Cath_Tyldesley: A waiter just told me I look like Celine Dion- devastated. #secondpersonthisweek

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley why the long face babes?
Charliecondou: If you haven't been to @teacupandcakes you're seriously missing out #bestcakesinmanchester

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou have you checked out sugar junction yet? It's just round the corner from teacup on tib street. Retro afternoon teas xxx
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma No! Shall we next week??
Cath_Tyldesley: A waiter just told me I look like Celine Dion- devastated. #secondpersonthisweek
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley why the long face babes?
Charliecondou: If you haven't been to @teacupandcakes you're seriously missing out #bestcakesinmanchester

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou have you checked out sugar junction yet? It's just round the corner from teacup on tib street. Retro afternoon teas xxx
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma No! Shall we next week??

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou yes! It's a date xx
JenHatelier: @Charliecondou Hi Charley! Say hello to Kathy for me , I'm your old Fulham friend Joe's mum Jen from way back! Great work on #Corrie x
Charliecondou: Celebrities. Please
don't retweet compliments. It doesn't make your followers agree. It makes them
think you're a twat
JudeClarke: @Charliecondou I
mean not *you*, you're fine :-)
Charliecondou: @JudeClarke oh
obviously. I'm amazing

clarebalding1: @Charliecondou but
Charlie you're such a lovely, gifted, handsome, witty twat. RT?
Charliecondou: @clarebalding1 if
its a compliment from another celebrity then it's fine, obviously

clarebalding1: @Charliecondou obviously...
jac_piper: @Charliecondou couldn't
agree more, have unfollowed the whole of TOWIE cos they just "plug"
all their freebies! #twobob
Luca1889: @Charliecondou a gay in a
soap isn't a celebrity believe me #realitycheck
Charliecondou: RT @FayRipley: @Charliecondou
can I retweet compliments about my twat?
Wolfie_Rankin: @Charliecondou
@FayRipley There is a @mrsslocombe1 here who tweets about her Pussy, constantly
Got_To_Be_Said: @Charliecondou Is
this because you never get any compliments so are therefore unable to RT
them.... Were you not hugged as a child :(
proudspirituk: @Charliecondou I don't
agree, at least they RT or reply some celebs ignore all comments,, vain and
Charliecondou: @proudspirituk true,
but when you have thousands of followers sometimes you don't see the tweets.
There are only so many you can reply to
proudspirituk: @Charliecondou I agree but some NEVER reply/RT to anyone but
eg if @antanddec don't reply to a few it wouldn't matter as they reply to lots
Charliecondou: Haha RT @Eamonn_Forde: So vain RT @Charliecondou: Celebrities. Please only retweet compliments about me.

drummerwhitey: @Charliecondou isn't that one of the main reason that celebrities love Twitter ?
Charliecondou: @drummerwhitey it's
the only reason

drummerwhitey: @Charliecondou and the
notion of having " followers " .. Messiah complex
Charliecondou: @drummerwhitey I know.
(I wish they were called Disciples)

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou @drummerwhitey if people like the programme u are making (Corrie/mountpleasant ) can you retweet a few of them? #worriednow
Charliecondou: @sally_lindsay @drummerwhitey Yes Sal. But only if they think you're rubbish in them

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou @drummerwhitey oh thats fine then...x
good morning
plonkymiff: morning @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @plonkymiff morning
plonkymiff: @Charliecondou how be you?
Charliecondou: @plonkymiff marvellous ta
Charliecondou: @DonkeyColm
@plonkymiff morning
streetworker01: @clarebalding1 @charliecondou
Charlie, you get compliments...?!? x
Charliecondou: @streetworker01
@clarebalding1 only from you Martin
streetworker01: @clarebalding1
@charliecondou PS. Forgot to ask the other night and again yesterday... how's
the finger? x
Charliecondou: @streetworker01 All
better. I didn't die
streetworker01: @Charliecondou You
know that I haven't been able to sleep since it happened for worrying. x
Charliecondou: @streetworker01 I know
martin, I know
Charliecondou: RT @CoroStreetBlog:
Steve McDonald gurn of the week - March 22 2012 http://t.co/rl6FLzbW #corrie
Charliecondou: @hollywills Please
tell me it was @Cath_Tyldesley hitting @JackPShepherd88 . He really needs a
JackPShepherd88: RT @Charliecondou:
Celebrities. Please don't retweet compliments. It doesn't make your followers
agree. It makes them think you're a twat
Charliecondou: Good for you Tulisa x
RT @officialtulisa: The truth about the tape http://t.co/DyvIgygl

heatherpeace: @Charliecondou I
totally agree Charlie. What is that about?! #RTcomplimentsisjustweird
@heatherpeace it totally weird. By the way, you're amazing. RT?
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