Charliecondou: And yes, that was me in Fred Claus. I had a bigger part originally but was cut. Apparently I was just TOO BLOODY GOOD

claker69: @Charliecondou I love a big part that's not been cut

TobyBourne: @Charliecondou And you made such a convincing angry elf too

bydgoszczanka: @Charliecondou i like you in that Polish film...To kill a priest if i recall correctly.

Charliecondou: @bydgoszczanka good memory!

k1r514: @Charliecondou YOU were in it???? NO WAY!!!! ..... #runstograbacopy

JamieSawyerFit: @Charliecondou BASEBALL BAT!!!!!!

Charliecondou: @JamieSawyerFit Any excuse to mention my knob Jasmine

JamieSawyerFit: @Charliecondou it really is!!!

sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou I seen Michelle Collins last night. Opened Mecca bingo in Hartlepool tbh I was disappointed it wasn't you :-( #shhhhh

Charliecondou: @sugarpuff1982 So am I! I love a bit of bingo

sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou me too! There was topless waiters & I won! #WoopWoop :-)

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish hi,don't know if you remember me, we worked together on Peak Practice in the mid 90's. I've followed your career.How are you?

DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou I don't remember you. Please never contact me again

michelet67: @Charliecondou didn't see why she needed to be so rude to you so unfollowed her!

Charliecondou: @michelet67 she's joking (she's one of my best mates)

michelet67: @Charliecondou Oops! #shouldapologiseimmediately!!

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I'm sure it was you. Did you marry the gay one who was on jim'll fix it?

DaveBall65: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish Peak Practice blimy i remember that you must have been the young boy in it.

Fletch1412: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish :-O I live in "Cardale" #semifamousplace

DaveBall65: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish First noticed Sarah Parish in a tv series about a group of young solicitors ,what was the name of it?

Charliecondou: @DaveBall65 @DrSarahParish Trust. I was in that too

Eamonn_Forde: BOKE.

ericgeynes: @marksummerscast Charlie Condou @Charliecondou have you checked this article out? http://t.co/qCjcECer

Charliecondou: @ericgeynes @marksummerscast yes, I wrote it!

ericgeynes: @Charliecondou @marksummerscast Was answering Mark & mentioned u Mr Condou ;) not tweeting u, gosh twitter's confusing! u well? x - Mark was asking for positive gay role model and I mentioned you....

Charliecondou: @ericgeynes ah thank you x

ericgeynes: @Charliecondou my pleasure x

ChrisRhydderch: Well I never knew Corrie's @Charliecondou appeared in a 'Midsomer Murders' episode, but here he is!!!! You learn something new every day!!

Charliecondou: Now I'm on Midsomer Murders apparently. I didn't do it. Or did I.....

SallyAnMatthews: @Charliecondou I don't know but you were REALLY GOOD! x

Charliecondou: @SallyAnMatthews bless you x

decath10n: @Charliecondou you're everywhere tonight Charlie. *turns on Adult Channel*

Ralphwjbrown: @Charliecondou I reckon you did. 'nt

Charliecondou: Now I'm on Midsomer Murders apparently. I didn't do it. Or did I.....

SallyAnMatthews: @Charliecondou I don't know but you were REALLY GOOD! x

Charliecondou: @SallyAnMatthews bless you x

decath10n: @Charliecondou you're everywhere tonight Charlie. *turns on Adult Channel*
Ralphwjbrown: @Charliecondou I reckon you did. 'nt

HolyMoly: Is anyone else really scared of the Harry Styles lookin' one in the Union Js? He right puts the willies up us. #xfactor

Charliecondou: @HolyMoly I said that very same thing last night.

LeeBinding: If Rylan gets through to the semi's, he will 'literally die'. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. #xfactor

Charliecondou: @LeeBinding "semi's" *Beavis & Butthead laugh*

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou it's the dimples isn't it?

Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast He looks like a waxwork of Harry Styles

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou it's the dimples isn't it?

Charliecondou: @HolyMoly I said that very same thing last night.

LeeBinding: If Rylan gets through to the semi's, he will 'literally die'. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED. #xfactor

Charliecondou: @LeeBinding "semi's" *Beavis & Butthead laugh*

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou it's the dimples isn't it?

Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast He looks like a waxwork of Harry Styles

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou it's the dimples isn't it?

Charliecondou: And yes, that was me in Fred Claus. I had a bigger part originally but was cut. Apparently I was just TOO BLOODY GOOD

claker69: @Charliecondou I love a big part that's not been cut

TobyBourne: @Charliecondou And you made such a convincing angry elf too

bydgoszczanka: @Charliecondou i like you in that Polish film...To kill a priest if i recall correctly.

Charliecondou: @bydgoszczanka good memory!

k1r514: @Charliecondou YOU were in it???? NO WAY!!!! ..... #runstograbacopy
JamieSawyerFit: @Charliecondou BASEBALL BAT!!!!!!

Charliecondou: @JamieSawyerFit Any excuse to mention my knob Jasmine
JamieSawyerFit: @Charliecondou it really is!!!

Janhatesmarmite: I'm ill so what better way to spend afternoon than looking out for @Charliecondou in Fred Claus, he's there somewhere & I will spot him!

Charliecondou: @Janhatesmarmite Good luck, I always miss my bit

TheMadMissus: @Charliecondou @janhatesmarmite are you seriously in Fred Clause? I love that film

Charliecondou: @Janhatesmarmite Good luck, I always miss my bit

TheMadMissus: @Charliecondou @janhatesmarmite are you seriously in Fred Clause? I love that film

simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou elf alert on C4! #FredClaus

Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh haha

nickiburton: @Charliecondou I'm still waiting to see u on Fred Claus. Have I missed it yet?

JaynieLouCymru: @Charliecondou have I just seen you in Fred Claus? #abaseballbat

TaraFlynn: There's @Charliecondou! Yay!! #fredclaus

Charliecondou: @TaraFlynn in my defence, I had a much bigger part #cuttingroomfloor

TaraFlynn: @Charliecondou It was still superb to see you there. Great movie.

Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh haha

nickiburton: @Charliecondou I'm still waiting to see u on Fred Claus. Have I missed it yet?

JaynieLouCymru: @Charliecondou have I just seen you in Fred Claus? #abaseballbat

TaraFlynn: There's @Charliecondou! Yay!! #fredclaus

Charliecondou: @TaraFlynn in my defence, I had a much bigger part #cuttingroomfloor

TaraFlynn: @Charliecondou It was still superb to see you there. Great movie.

sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou I seen Michelle Collins last night. Opened Mecca bingo in Hartlepool tbh I was disappointed it wasn't you :-( #shhhhh

Charliecondou: @sugarpuff1982 So am I! I love a bit of bingo

sugarpuff1982: @Charliecondou me too! There was topless waiters & I won! #WoopWoop :-)

Charliecondou: @realsamia I love your new profile photo. Particularly your fringe

realsamia: @Charliecondou thanks! And u weren't even on fringe patrol that day! X

N_art_Foulser: @realsamia @charliecondou save it for the cameras guys!!!

alanhalsall: Canada we've loved it thanks so much for having us! We will be back... but for now flight & SLEEP!!! Al & Andy xxx

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall it looks like you're sitting on a massive blue cock

alanhalsall: Canada we've loved it thanks so much for having us! We will be back... but for now flight & SLEEP!!! Al & Andy xxx

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall it looks like you're sitting on a massive blue cock

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish hi,don't know if you remember me, we worked together on Peak Practice in the mid 90's. I've followed your career.How are you?

DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou I don't remember you. Please never contact me again

michelet67: @Charliecondou didn't see why she needed to be so rude to you so unfollowed her!

Charliecondou: @michelet67 she's joking (she's one of my best mates)

michelet67: @Charliecondou Oops! #shouldapologiseimmediately!!

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I'm sure it was you. Did you marry the gay one who was on jim'll fix it?

DaveBall65: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish Peak Practice blimy i remember that you must have been the young boy in it.

Fletch1412: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish :-O I live in "Cardale" #semifamousplace

DaveBall65: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish First noticed Sarah Parish in a tv series about a group of young solicitors ,what was the name of it?

Charliecondou: @DaveBall65 @DrSarahParish Trust. I was in that too

Eamonn_Forde: BOKE.

Shmouise: @Eamonn_Forde Because it just wasn't convenient enough in a can.

Charliecondou: @Shmouise @Eamonn_Forde We should've had that for brunch

Shmouise: @Charliecondou @Eamonn_Forde There's always next Sunday. Is it a shot of soup?

RuthieSnader: @Shmouise @smaylors thanks for a lovely London weekend, skating, geese, envelopes and breakfast with @charliecondou x

Charliecondou: @RuthieSnader nice to meet you, sorry it was all so hectic x

RuthieSnader: @Charliecondou it was fun. It wasn't hectic - the kids are gorgeous !! Hope you get some sleep tonight. I was very impressed with the slow loris btw x

Smaylors: @RuthieSnader @shmouise @charliecondou flipping lovely! When can we do it all again? Xo

Charliecondou: @Smaylors @RuthieSnader @shmouise anytime! X

Charliecondou: @Shmouise @Eamonn_Forde We should've had that for brunch

Shmouise: @Charliecondou @Eamonn_Forde There's always next Sunday. Is it a shot of soup?

RuthieSnader: @Shmouise @smaylors thanks for a lovely London weekend, skating, geese, envelopes and breakfast with @charliecondou x

Charliecondou: @RuthieSnader nice to meet you, sorry it was all so hectic x

RuthieSnader: @Charliecondou it was fun. It wasn't hectic - the kids are gorgeous !! Hope you get some sleep tonight. I was very impressed with the slow loris btw x

Smaylors: @RuthieSnader @shmouise @charliecondou flipping lovely! When can we do it all again? Xo

Charliecondou: @Smaylors @RuthieSnader @shmouise anytime! X

ericgeynes: @marksummerscast Charlie Condou @Charliecondou have you checked this article out? http://t.co/qCjcECer

Charliecondou: @ericgeynes @marksummerscast yes, I wrote it!

ericgeynes: @Charliecondou @marksummerscast Was answering Mark & mentioned u Mr Condou ;) not tweeting u, gosh twitter's confusing! u well? x - Mark was asking for positive gay role model and I mentioned you....

Charliecondou: @ericgeynes ah thank you x

ericgeynes: @Charliecondou my pleasure x

marksummerscast: @Charliecondou
@ericgeynes thanks for the link nice to hear normal stories . I come from a
massive family so kids mean a lot to me too
Nice and not so nice soap actors you've met?
vaslav37: ☺ Michelle Collins - a nice lady. Sue Nicholls - a very nice lady, I met her back in 1994 and she was very interested in what I was doing.
☻ Wendy Richard - Not very friendly
unknownstuntman: ☺ Nicest: Alison King, Gemma Oaten, Charlie Condou, Alexandra Fletcher, Rachel Shenton and Claire Cooper.
☻ Worst: Antony Cotton. Without a shadow of a doubt. Rude to the extreme.
jamesalex: ☺ I met a few from Neighbours when I was in Oz - Alan Fletcher (Karl), Jackie Woodburne (Susan) and Ryan Maloney (Toadie) and they were all lovely.
Kpops: ☺ Kym Marsh is lovely!
Cameron Murray: ☻ Jack P Shepard has acted very big for his boots insulting other members of the public and claiming "Don't you know who I am" after Jack was refused entry into a club. This was years ago on both alleged stories.
OhWhenTheSaints: I think Jack has grown up a lot since his children were born. Just what I've heard
dee123: ☺ Met a few on Palm Beach when they film on location. Alf, Irene, Marilyn, April, Dex, Casey & Brax were all very nice. Talked and signed stuff.
☻ Romeo & Indi thought they were all that. Not impressed at all.
The Kinsey Spectrum Edition 24th Nov, 2012
by John
The week started off with Marcus doing a very confused walk of shame after spending the night with Maria. Marcus, for his part, didn't want to face up to the realization that his toast may be buttered on both sides these days (is that crude? I don’t mean to be crude) so he quickly made up with Aidan, made plans to go off to London with him, and told Maria that he never wanted to see her again. Well, Strombo was right. It was heartbreaking.
Fortunately for this new odd couple, it only lasted one episode and they soon reconfirmed their love for each and soon were back in bed. Then Maria told Jason that she had been “doing a lot of thinking” and dumped him. Kirk complained that he was kept up all night from the noise coming from her room with all the thinking she was doing with Marcus.
Sean, who was told by Aidan he and Marcus split up because Marcus was in love with Sean. Well, talk about your crossed wires. Sean, of course, went out and bought a banner to hang at Underworld reading “Marcus and I are Back Together!” Before long, however, Marcus set him straight (don’t say it!) when he walked in on him and Marcia in an embrace. Sean accused Marcus of being ashamed to be gay but promised to keep quiet. However, when he and a very drunk Jason met to commiserate in the Rovers and Marcus and Maria came in, the truth came out.
Jason attacked Marcus (and giving actor Charlie Condou a concussion during the filming), claiming “You love Kylie Minogue and Canal St. You DO NOT LOVE HER!” Silly Jason. Marcus is a Céline man.
Jason attacked Marcus (and giving actor Charlie Condou a concussion during the filming), claiming “You love Kylie Minogue and Canal St. You DO NOT LOVE HER!” Silly Jason. Marcus is a Céline man.
And so, as so often happens on this show, the truth of Maria and Marcus comes out in the Rovers. Gail and Audrey were confused (“Does this mean he’s bisexual?”) but not unsympathetic given that Gail’s dad is gay.
My uncle-in-law is the Australian cricket player Doug Walters. Doug is married to my wife's aunty Caroline. Doug and Caroline are very private people and shun the limelight. Recently, Doug was portrayed in the 2012 TV mini-series "Howzat - Kerry Packer's War" about the changes brought to cricket by Sir Kerry Packer.
Above: Press play to see an excerpt of the TV mini-series "Howzat"
Below: The cast of "Howzat" - uncle Dougie is portrayed by the actor Hamish Michael (right side, front row).
"Here Come The Aussies" is an anthemic song recorded by the 1972 Australian Cricket Team to coincide with their Ashes Tour of England. It was done some years before the mass marketing of World Series Cricket. The whole of the team laid down both sides: "Here Come The Aussies" and "Bowl a Ball, Swing a Bat". Ritchie Benaud's wife Daphne, was instrumental (pun intended), in getting this song recorded.
It should be pointed out that there were many great cricketers in the side at the time: Ian Chappell, Greg Chappell, Dennis Lillee, Rod Marsh, my uncle-in-law Doug Walters and a dozen or so other household cricketing legends.
This awesome sports song was co-written by Daniel Boone who had the hits "Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast", "Skydiver" and "Hi Hi Hi Beautiful Sunday". It was produced by the legendary Larry Page. Despite the lyrics, the cricket team of 1972 drew the series 2 all and thus England retained the ashes. In the next series in Australia 1974-75 Jeff Thomson and Denis Lillee ripped the Poms apart and we indeed won the ashes back again. The song was recently issued in Australia by the SBS TV Network on their CD called "Stumped!"
"C'mon Aussie, C'mon" was a #1 hit song of 1979 and stayed in the charts for the entire cricket season and well into 1980. This song had clips of uncle Dougie chewing gum as this was his favourite pastime while playing cricket. The song was originally issued as a TV advertisement and was so popular with fans it was released on vinyl. Then the song catapulted to the top of the charts in the cricket obsessed nation. There have been numerous cover versions of the song issued since its air date in 1979.
Doug Walters retired from cricket in 1981 but had his life immortalised in song by NZ singer Nash Chase. The track is called "Dashing Dougie" - it went Top 40 in country areas of NZ and Oz.
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