Above: Denise van Outen and Charlie Condou at the UK Soap Awards 2012
Charliecondou: @TeamDVO @denise_vanouten we make a lovely couple

AnnieRich75: @denise_vanouten @Charliecondou Aaw, nice picture. Twas lovely to meet you both last night - & prove useful as the passer-on of a wristband!
Charliecondou: @AnnieRich75 @denise_vanouten I never figured out where that wristband got me!

AnnieRich75: @Charliecondou @denise_vanouten Into Soap's Inner Sanctum, I presumed? Bill Roache's hot tub at the after party? That's where mine got me...
AnnaHowelll: @Charliecondou lovely to meet you last night, check out the gorgeous pic i took of u and samia
Charliecondou: @AnnaHowelll ah what a lovely photo!
Charliecondou: Great piece by @PatrickStrud on the tragic deaths of Dominic and Roger Crouch http://t.co/IpzYUuDi
PatrickStrud: @Charliecondou Thanks so much Charlie. xxx
Charliecondou: RT @boydhilton: Just a reminder that we did 22 miles of mud-based #moonwalk training today. Please sponsor the hell out of us: http://t.co/ibQN9o9g
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou Can you help @laurasnapes out? She's looking for the name of the commissioning ed at The Guardian Family supplement. THANK YOU.
laurasnapes: @Eamonn_Forde @charliecondou thank you thank you!
Charliecondou: @laurasnapes @Eamonn_Forde try Harriet Green @HarrietRGreen
laurasnapes: @Charliecondou @Eamonn_Forde @harrietrgreen Fantastic, thank you so much
Charliecondou: So pleased Ali King won Best Actress last night. I may have accidentally shouted "We love you Ali!" in the middle of her speech #overexcited
Charliecondou: Blimey. There are a lot of Ali King fans on Twitter

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou it's about time somebody taught her to tweet *hint hint* You know you'd be good at it!
Below: Cam and Chas


MargMolly: @Tom_In_Oz_ what a lovely story about your cousin Tom!! xx
Tom_In_Oz_: @MargMolly yeah I put it on the Condou Blog - I come from a long line of event managers!
Tom_In_Oz_: @MargMolly Has your man got on a cardigan/jumper/fleece...just had vision of you and a man with bluish/grey top & he looked baldish.

MargMolly: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett well its close coz the top is biegy grey with blue stripe on sleeve!! But his hair is grey xx
Tom_In_Oz_@MargMolly @MarkMMerrett you know my visions I get all of 1 second to work out what it is I am seeing and your man had a grey/blue top
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @margmolly Bubs have you been at the fridge or door again saw vision of a door open and your dog Lady listening really hard
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @margmolly ahh I had food yesterday and Lady wanted it, am near the door
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @margmolly Bubs in vision Lady was staring at door and not moving like she was not wanting to get too close to person near door. Is Lady feeling a bit low at mo or just resting a lot
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @margmolly we all have been staying in lately (past 1pm) Lady too on mum’s bed so resting

murton: @Charliecondou Are Emily & Marcus recreating the famous steamed up car scene from Titantic? *scrapes lunch into bin*
sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou watching you hungover on a Sunday morning is quite.... "frustrating" #hangovehorn ;-)
Charliecondou: @sugarpuff1982 hahaha sorry!
sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou hummm I suppose you can make it up to me haha
Tom_In_Oz_: @Jonesyinc1 is ur garden blooming? I saw a one second vision of blooms that are like snowdrops or freesias through clead led light glass windows made of diamond shapes

Jonesyinc1: @Tom_In_Oz_ kind of – it’s a climber we have over the arbor not sure what though! This is the first year it's flowered? Must like the rain! X
Tom_In_Oz_: @Jonesyinc1 the flowers were just small white things...not sure of technical name

Jonesyinc1: @Tom_In_Oz_ it's odd - we have leaded windows around the house but very few flowers!
Tom_In_Oz_: @Jonesyinc1 so is my vision something you have thought about, it seems to be like something you have stuck in your thoughts

Jonesyinc1: @Tom_In_Oz_ the other odd thing is we planted a cherry blossom in the front garden yesterday - D's father who passed away loved them....and there are leaded windows in the lounge, so if you look out you can see it! His dad had a blossom tree in his garden too!
Tom_In_Oz_: @Jonesyinc1 it’s not that odd btw u shud be used to me trying to piece together ur life through my visions... Btw tree makes a lovely tribute to his Pa

Jonesyinc1: @Tom_In_Oz_ Mwah! Cxxxx

PaulyDanan: @Charliecondou how are u man? Long time... X

Charliecondou: @PaulyDanan Long time indeed! You ok fella?

PaulyDanan: @Charliecondou im good my man! Congrats on all your good work. I still think of poland, a funny movie!

Charliecondou: @PaulyDanan Hahaha and a funny week x

PaulyDanan: @Charliecondou absolutely! Let me know if your ever about and we can meet for a coffee, take care mate! X

Charliecondou: @PaulyDanan will do pal xx

Charliecondou: RT @heatherpeace: My
debut single #betterthanyou is available now on iTunes. So excited to see my
name on iTunes that I bought a copy! http://t.co/VYQK4eRe

joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ Hi Tom!! Are you getting back to your old self yet? @angloirishgal
Tom_In_Oz_: @joooos1 @angloirishgal no my old self is totally unobtainable at the moment still crook but def on mend. Nerve damage in hands mostly...bit shaky
angloirishgal: @Tom_In_Oz_ Bet Mrs Oz is taking good care of you #lotsofsympathyandhomecooking xx @joooos1
angloirishgal: @joooos1 Brekky soon! Bloody windy here..surrounded by lots of trees which are swaying ominously. Hope one of those pines doesn't fall!x

joooos1: @angloirishgal @Tom_In_Oz_ Am off to get breakfast. I'm also thinking poached eggs..
Tom_In_Oz_: @joooos1 @angloirishgal nah go with boiled eggs and toast soldiers x

joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ @angloirishgal What a brilliant idea. I haven't had soldiers for years!
Tom_In_Oz_: @joooos1 @angloirishgal it's actually one of your thoughts not mine!

joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ is it? @angloirishgal
Tom_In_Oz_: @joooos1 @angloirishgal don't know why but it def was NOT something I wud know about, it was like a childhood memory u had that tapped into

joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ I guess you're right. You do have a gift ;) Anyway, have persuaded Mr J to make me boiled eggs... @angloirishgal
Charliecondou: Everyone off to get pissed at the awards after party. I'm off to spend the night doing dream feeds and changing nappies. I win!
trim_hooptone: @Charliecondou Indeed you do!
Charliecondou: It was worth it though to spend time catching up with @denise_vanouten and @boydhilton
boydhilton: @Charliecondou lovely to see you. I'm getting ready for chafing. x
Charliecondou: @boydhilton just remember the Vaseline x
boydhilton: @JOJEHARVEY it was good! @Charliecondou and I discussed you for ages. x
JOJEHARVEY: @boydhilton @charliecondou oh dear...
boydhilton: @JOJEHARVEY @charliecondou in a good way
MrBobbyRich: @Charliecondou we missed each other this week matey, gimme a shout when your about next week!

denise_vanouten: @Charliecondou so lovely to see you. Let's go Giraffe with our kids soon. Xxx
Charliecondou: @denise_vanouten deffo x
sarah_cawood: Baby pooed in the bath tonight. With me in it too:-/
Charliecondou: @sarah_cawood I feel your pain honey, been there many times
sarah_cawood: @Charliecondou sure it's not the last time either;(
richardjohd: @Charliecondou haha, congrats to the Corrie lot this evening charlie! Shame that best soap didn't head up north this year though.
Charliecondou: @MrBobbyRich will do. Sorry mate, it ended up a crazy week. I'm away now up north for a couple of weeks but I'll call when I'm about x
polly444: @Charliecondou Is this your real twitter?

Confidential_CC: @polly444 Charlie's twitter is @CharlieCondou & the names used to promote blog are - @Confidential_CC @Tom_In_Oz_ @AWOLTom @ChasCondouFans
polly444: @Confidential_CC @CharlieCondou @Tom_In_Oz_ @AWOLTom @ChasCondouFans Ok thank you
Charliecondou: @polly444 it is indeed

Tom_In_Oz_ : my distant cousin @Mike_In_Wales_ is in the news
Tom_In_Oz_ : my distant cousin @Mike_In_Wales_ is in the news
nancycato1: @Tom_In_Oz_ How many go-getters is one family allowed to have! ;oD
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