well as uploading a pic for you. ;)
decath10n: @Charliecondou this one? (I apologise in advance)

Charliecondou: @decath10n My God, you are FIT!! Where did you get that pink top?
Charliecondou: Just googled myself to find a wiki image and autofill gave me "Charlie Condou shirtless". Im vaguely disappointed that there werent any
alanbenzie: @Charliecondou get to it then....
Charliecondou: @alanbenzie Im on it obv
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou I believe that's called Egosurfing. x
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY Well Ive already watched the whole of Xtube
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou were you in it?
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY All over it babes. ALL. OVER. IT
shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou Shall I mention about all them Oscars you won and your picture being on a thirty-pound note?
Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan DO IT!!!
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I think my Wiki page has me younger than I am and born in denmark...i've never bothered to change it!
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 You do look like a Danish teen to be fair
DerekInTorre: @Charliecondou Have you searched for "in his pants" :)
Charliecondou: @DerekInTorre Oh God, no
DerekInTorre: @Charliecondou In the words of Jacqueline from Benidorm "Oh yes" :)
Jettco: @Charliecondou How about this one ????? :)

Charliecondou: Thats the one! @Jettco
Gatz77: @Charliecondou I have the camera if you have the time.
Charliecondou: @Gatz77 Lets do it!!!
Gatz77: @Charliecondou *frantically searches for vaseline* for the lens of course.
Charliecondou: @Gatz77 Just use nylons. For the lens of course
Gatz77: @Charliecondou oh I've loads of those in my trannie drawer.
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Here you go, buddy.
Charliecondou: @FrankhamAllen Nice one, ta xx
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Not shirtless, but should do the job, no? (Did I mention I nicked your middle name for a character 'The Garden'?)
FrankhamAllen: @Charliecondou Oh, Wiki kind of implies your son is Georgia and daughter is Hal. :-\ Who writes this stuff? All fixed now, though.
murton: @Charliecondou - is it wrong that I find that photo strangely hot? I have a problem.
Charliecondou: @murton you really do
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou What about the topless shots from GimmeGimmeGimme? x
FrankhamAllen: @Sparkle__Monkey @Charliecondou That's more than just topless! Wonder if Wiki would allow that? lol
Charliecondou: @Sparkle__Monkey Oh Elaine....
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou Oh Chaz.....x
FrankhamAllen: @Sparkle__Monkey @Charliecondou Heh! Still remember my shock when I first watched that episode. LAST thing I expected, I can tell you! lol
Bandit_Chris: Don't forget this one either! @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris My God, I was so skinny!!!
Bandit_Chris: @Charliecondou and what fetching underwear....
Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris Yes, less said about them the better
Bandit_Chris: @Charliecondou #movingswiftlyon i'm in manchester being entertained by the cooperative. We're prob village bound should you fancy it?
Charliecondou: @Bandit_Chris Alas, Im in London town
bimadew: I love reading the snarky recaps on Vulture, followed by the commenters' rage-y 'these recaps are crap!' comments. Dude. Sense the tone.
Charliecondou: @bimadew nice piece in today's guardian x
bimadew: @Charliecondou Thanks!
DiversityRM: Big thanks to @NickelSpaLondon for donating an amazing prize for our forthcoming charity event
Charliecondou: @DiversityRM @NickelSpaLondon What was that??
DiversityRM: @Charliecondou @NickelSpaLondon some lush treatments. Do you think you need one? ;-)
Charliecondou: @DiversityRM @NickelSpaLondon Always. Maybe I'll bid
DiversityRM: @Charliecondou @NickelSpaLondon Too expensive for you. However we do have a nice ceramic dog you might like for your mantel....
TeamTonyHirst: @Charliecondou When you see Tony, ask him to have a word with Paul - telling him to hurry back to the street as his fans are missing him ;)x
Charliecondou: @TeamTonyHirst I saw him for a pint yesterday, he'll be back onscreen very soon
TeamTonyHirst: @Charliecondou haha, ok thank you for letting me know :) x
streetworker01: Glad I chose a nice cool day to go to London to see my agents.

Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 are they secret agents?
streetworker01: @Confidential_CC Ha ha! No. But they're very good.

Confidential_CC: Hi all here is a cute mp3 song for you to DOWNLOAD for FREE and put some zing in your heart! Tom in Oz -
Above and below: Charlie Condou filming 'Coronation Street' in London in March 2011.
Above you can see Charlie Condou & Antony Cotton posing for a photo taken by one of the twins that plays Dylan on Corrie. You might also spot one of the film crew pointing his finger at the photographer warning him to stop but it was too late!
Click names on left for more information:
Exploits at West Poley (1985) TV movie — Leonard
The Key to Rebecca (1985) TV movie — Billy Vandam
Robin of Sherwood (1986) TV Series — Martin
Every Breath You Take (1987) TV movie — Tom
The Storyteller (1988) TV Series — Brother 2
To Kill a Priest (1988) Film — Mirek
A Sense of Guilt (1990) TV series — Peter Murray
The Jim Henson Hour (1990) TV series — Brother 2
Frank Stubbs Promotes (1993) TV series — Jason Stubbs
Casualty (1991-2009) TV Series — David Williamson/Cal McGregor/Gal
Martin Chuzzlewit (1994) TV Series — Footman
Là-bas (Down There) (1994) Short film — Jackie
The Bill (1994-1995) TV series — Michael Kenyon/Steve Downing
Pie in the Sky (1995) TV series — Karl 'Pikey' Elves
Judge Dredd (1995) Movie — Recruit
Night Time (1997) Short film — Charlie
Gimme Gimme Gimme (1999) TV Series — Nino/Kevin
Peak Practice (1999) TV Series — Private Benedict Grinter
Honky Sausages (1999) TV series — O. G.
You Can't Dance (2000) Short film — unknown
Urban Gothic (2000) TV series — Lenny
Armstrong and Miller Show (2001) TV series — various comedy roles
Charlotte Gray (2001) Film — Auguste
Dead Babies aka Mood Swingers (2003) Film — Giles
Trust (2003) TV series — Max
The Infinite Worlds of H.G. Wells (2003) TV mini-series — Sam
Stories of Lost Souls (2005) Film segment "Euston Road” — X
Midsomer Murders (2005) TV Series — Jake Foley
Nathan Barley (2005) TV Series — Jonatton Yeah?
Secret Smile (2005) TV Series — Lawrence
Compartment (2005) Short film — Steve
The Girl in the Red Dress (2006) Short film — Rory
The Impressionists (2006) TV Series — Renoir
Love for Sale (2006) Short film — Lonely Man
Flirting with Flamenco (2006) Film — Warren
Hell Bent for Leather (2007) Short film — Interviewer (voice)
Holby City (2007) (TV series) — Tony Butler
Fred Claus (2007) Film — An elf
Good (2008) Film — Bekemeier
Coronation Street (2007 — 2008) TV Series — Marcus Dent
Coronation Street (2011— ...) TV Series — Marcus Dent

Coronation Street (2007 — 2008) TV Series — Marcus Dent
Coronation Street (2011— ...) TV Series — Marcus Dent
Charlie Lomax David Condou (born 8 January 1973) is a former Guardian columnist, gay rights activist, philanthropist and actor who is best known for his role as sonographer, Marcus Dent, in the British soap opera, Coronation Street.
Condou was listed number 15 in the World Pride Power list 2012, number 8 in the Independent on Sunday Pink Power list 2011 and 42 in the Pride Power List 2011. He is a supporter of Manchester Pride, a Patron of the charities Diversity Role models and The Albert Kennedy Trust, and a volunteer for the Terrence Higgins Trust. He also works closely with Stonewall.
In 2005 he appeared as Jonatton Yeah? in Nathan Barley and, a year later, as Renoir in the BBC drama The Impressionists. Other television and film roles included guest appearances as Nino in Gimme, Gimme, Gimme with Kathy Burke, Dead Babies where he appeared alongside Paul Bettany, Olivia Williams and Kris Marshall. He had a cameo role as one of the elves in Fred Claus with Vince Vaughn and Kevin Spacey in 2007, before joining Coronation Street, in the summer of 2007. In the same year he appeared in the film Good starring Viggo Mortensen and Jason Isaacs. In 2008 he left Coronation Street. Speaking of his departure Condou said: "I have had a fantastic time in Coronation Street, but as a jobbing actor I believe it is time to move on. There are a few things in the pipeline, one of which is a feature film which is being made abroad. But all that's under wraps at the moment." A Corrie spokeswoman said: "We'll be sad to see Charlie leave. The decision was a mutual one."
In March 2011 Condou returned to Coronation Street after an absence of almost three years. His return has been successful and Marcus has developed into a hugely popular character. Condou has been promised that Marcus will become a leading character on the show. It had been reported that Coronation Street was to have its first gay wedding in 2011 when Marcus Dent tied the knot with former flame Sean Tully, however the plot failed to materialise reflecting Condou's growing unease with his on-screen pairing with Sean Tully, played by Antony Cotton…Coronation Street sources have indicated that Marcus's relationship with his on-screen partner Sean will end and his growing friendship with work colleague Aiden, played by Toby Sawyer, will develop into a full blown relationship over the Summer of 2012 with the pair enjoying much more prominent roles in the show, possibly at the expense of Sean.
Condou lives in Islington with his Canadian boyfriend, Cameron Laux and his daughter and son, Georgia and Hal, who divide their time between the couple and their mother, actress Catherine Kanter. In a number of interviews, Condou has revealed that the children were conceived through IVF treatment, following Kanter's 40th birthday and relationship breakup. He wrote a popular column for the Guardian on the subject of same-sex parenting. His second child with Catherine Kanter, Hal, was born in January 2012 and featured heavily in Condou's Guardian column "The Three of Us".
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