Saturday, October 15, 2011


Charlie Condou: The three of us

Posted on 15 October 2011

So we’re having a boy.

So we’re having a boy. The 20-week scan was as unequivocal as a scan can be. In a few months, I will be the father of a son. Georgia will be two-and-a-bit when her yet-to-be-named brother is born – a nice, sensible age gap. Then that’s it for us, our family will be complete. I can say that with confidence because, obviously, for an IVF-dependent family such as mine there are no accidental “oops” children. This was always going to be the last baby, whatever the sex. Getting a boy and a girl was just a happy accident.

I practise thinking about “the kids” instead of just “my daughter”. It feels odd still and, weirdly, a bit pretentious. “Father of two”, “one of each”, “the kids” – it all sounds so real and grown up. For someone who wanted to be a dad for so many years, and who sometimes wondered if it would ever really happen, running these phrases through my head can feel surreal.

Amid all the joy and wonderment of fatherhood there is also, for me, a palpable sense of relief. Relief that I got here, that parenthood really did happen for me. I’ve got an amazing daughter already and a son on the way, and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t feel grateful and blessed and aware that I have a responsibility to be the best dad I can be. I know how lucky I am to be a father, I just really don’t want to fuck it up.

When Georgia was due, I was worried about having a girl. I am, let’s be honest here, not overly familiar with “lady-parts”. She, like a lot of baby girls, had a sort of mini period (withdrawal bleeding from the maternal hormones) when she was born. No parent wants to see their newborn bleeding, but bleeding from there is especially alarming. Catherine had to reassure me that I could not hurt her with a cotton-wool ball and a bowl of tepid water. Now, several hundred shitty nappies later, I wonder what I was ever so nervous about. It seems ridiculous, even to me, but I can’t deny the way it was.

I was reminded of my anxiety last week as Catherine and I watched a friend change her baby boy’s nappy. As the friend expertly wiped poo off her son’s tiny testicles, Catherine turned to me and said “Are you ready for that?”

“Actually,” I said, “yes, I really am.” The thought of cleaning up boy bits didn’t faze me at all, but one glance at the slightly horrified look on Catherine’s face showed me that she was experiencing a similar wave of doubt and confusion to my pre-Georgia anxiety.

No, my fears about fathering a boy are very different. I look at the little boys I know and some of them are very, well, boyish. I am not that kind of a guy; I was never that kind of a guy. My friend Wendy’s son, Max, is a six-year-old rugby-playing tornado. Wendy’s partner, Stephen, has taken to helping coach Max’s team. They play football and fighting games; Max is made partly of mud. I did not play football or rugby as a child. I had dance lessons, I obsessed over The Kids from Fame. I liked sewing.

And then I remember – my son has another dad. Cam can do butch. He was a jock at high school, captain of the basketball and football teams. He’s also the DIY person in this family. Indeed, I couldn’t even work out how to remove the sides on Georgia’s cot in order to turn it into a “big-girl bed”, I had to wait for Cam to do it (screwdrivers perplex me). So he can provide all that boy stuff if necessary but, in any case, our son might prefer sewing.


Dan Usztan

Usztan: @Charliecondou Congratulations! And a lovely article.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Usztan ta love x


JonobiWan: @Charliecondou Just read ur blog, 1st of all congrats on ur little boy & 2nd, u'll be an amazing dad no matter what! Don't be worried chum!!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JonobiWan Thanks x


Liam1709: @Charliecondou "screwdrivers perplex me" that made me giggle. N

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Liam1709 it's true! I always " get a man in"


Liam1709: @Charliecondou let's be honest, it's the answer to everything!


ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou "Cam can do butch" - love it!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal you know it's true Clare!


pamjacko22: @Charliecondou congratulations Charlie enjoyed reading your blog and love you in Corrie x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @pamjacko22 thank you


Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou AMAZING. Call it Eamonn Michael Jackson RIP Condou. PLEASE.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Eamonn_Forde Well obviously!


emilyaturner: @Charliecondou Great news! Lovely piece. "Max is made partly of mud" made me laugh @Wendy_Wason

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @emilyaturner @Wendy_Wason You know its true though

sarah cox

sarajcox: “@Charliecondou: So we're having a boy...” : ah...lovely x ..sewing haha very sweet x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @sarajcox I was DESPERATE for a 'Girl's World' when I was a kid. Remember them? Like a massive decapitated Barbie head

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @sarajcox I love that all your tweets get retweeted by the 'I love Bolton' bot!

Jamey Moys 

JameyOnline: @Charliecondou congratulations ... Superb article Charlie :)

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JameyOnline Thanks Jamey


emilyaturner: @Charliecondou what you'll probably find is you'll have a boy who embraces dolls, princesses and pink because he'll want to please Georgia!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @emilyaturner That is my DREAM


westbrookdanni: @Charliecondou congratulations .xxxx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @westbrookdanni Cheers hon x


KerrShar: @Charliecondou Awww darling, congrats!! Your little family is now complete & Georgia is going to be a big sister!! When is bubba due?? X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @KerrShar January!!


westbrookdanni: @Charliecondou have to say I love reading your column You've never changed always talk from the heart and 100% genuine . Xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @westbrookdanni xxx


tashdevmakeup: “@Charliecondou: So we're having a boy...” love this!!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @tashdevmakeup Cheers Tash x


Sharontweet: @Charliecondou lovely column. Congratulations to all of you xx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Sharontweet Thanks love, how's the new job ;-)

Stuart Halton

stuarthalton: @Charliecondou congrats. (Are they right?) X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @stuarthalton I bloody hope so


Lucespeaking: @Charliecondou Articles like this help people realise how normal LGBT families are & will make my future journey all the easier.Thank You.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Lucespeaking you're very welcome! X


KerrShar: @Charliecondou ahh lovely! I'm due with my first on 9th Feb & @sarah_cawood is due beginning of April! It's an Angela & Friends baby boom :)

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @KerrShar hahaha congrats!!


ChadLDN: @Charliecondou Chad is an excellent name for a boy. Just sayin'. Congrats

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN It's a bit gay


sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou congratulations my love!! How wonderful x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @sally_lindsay thanks lover x


TLeeLooLa: @Charliecondou love the new piece! Your writing is superb! Very proud! I get to London weds for a wk! Thinking night out Fri! X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @TLeeLooLa YESSSSSS!!!


Lucespeaking: @Charliecondou p.s. My partner is gutted Catherine was there 1st as otherwise she'd be knocking you door saying how about we have kids!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Lucespeaking lol


shebahronay: @Charliecondou You've clearly been secretly writing columns for years. So good! X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @shebahronay xxx

Matt Hilton

quarterbluematt: Another great article by @Charliecondou in today's Guardian !

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt thanks mattonthedesk

Matt Hilton

quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou it's alright Charlieonthetelly (andinthenewspaper) are you doing it each week? Last weeks was really good too !

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt I am indeed

xxbexsxx: @Charliecondou @tinydancer1809 omg I have a f#c#ing frog phobia too!!!
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @xxbexsxx They are EVIL
edibow: watched @shamefilm last night the new Steve McQueen film with Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan. WOW, took me a few hours to get my
Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: @edibow What's Fassbender like? I have a huge crush on him

edibow: @Charliecondou he is as always spectacular. naked for most of it, so i would suggest attend with caution.. or not, ha ha ha.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @edibow Fantastic! I shall attend with caution. And Kleenex


Paul Burston

PaulBurston: Up early and heading off to the gym. Later today I'm sitting for a portrait. Yes, another one! Artist's muse, me.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston I thought Beryl Cook was dead??

Paul Burston

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou cheeky blighter! It's this chap

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston Ooooh, lovely stuff! Is it a nude?

Paul Burston

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou we haven't discussed that yet! I'm rather hoping not! I may get a reputation

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: By the way, it's @wendy_wason and @stephen_hagan I mention in the column. But dont follow them, they're idiots

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Georgia and Betsy are taking me and @denise_vanouten for a playdate today. I hope I dont get over tired and play up. Im at that funny age

Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou HMMM the terrible 2s? Not a good time in one's parenting life...having both a girl and boy can I reassure you the boy version of that was easier to cope with !!!


whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou waiting for my train to depart, thought I'd have a read, made me smile and put me in a good mood for the rest of my journey

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv cheers dude x

kym marsh

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou fantastic article charl AGAIN!! Laughed out loud too x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @msm4rsh Cheers baby, you still up for dinner on the 24th??

Derren Litten

Derren_Litten: RT “@Charliecondou: So we're having a boy...”. Congrats amigo! X

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten Thank you dear heart x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Very sad to hear our wonderful Betty Driver has passed away. A true Corrie legend. She will be missed #ripbetty

Tom In Oz ✔

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou A legend known around the world was Betty Driver of Coronation Street .

Sinead Keenan

SineadKeenan: RIP Betty xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Click Twitter Trend Map to enlarge:

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Possibly the funniest British comedy ever made!…

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: This made me smile. RIP lovely lady


jedessex: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie. You were following my old account - can you follow this one?

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @jedessex Certainly handsome x


jedessex: @Charliecondou Me handsome? Your the corrie star I'm secretly (not so secret now) in love with :P x how are you? x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @jedessex Lol very well ta x


jedessex: @Charliecondou Good and you have a gorgeous doctor boyfriend! jealous!! any plans to tie the knot?


PrincessJulia__: The XFactor fancy dress competition continues apace at the George & dragon live & direct this evening @simonpreen @louisByrnexx

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @PrincessJulia__ Ello lover xxx

Click Twitter Trend Map to enlarge:


felixhoward: Loveable=jolly= #XFactor

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @felixhoward snap!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Janet really needs to sort out those varicose veins

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Oh Frankie, cocock off!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: Why is Tulisa wearing a burst tyre?


benlathamjones: @Charliecondou couldn't agree more... Isn't this fun... And loved your article today matey...

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @benlathamjones ta love x

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: My god, it's the cowardly lion!


Lynsayp: @Charliecondou put em up!

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @Lynsayp haha

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @surandickson tee hee


JOJEHARVEY: I really want one of her boobs to pop out.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY haha Cam just said that!


JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou we communicate telepathically.

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY you are well witchy guy


JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou I is well hubble bubble boil and trouble and shiz

Doug Young

djy12345: Tulisa can relate to you because she can't sing either. #xfactor

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @djy12345 haha

Ben Summerskill

BenSummerskill: @Charliecondou Hey Mr thanks v happy to help with any background stats or case studies etc. Do call VBW to y'all xBen

Charlie Condou

Charliecondou: @BenSummerskill Thanks Ben, I'm in touch with Emma, she's being great and giving me lots of info. I'll send it to you when it's done x

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