Friday, February 24, 2012


Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: RT @‏Confidential_CC: Good advice on toddler taming and sibling rivalry by @Charliecondou"The Three Of Us"
mouthwaite: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou ah that brought a tear to my eye! yes we too are visiting the step lots! good luck hon x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @mouthwaite Sometimes she tells me she wants "Time out" and goes and sits on the steps herself. Kind of defeats the purpose I think
MrAlexFoden: @Charliecondou heard you spoke about our Joe on Lorraine. That was really nice of u. Wanted 2 speak 2 u about @TheAFFoundation If thats ok x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @MrAlexFoden @TheAFFoundation I did, he was made up lol. What do you need?
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @irishalan I was, give me a call when you get a chance x

The three of us
Two dads, one mum – one family

by Charlie Condou

The Guardian, Saturday 25 February 2012

[...Yesterday, Georgia wanted a biscuit instead of the dinner that had just been served to her. When we said no she threw her bowl on the floor. When I told her, sternly, "We don't throw bowls" she looked me in the eye and threw another bowl. So, off to sit on the stairs we went. As I was telling her off she looked at me and said: "Daddy I don't want to listen to you." Why not?" I asked.’’]

Above is an excerpt of a much larger column. If you would like to read it in its entirety click HERE


25-2-2012 Charlie Condou and his Twitter fan site @Confidential_CC trend on Twitter with the Guardian news article about toddler taming. Click map to enlarge.
alison sinclair
aliJcorrie: @gillywalshy I know @ollyofficial last week and now @jeffrobrazier  hard job but someone has to do it Gillian!! Xx
Jeff Brazier
JeffroBrazier: @aliJcorrie Thank you for assisting us on our little mission today Alison! Love to the girls x
alison sinclair
aliJcorrie: @JeffroBrazier  thanks jeff, me, Jane @realsamia and@jenniemcalpine enjoyed showing you round the cobbles x
Jeff Brazier
JeffroBrazier: @aliJcorrie Thanks for today guys! #ff @realsamia (next time make an effort!) @jenniemcalpine I'm going to order burglar bill thanks to you!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @JeffroBrazier @aliJcorrie @realsamia @jenniemcalpine Can't believe you went on my day off!! Sorry to have missed you mate x

JeffroBrazier: @Charliecondou @aliJcorrie @realsamia @jenniemcalpine - Not gonna lie It was Inconvenient to say the least. I'll let you off. Little 1 ok? x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @JeffroBrazier @aliJcorrie @realsamia @jenniemcalpine Yes, all good mate, yours all well?

JeffroBrazier: @Charliecondou fantastic thank you though Bobby has just given me a piece of his mind because he isn't going Parkour today #cantgonothappy!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JeffroBrazier Haha Georgia just told me she isnt sulking, she's just having a pout #thedifferencebetweenboysandgirls
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @msm4rsh @MrMattWolfenden I hope you lot ain't embarrassing me at my club
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou @mrmattwolfenden not even there yet coa @MrMattWolfenden is slower than a tax rebate!! X

Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Od1981 nice to (sort of) meet you. Sorry about your brother
marcus mccheyne
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou @Od1981 Charlie you'll meet him soon like I said in your valentines card hope you got it
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @twinsdad72 @Od1981 I did, along with the flowers, chocolates and interesting photos

david mccheyne
Od1981: Glad you liked the budgie smuggler photos! @Charliecondou
marcus mccheyne
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou  thank god for that thought they might of got in the wrong hands pphhhheeew x
Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_In_Oz_: @twinsdad72  @charliecondou  well I saw one of the pics but the sheep looked happy and that's important!

DJIanHarris: Great evening at the @AlbertKennedyTr Albert awards tonight, and why had no one told me how sexy @Charliecondou is before ?
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @DJIanHarris @AlbertKennedyTr haha it was my cheap suit that did it
DJIanHarris: @Charliecondou no it was your lovely smile
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @DJIanHarris charmer
DJIanHarris: @Charliecondou Charm is my middle name. Actually it's Jonathan but that's quite close. It's got an a and an h in it.

tamzin outhwaite
mouthwaite: husband & i pulling faces across the table,reading scripts,"acting". it's a funny old job this.ridiculous.but of course we love it darling!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @mouthwaite it's great isn't it? Slapstick at its best
tamzin outhwaite
mouthwaite: @Charliecondou Charlie we loved it! Farce at it's best!wineararma!!!

MailOnline - news, sport, celebrity, science and health stories
Cameron and Dale Winton
Cameron welcomes gay celebrities to Number 10
18th June 2010 

David Cameron pledged his support for gay rights tonight before jokingly referring to his deputy, Nick Clegg, as 'my own civil partner'. Gay celebrities and members of the Armed Forces partied at Number 10 as Mr Cameron became the first Tory Prime Minister to reach out to the gay community. BBC newsreader Jane Hill and Today presenter Evan Davis were among almost 200 guests invited to the Downing Street drinks party. Others included former Coronation Street actress Amanda Barrie, journalist Matthew Parris, and singer Duncan James, of the boy band Blue. Gay representatives of all three branches of the Armed Forces also attended, in full uniform. The event was designed to help reposition the new Government as a champion of equality after decades in which the Conservatives have been accused of anti-gay prejudice. The Tories' bid for the so-called 'pink vote' was derailed during the election when the then Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said Christian B&B should have the right to refuse accommodation to gay couples. His comments outraged gay activists. After the election Mr Grayling missed out on a seat in Cabinet. Government sources acknowledged that the No10 event, held in the run-up to the annual Gay Pride festival, was partly designed to repair the damage done. But a source said it was also a sign of the coalition Government's commitment to equal rights. Mr Cameron told guests that he backed 'equal rights and equal treatment', adding: 'I'm standing here as leader of the Conservative Party that has not always got that right.' Guest Rosey Cox, from Nottingham Pride, said she thought her invitation was a hoax when it first arrived. She said: 'I just do Pride. I didn't know what it meant to so many people.' The event was held as the Government unveiled a 'Transgender Action Plan' to crack down on discrimination against lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals. Proposals-include allowing gay civil partnerships to take place in religious buildings, but stop short of allowing 'gay marriage' - a key demand of some activists. With Mr Clegg by his side, Mr Cameron said he wanted civil partnerships to be carried out in places of worship if possible, adding: 'We shouldn't have this legalistic nonsense getting in the way of people who want to celebrate their civil partnership in churches.' Guest Antony Cotton, who plays gay character Sean Tully in Coronation Street, was there as an ambassador of The Albert Kennedy Trust, which helps homeless gay teenagers. He said: 'It was set up after a young boy died in Manchester. 'He was homeless and was being chased by what you would now call homophobic bullies and he was chased to the top of a car park and jumped off. 'The trust helps young people all over the country who are homeless after coming out.'
Sean Tully
Guest: Sean Tully, left, in character as Antony Cotton with on-stage ex-boyfriend Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou) attended the Number 10 event. He is patron of The Albert Kennedy Trust

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