ruth_ford: @Charliecondou Have a jolly nice party, Charlie. I'm very sad I can't be there, I'm in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead.

Charliecondou: @ruth_ford that's a shame. I think @jfjford isn't coming either. Maybe you could send your parents

jfjford: @Charliecondou @ruth_ford have a lovely evening

ruth_ford: @Charliecondou @jfjford I think the dog's free

jfjford: @Charliecondou @ruth_ford have a nice evening, Charlie. And hppybdybbz. Ruth, did you have to stay on til Mexico?
lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou looking forward to your b'day shindig tomorrow night! Xx

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr woo muthafuckin HOO! Is @Del_Von_Boy coming?
Del_Von_Boy: @Charliecondou @lizmatthewspr - probably not. I hear there's a great doc about supermarkets on CNBC.

Charliecondou: @Del_Von_Boy @lizmatthewspr Right, just for that, Im going to get off with your wife
Del_Von_Boy: @Charliecondou @lizmatthewspr Again? How very dull..........
TomMerlinFord: @ruth_ford @charliecondou @jfjford *I'M* available
Charliecondou: @TomMerlinFord
@ruth_ford @jfjford well do come Tom.
And bring a distant aunt
TomMerlinFord: @Charliecondou @ruth_ford @jfjford Has Fiona Bruce confirmed?
WException: @Charliecondou & @caitlinmoran Thought you might want to know I've mention you in my latest blog

Charliecondou: @WException your tweet did indeed get lost. Sorry!
WException: @Charliecondou At least this one didn't. Love your column, hope you appreciate my blog and philosophy.

Charliecondou: @WException Thank you, your blog looks great. I'll have a proper look when I dont have a 2 year old running me ragged x

RealDanielLee: Big
thanks for following, @CharlieCondou - Have a great evening :o)

Charliecondou: @RealDanielLee no
prob x

stuartsandford: If You Didn't Laugh,
You'd Cry - a web gallery for Visual AIDS - Curated by Stuart Sandford for
Visual AIDS...

Charliecondou: @stuartsandford Hows
the body building going?

stuartsandford: @Charliecondou So
far so good! I am walking like a cowboy though :(

Charliecondou: @stuartsandford If
I knew you I'd make a really crass joke about anal sex. But I dont so I wont.
Good luck x

stuartsandford: @Charliecondou Haha
with such a perfect set up I was hoping you would :)

missmcollins: Feeling better new day,
wont be going into hackney again for a while! On train up north bloomin
knackerd but back home tonight yay

Charliecondou: @missmcollins Oh
thats such a pain in the arse!!! See you tomorrow xxx

Amelia_blogger: @JIMGYM Thank
you, I am so humbled by your comments.

Charliecondou: @Amelia_blogger Great
open letter. This is me:…

ferrifrump: #ff @AlisonMoyet1

Tom_In_Oz_: @ferrifrump @alisonmoyet1 is
this the genuine Alison from Billericay Essex?

ferrifrump: @Tom_In_Oz_ I think
it is

Tom_In_Oz_: @ferrifrump I love
her work so I just hope we don't have another fake on our many out
there nowadays. Thanks 4 reply.

ferrifrump: @Tom_In_Oz_ I am

Tom_In_Oz_: @ferrifrump I hope
it is her I'd follow in a flash, love her work. Billericay also produced
Russell Tovey the actor I manage a blog for.

BeingDoris: @Tom_In_Oz_ @ferrifrump Oh
no, do you think it might not be her? Got all excited.

Tom_In_Oz_: @BeingDoris @ferrifrump hard
to tell I'm waiting for Ms Saunders to find out... hopefully soon.

JRyanNYC: #FF @Confidential_CC who
loves to write, and I love to read :) xx
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