Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: I imagine loads of women will propose to me today
tvgrief: @Charliecondou yeah right!
lisafaulkner1: @Charliecondou Marry me Charlie Condou!!!!!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @lisafaulkner1 Where's my fucking ring??
lisafaulkner1: @Charliecondou on the front of the my little pony magazine in the newsagents :)
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @lisafaulkner1 Go on then, as long as Stacks is cool with sharing our marital bed
lisafaulkner1: @Charliecondou can cam get in too?!!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @lisafaulkner1 Oh, thats a given
lisafaulkner1: @Charliecondou or even a gibbon
jenbradly: @Charliecondou you did sound lovely on radio 4 the other day, but I have a hunch I'm not your type.
LeaderAbrahams: @Charliecondou how could they resist those fine features Charlie! Lol hope you are well x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @LeaderAbrahams well quite! x
streetworker01: @Charliecondou I've had to disappoint 5 already and it's not 8.00am yet.
missamandalamb: @Charliecondou Marry me please!!!! X
_DanielRyan: @missamandalamb @Charliecondou Erm Amanda, you appear to accidentally tweeted Charlie instead of me. Silly!!
missamandalamb: @_DanielRyan @charliecondou can I have you both? I'm greedy xx
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @missamandalamb I'm sorry, you're on a waiting list x
missamandalamb: @Charliecondou Jesus!!!! How far down the list am I?
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @missamandalamb well I've bumped you up a bit because you're pretty. But I have to say, the fact you're already married isn't helping
SonikBoomBoy: @Charliecondou you imagine lots of things.... Popularity for starters! :-) #youwish
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @SonikBoomBoy you're just upset because I won't marry you
SonikBoomBoy: @Charliecondou lol don't flatter yourself  sweetheart! ;-)
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @SonikBoomBoy see? Calling me sweetheart. It's NEVER going to happen Chirp. I just don't go for camp men
SonikBoomBoy: @Charliecondou such a bitch!
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ lol ppl pestering Charlie for marriage with a pony ring! Poor @Charliecondou!
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @Charliecondou Bubs that line that went "where's my fucking ring"...just didn't wanna touch that one!!!

MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @charliecondou he could of been talking about another type of ring tho! ;-)

DoctorChristian: Let me introduce you to Pauline Potter from the USA... #ssvss
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @DoctorChristian I can't get over how much she eats!!
Catherine Tyldesley
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @DoctorChristian I think its unbelievable she allowed herself to be so unhealthy when she has kids. Selfish.
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @DoctorChristian totally. Loving the new hairstyle Dr C
DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley thank you! It is better I must admit... X
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Davestheman113 how are you feeling big man?
David marsh
Davestheman113: @Charliecondou hi Charlie, I'm feeling much better now thanks, how are you? Gonna have to come down and meet your mum and dad sometime..
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Davestheman113 deffo x
David marsh
Davestheman113: @Charliecondou yes need a catch up with your mum, ....x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Davestheman113 hahaha
Royal Mail arrived today from the UK and just when I thought I was receiving my knighthood...BUGGER! It turned out it was a birthday card from my friend Patti Ledwith, which is as equally as good! 

Patti is the former drama coach of UK performers Jack Shalloo, Russell Tovey and Andy Day, amongst others. Patti [shown in picture below] is part of the Famous Five who have gone from being mere Twitter correspondents to meeting in person in London in Dec 2011 - albeit without moi. 

Mark Merrett (Bubs), Thomas Markstahler (TM) and Andrew (Hammy) round out the crew. TM is from Germany and the other 3 are from various suburbs around London. When we get a chance the five of us have the best of times. TM, Bubs and I share a very close psychic bond which I find incredible at times...I sometimes see things happening in their world which have turned out to be real and true...I won't tell you what the boys are doing right now! 

Patti and I sometimes have a bit of a psychic moment but it's not as frequent as with the boys...and Hammy and I hardly ever get to psychic level but I love him anyway! Some of you may think having a bond like this is weird but I am of the opinion I am blessed. In fact the people I follow and who follow me on Twitter all seem to share a great deal of a "real" family!

Now, as odd as it sounds, I've even had a few premonitions about Charlie Condou (AMAZE). Our relationship started on Twitter almost 2 years ago when I looked at his former avatar and suggested I could smarten it up. I had absolutely no idea who Charlie was as I didn't know anything about UK celebrities at the time. Charlie adopted my re-jigged avatar and this is the one he is currently using. I had an overwhelming urge to jump in and offer to build him this blog in 2011 as I "felt" that Charlie was destined for bigger and better things. I even told him at one stage he'd be writing books...well, it's a newspaper column currently but he'll be offered a book deal eventually! One of the more interesting premonitions I had was about a dinner where he was with friends and goat was on the menu. Scary, right?

Being an educator by profession, I also relate to the way Charlie is trying to change public opinion about same-sex families. My wife and I are school teachers that have taught many children from same-sex relationships and totally agree with Charlie's stance. It's love that makes a family not your sexuality. I have 3 brothers and one of them is gay so I also have championed the cause of gay rights here in Oz.
My brother is no less of a person!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Above: Charlie Condou & Kym Marsh

Derren Litten
Derren_Litten: I just unfollowed all the people who do not entertain me, do not educate me, do not fascinate me or fail to give me 'fizzy willy'.
Dr Christian Jessen
DoctorChristian: @Derren_Litten Am I one who has been unfollowed, heart face?
Derren Litten
Derren_Litten: @DoctorChristian How could you possibly think that. They don't call you Dr Fizz for nuffin.
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten @DoctorChristian I thought it was Dr. Jizz?
Derren Litten
Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou @DoctorChristian Isn't that what I said??....  Rubbish keyboard...
Derren Litten
Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou @DoctorChristian Is this where the expression 'Jizz Hands' comes from?
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten @DoctorChristian No. That comes from not swapping your computer mouse into your left hand at the point of no return
Dr Christian Jessen
DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou @Derren_Litten Another favourite of mine
MarkusFeehily: The good guys dress in black remember that
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @MarkusFeehily Hello. I'm always being told to add you on Facebook. I think we have hundreds of mutual friends x
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: RT @KhyaHarold: @Charliecondou please RT this link my sister Danielle Harold (Lola on Eastenders) is running london marathon
Alistair Petrie
alistairpetrie: @rpenryj gets 3000 more followers after being on This Morning, I get 5 after Whitechapel. Mine shall come to The Oscars with me next year.
Hugh Bonneville
hughbon: @alistairpetrie @rpenryj So if I Unfollow and then Follow again, can I come too?
CoroStreetBlog: @hughbon As a Corrie fan would you like to be our next celebrity guest writer? Lord Fellowes was one of many at…
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @CoroStreetBlog @hughbon Just my episodes presumably?
JOJEHARVEY: Do people actually say Tomoz out loud?
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY I said FYI out loud today for the first time ever
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou ouch
semadivad: @JOJEHARVEY @Charliecondou I know someone who uses 'appaz' for apparently. I retch every time they use it.
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @MrAlexFoden @dermalogicauk @MarcuscollinsUK I am obsessed with their products. OBSESSED!!!
Alex Foden
MrAlexFoden: @Charliecondou @dermalogicauk1 @marcuscollinsuk Would you like me to have a word with their PR for you? I'm sure they'll sort u out. X
Phil_Lloyd: That awkward moment when you pretend to be on your mobile to avoid speaking to someone, and it rings ! Lol *dies*
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Phil_Lloyd that actually happened to me this morning
Phil_Lloyd: @Charliecondou haha ! I share your pain ... So embarrassing !
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Phil_Lloyd happens to me all the time. That, and rejecting a call when the person ringing is watching me #mortifying
Joe Bloggs
adamantics: @Phil_Lloyd @charliecondou tee hee!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Phil_Lloyd @adamantics Story of my life!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Phil_Lloyd Your boyfriend seems to have blocked me. Have I inadvertently upset him?
Derek Ritchie
Abslom_Deek: Cheers you lovely people for the birthday tweets of AWESOMENESS!!! You're easin' the pain of my agening!!! Big love to y'all!!!
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @Abslom_Deek Deeks you forgot my birthday last Sunday...I waited!!!
Derek Ritchie
Abslom_Deek: @Tom_In_Oz_ Um... it's the time difference, obvs! Your birthday in the UK ain't til this coming Sunday- so Happy Birthday in advance!!! ;-)
Tom In Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @Abslom_Deek FAIR ENOUGH your "almost an apology" is accepted btw Happy Birthday to you 4 days after mine! x
Marcus Whitney
marcuswhitney1: @Abslom_Deek happy birthday you lovely man xxxx
Charlie Condou ✔
Confidential_CC: @misterhsk you do realise you forgot my birthday - the lovely @Charliecondou remembered - consider this your first strike of 2012!
hardeep singh kohli
misterhsk: @Confidential_CC happy birthday
donna davies

mothergroup: @Confidential_CC happy birthday xx


Do same sex couples need pre-conception agreements?

Jane Garvey of BBC4 is joined by actor Charlie Condou and family solicitor Linzi Bull to investigate the rights of same-sex parents. There are a growing number of same-sex couples entering into informal parenting agreements with donors, and a number of these deals have resulted in legal battles over the role of the parents involved. Most recently a gay man who donated his sperm to his lesbian ex-wife has asked for overnight and holiday contact with her son. The boy’s mother and her girlfriend say he has ‘betrayed’ a pact made before conception. So would this situation be one that could have been avoided if a pre-conception agreement had been drawn up between those involved? And with more alternative family arrangements being entered into do we need to talk in terms of primary and secondary parents? 

Press play:

Charlie Condou explains a great deal about his own experiences in becoming a father while in a same-sex relationship. NB.There is an accompanying slide show for this radio interview.

GaydarRadio: Is anyone else feeling fat & hideous today? Is it just me :( #damnprawncrackers!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @GaydarRadio I can't actually get out of bed. I think I might have broken both legs somehow during the night
GaydarRadio: @Charliecondou - are you we need to come round and rescue you? Sounds a bit Misery to me!?X
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @GaydarRadio it is a bit. Except without the mad woman. Unless you count my boyfriend
GaydarRadio: @Charliecondou LOL! What did he do to you in ur sleep!x
Janelle Monae
JanelleMonae: hey baby. you're amazing.
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @JanelleMonae thanks. So are you
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @plonkymiff Bruv #wordsiwouldbanish
plonkymiff: @Charliecondou good call Charlie! :)
plonkymiff: @Liam1709 @charliecondou beasted! #wordsiwouldbanish
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @Liam1709 @plonkymiff oh I HATE "smashed it"
liamwaterloo: @Liam1709 @Charliecondou @plonkymiff It's not technically a word but anyone who uses 'lol' to punctuate sentences should be harmed.
plonkymiff: @liamwaterloo @liam1709 @charliecondou oh, and 'standard' after  making a statement #wordsiwouldbanish
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @liamwaterloo @Liam1709 @plonkymiff I heard "lolcano" the other day. I was not impressed
liamwaterloo: @Liam1709 @Charliecondou @plonkymiff Then we would only be left with Stephen Fry and Piers Morgan. The future of humanity would be doomed.