
Cath_Tyldesley: @georgiafoote @Toolyboy totes foggy Worsley way berbs @key103

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @georgiafoote @Toolyboy @key103 I can't even see the Granada building

georgiafoote: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley @Toolyboy @KEY103 oh no! X

simonkaston: @Charliecondou oh dear it's mid 20s and sunny in Vegas!

Charliecondou: @simonkaston piss off

simonkaston: @Charliecondou xx
later that fine day

SteveStratford9: Corrie star Charlie Condou spotted at the Lowry! #butiwontdisturbhim

Jamie_Carew: Marcus from corrie is in that burger place next to AMC on his ones. Deadting

gillywalshy: Yey !! The stripper has arrived !! @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy I'm fluffing as we speak

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou body paint at the ready !
The Tric Awards 2014 held at the Grosvenor House Hotel London, United Kingdom - Tuesday 11th March 2014
L to R: Bruno Langley, Tisha Merry, Georgia May Foote and Charlie Condou
Corrie's Charlie and Bruno publicity shots taken 10-2-2014
We return to Weatherfield on Wednesday 19 March to see Eileen asking Marcus to find somewhere else to stay while elsewhere, Maria’s livid when Fiz tells her that she suspected there was something going on with Todd with Marcus, but didn't say anything because she wasn't sure. Later, Marcus is surprised when Maria agrees to meet with him so that they can talk things over, however, his brief hope that she will forgive him is set to be dashed when she unleashes her fury on him.
In the final visit of the week to Coronation Street on Friday 21 March, Marcus is an outcast so Todd pleads with Julie to let Marcus stay for a few nights, and despite her better judgement, she agrees.
L to R: Nina Sosanya, Sarah Parish, Charlie Condou.

helenmck1980: @Charliecondou hey I'm sure u just drove past me on Broadway about 5pm heading towards media city??

Charliecondou: @helenmck1980 nope, I'm in London

Charliecondou: @helenmck1980 nope, I'm in London

BadGirlsTVShow: Look who we just spotted on @BBCCasualty @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @BadGirlsTVShow @BBCCasualty my god I look young!!

Charliecondou: Blue steel RT @BadGirlsTVShow: Look who we just spotted on @BBCCasualty @Charliecondou

AliiiOwen: @Charliecondou looking a bit @JackPShepherd88 there!

Charliecondou: @AliiiOwen @JackPShepherd88 come on I don't look that bad

AliiiOwen: @Charliecondou @JackPShepherd88 I think it's the evil stare....

AliiiOwen: @Charliecondou looking a bit @JackPShepherd88 there!

Charliecondou: @AliiiOwen @JackPShepherd88 come on I don't look that bad

AliiiOwen: @Charliecondou @JackPShepherd88 I think it's the evil stare....

HonestBull: #YSTHF You must get @Charliecondou with The Storyteller. That was a shock for me, when watching the DVD the other week.

Charliecondou: @HonestBull I was a baby in that

stedixon01: Just been watching gimme gimme gimme on DVD. @Charliecondou looks hot in those white briefs ;)

Charliecondou: @stedixon01 I was hot, that's why I took my clothes off

stedixon01: @Charliecondou what do you mean were? You are still lol. Still a demand for shots like that too :)

Charliecondou: @stedixon01 lol ;-)
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