Charliecondou: I'm drinking this with my cookies
Tyrone_KirkGolf: 3 Golf teams sold and 1 Evening Table! Great Response so far! Website Launches 1st July - #tyrone_kirkgolf

Charliecondou: @Tyrone_KirkGolf I'm really good at golf*, can I come? (*crazy golf)

Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson who's running that profile? Is it Al?
LucyJo_Hudson: @Charliecondou no, you know what al's like! Haha. It's his mate @leverben x

Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson lol I thought it was unlikely
JanelleMonae: Yes they are my friends! RT @juliaw2112: @JanelleMonae do you still keep in touch with Bruno and the Hooligans?

Charliecondou: @JanelleMonae where can I get some of those amazing black and white shoes?
meamandamealing: @Charliecondou @janellemonae You watching Glasto too?

Charliecondou: @meamandamealing no babe, in Canada with the in-laws. You ok?
meamandamealing: @Charliecondou Yes babe. Just back for few days. How long you away for? Xx

Charliecondou: @meamandamealing til next week!!
SimonMcBurney: Rev and the Archdeacon's back. As camp as a troupe of scouts.... with the wonderful Olivia Coleman and Tom Hollander.

Charliecondou: @SimonMcBurney I saw you in your kitchen last week! Hello x
yenyenteh: Predictably I'm thinking Laurie Anderson RT @guardianculture: Readers recommend: songs about superheroes http://gu.com/p/3v8z2/tf

Charliecondou: @yenyenteh I'm thinking Bucks Fizz :-(
yenyenteh: @Charliecondou yep I got that first time...was trying to avert mine eyes! ;-) now where did I put my velour mini-skirt...

Charliecondou: @yenyenteh I saw them perform last week at a charity thing. They took their skirts off. It made me sad.
yenyenteh: @Charliecondou Oh...the boys too? Was this in Canada??

Charliecondou: @yenyenteh London. It all THTs fault
yenyenteh: @Charliecondou oh, so all in a good cause then. Phew! X

Charliecondou: You lot really should be in bed
PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou so should you x say hello to Kate and William from me

Charliecondou: I’m in Alberta at the mo. Is that where Kate and Wills are? Can someone DM me their number?
AndrewLancel: @Charliecondou you know I can't do that but I've given them yours.

Charliecondou: @AndrewLancel hahaha of course! How's my flat? Party central I'm guessing?
AndrewLancel: @Charliecondou I've sold it. Except the mirror. I kept the mirror. And simon.

Charliecondou: @AndrewLancel oh yes, keep simon. Is the mirror on the ceiling yet?

Charliecondou: RT @OfficialRKemp: Blokes who spend more time in the mirror than my ex-wife are not real men.

Charliecondou: RT @OfficialRKemp: Lads should be lads. Too many feminine blokes who care more about their hair and fashion sense than about behaving like real men.
Candy2802: @OfficialRKemp @Charliecondou I think that @gracedent proved that this was a fake account a few days ago & that profile pic is photoshopped

Charliecondou: @Candy2802 oh. Thank you

Charliecondou: Apparently according to @gracedent the Ross Kemp profile is fake

streetworker01: @Charliecondou @gracedent It was disappointment to me, too. x

Charliecondou: I have to say I was surprised. I've met him a few times and he's very nice

misterhsk: @Charliecondou well? This is silly. July 24th. Dinner. Mine. You knows it. Miss you and love you xxx

Charliecondou: @misterhsk oh god I hope I'm in London! What day is it?

fifi05: @Charliecondou U having a good holiday sweetie ? X x

Charliecondou: @fifi05 yes ta
victoriabeckham: Channel your inner girl! My new line #victoriabyvictoriabeckham hope u like it!!! x vb http://yfrog.com/h4yr4yrj

Charliecondou: @victoriabeckham do you have it in my size?
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou *And* you're on the cover of Out In The City! Goodness, you get around!

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston you wouldn't believe how many people I've had to sleep with to get here Paul
DanylAJohnson: i understand if youre up set but i havent done anything. im sorry if i have done anything to hurt you. you know im there for you

Charliecondou: @DanylAJohnson well thank you for saying Danyl. And for apologising publicly. I forgive you xxx
msm4rsh: Back in sunny Manchester!!! Now....where's that gorgeous man of mine???? @jamielomas1 xxx

Charliecondou: @msm4rsh oh. I thought you meant me
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou I did!!! I was just asking @jamielomas1 if he had seen you!!! X

Charliecondou: @msm4rsh that's what I thought
michkeegan: Ok that's it can't cope.... Blocking!!

Charliecondou: @michkeegan don't let em get to you Keegs, just ignore!
Hollykennyfan: @Charliecondou hey please could I have a tweet off you;) it would mean the world xx

Charliecondou: @Hollykennyfan like this?

DJstewartwho: don't know why, but rainbow flags depress me now. Is that homophobic, self loathing, exhaustion or simply aesthetic?

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho oh god I agree. I think the gays need a new flag. Maybe it should be made of rubber

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou Too heavy to flap in the wind, i quite like broderie anglaise. You know we are mag sisters?

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho we could make one from the plastic that surrounds poppers bottles! Which mag? I'm guessing you're not in this week’s Inside Soap

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou When i see U, I'll tell ya why the Attitude spread made me happy and sad. 140 characters ain't enough and I'd look like a cun

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho oh I haven't seen it yet, is it a good piece?

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou Of COUSE it is. You're now my gay role model. Lacked one for years. Looking V fine on cover. I've been skinning up on it. x

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho I'd love to see you, it's been years since we coffeed. I was telling Cam only last week how much I enjoy your company

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou ANY time. It's weird but totally brill seeing you everywhere, but in real life. Makes me proud though. UR my new rainbow flag

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho hahaha and you're mine! We could make one out of perforated trakkie bottoms!

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou never have i regretted the loss of an item of clothing like them. Every time u mention them, i cry a little. Let them RIP.

Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho I can never let them go Stewart. NEVER

DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou *sob* If i knew then, what i know now, I'd have given 'em to the V&A. I wouldn't have gone to Lanzarote either. C U when back

Charliecondou: I'm in town called Hanna in Alberta. Nickleback are from here. Thats the only thing thats ever happened here. Ever
The1971JB: @Charliecondou that's a high ratio of "atrocities to good things" there. Does the sign say "Home of the worst band ever" as you drive in?

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou Canada's where all those cosy TVMs are shot. Put on a bodywarmer, play a writer & fall in love with a childhood sweetheart!

idhToronto: @Charliecondou of all the places in Canada you could go :-) bet you are preparing Alberta for Will & Kate's visit next week
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou Or was. Now they can say you once visited.

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston Well obviously. Corrie is huge here. Probably.
benjibooo: @Charliecondou what you doing over there?

Charliecondou: @benjibooo Visiting the in-laws
Jonney1977: @Charliecondou Get down to Calgary and over to Banff - must see parts of Alberta.

Charliecondou: @Jonney1977 Been to Banff a few times, love it!
leejonathan: @charliecondou why are you there?

Charliecondou: @leejonathan Family visit
GavinJuniper: @Charliecondou I thought Hanna was in Montana

Charliecondou: @GavinJuniper Oh dear
RobOnTheRock: @Charliecondou Why Hanna?? Was there once. That's enough. Lol

Charliecondou: @RobOnTheRock I have family here. Why on earth would you go??
RobOnTheRock: @Charliecondou Haha. My sister-in-law is from there. Had to visit her family on a visit to Alberta. Manchester to Hanna. Culture shock!!
Confidential_CC: @JOJEHARVEY I'd like a Charlie & Antony wedding & I'd like them to have a surrogate child with a female friend ...any chance for that plot?

JOJEHARVEY: @Confidential_CC lol. Please direct all your requests to Phil Collinson, Charlie!
Confidential_CC: @JOJEHARVEY He said to ask you x
thegarethmclean: On train wondering whether to mention to the man opposite kissing his gf that his erection is apparent through his trousers. Am thinking not

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean I wonder how many of your followers are now asking you to take a photo.

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou @thegarethmclean not asking but EXPECTING him to take one x

Charliecondou: I am obsessed with this website @mrporterlive OBSESSED!

semadivad: @Charliecondou *coughs*gay*coughs*

Charliecondou: @semadivad And don't even get me started on the packaging *gayer*

semadivad: @Charliecondou Fancy packaging is like Catnip to gays. You could wrap a marrow in expensive Liberty's ribbon and they'd fight for it.

Charliecondou: @semadivad Listen, its important to know where to buy a chamray shirt and a linen blazer at a moments notice (I now have both obv)

semadivad: @Charliecondou Although...I am now surfing this site. You are solely to blame for my bankruptcy.
BernieClugston: @Charliecondou You are on holiday Charlie, stop ONLINE shopping and relax, have a great time xx

semadivad: @Charliecondou By fight I obv's just mean send each other abusive Tweets in order to sully their reputations. Maybe a bit of hair pulling.

MrsLRCooper: Walked the dogs and now making cookies

Charliecondou: @MrsLRCooper You've turned into Martha fucking Stewart

Markgatiss: Awoke from a proper nightmare this morning which, even as I dreamt, I felt was a great opening to a portmanteau horror movie!
Confidential_CC: @Markgatiss not the one where you wake up tweeting about being in a nightmare #Déjà vu

Markgatiss: @Confidential_CC Yes! No! Wait!
Confidential_CC: @Markgatiss and then some ass from the land of Twitter replies to you about believing you tweeted when you didn't #Déjà vu (2)

Tom_In_Oz_: Hard 2 run 2 blogs when @russelltovey is BH filming & @CharlieCondou is in Alberta Canada - so followers it's time 2 make something up. Hmm!

Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey @CharlieCondou Russells love child exposed. Cover him up, it's freezing says child welfare person.

Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey @CharlieCondou The ghost of Spike Milligan set to appear in Being Human. "I'll do it for Cheese" Says ex-comic.

Tom_In_Oz_: @Wolfie_Rankin @russelltovey @CharlieCondou re article lol - I have 1 from Attitude Mag it calls Russ: "Russell Teapot," not nice!!! *ears*

Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey @CharlieCondou Also signed to BH is Dame Edna, Who will play the Lord of the Vampires, as a Man, Possums.

Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey @CharlieCondou Someone will actually make a teapot shaped like Russells head now.

Tom_In_Oz_: @Wolfie_Rankin @russelltovey @CharlieCondou Well, somewhere on the Tovey blog is a "Tovey Jug" (not a Toby Jug), it's already been done x

Tom_In_Oz_: Scientists have said that humans can't process more than 150 people as friends on social network sites like Twitter...#fact @russelltovey

AustinFx4: @Tom_In_Oz_ Prob why Rus tweeted so much Friday... ;)

Tom_In_Oz_: @AustinFx4 true @russelltovey tweets lots b4 he's filming but @Charliecondou is gonna try 2 update from Canada when he gets new sim card x

idhToronto: @Charliecondou You're coming to Canada? Which part?

Charliecondou: @idhToronto Alberta

idhToronto: @Charliecondou oh crikey - I'd say travelling there is the least of your problems :-)

Charliecondou: What a lovely day! Wish I had a 9 hour flight to Canada with a 3 hour drive after, and 7 hours time difference, with a teething toddler. Oh
tracebeebs: @Charliecondou Canada's a fantastic country - enjoy!!!

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou so ARE YOU THERE YET?

Charliecondou: @Tom_In_Oz_ No

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou well remember one day you'll look back and laff....from your room at the asylum obvs xxx
yenyenteh: @Charliecondou good luck!!!! Valium and bloody mary for everyone? X

Charliecondou: @yenyenteh Especially the kid! x
VickyEntwistle: @Charliecondou It will be the making of you! ha! Have a fabulous break! love me x

Charliecondou: @VickyEntwistle Cheers love xx

iamtonydenton: @Charliecondou sounds like fun, I'm going to have a lazy day round the pool!

Charliecondou: @iamtonydenton Oh piss off!

iamtonydenton: @Charliecondou lol sun lotion, newspapers and nothing else to do!

fountain1987: Cruising...
tharthur1: @fountain1987 for gay sex? or out in your car?

Charliecondou: @fountain1987 I KNEW it! ;-)

fountain1987: @Charliecondou knew what?!

Charliecondou: @fountain1987 You know what cruising is right??
w2kx: @Charliecondou I think the joke was lost on @fountain1987..

fountain1987: @Charliecondou no?!

Tom_In_Oz_: @fountain1987 Mr @Charliecondou thinks u were out cruising 4 men don't u read all your tweets @tharthur1 has already told you this! xxxx lol

Charliecondou: @fountain1987 Its what gay men do when they're looking for sex. I was joking obviously x
seanpaulquinn: @Charliecondou ha ha ha too funny dont think he be doin any of that lol

fountain1987: @Charliecondou ha ha ha ha oh god! I didn't even know! recognised

Charliecondou: RT @PatrickStrud: So glad the entire world now recognises Janelle Monae's genius. I'VE BEEN GOING ON ABOUT HER FOR A YEAR. #earlyadopterbore

Wendy_Wason: @PatrickStrud my friend @Charliecondou took me to see her last year and she was incredible.

Charliecondou: @PatrickStrud @Wendy_Wason oh we've been banging on about her for AGES. She's almost old news