ChrisJepson: @Charliecondou supporting @NAT_AIDS_Trust and raising #HIV awareness for #WAD
National AIDS Trust (NAT)
About: NAT is the UK's leading charity dedicated to transforming society's response to HIV. Originally started in 1987 in response to escalating concerns about HIV and AIDS, today NAT campaigns for effective HIV prevention and testing and better access to HIV treatment, care and support; challenges HIV-related stigma and discrimination; and educates the general public about the virus. Over the years HIV has received increasingly less and less public and media attention, largely because, in the minds of many, the crisis has passed. However there are more people than every living with HIV in the UK and the number of new diagnoses amongst gay men reached a record high last year. Despite better HIV treatment and health outcomes for people living with HIV, many still face discrimination and stigma, at work, at school and from public services.
The Job: This World AIDS Day, NAT wanted to get as many people as possible to wear red ribbons to raise awareness and show solidarity with the 100,000 people living with HIV in the UK. To inspire others to do this NAT tasked me to photograph celebrities wearing their red ribbon brooches.- See more at:
TheFoodChain: RT @OutInTheCityMag: Fancy a private tour of the Coronation Street set with actor Charlie Condou? @Kubar @TheFoodChain
CentreHIV: @Charliecondou Can you help share our new #10ways video campaign produced to support #WorldAIDSDay

Charliecondou: @brianpaddick do I have to call you Lord Paddick now? Congratulations, well deserved xxx

brianpaddick: @Charliecondou Thanks Charlie. Please see my Facebook update.
Charliecondou: This has made my week. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving . . .

theyearofelan: I'm putting together my thoughts right now recapping the day. Stand by for my final words on Diane who sat in #7A #TeamElan

Condou leaving Coronation Street

28TH NOV 2013
As some of you know, I had a bit of an altercation today with a woman named Diane on an airplane. I had a great time antagonizing her, reading your responses, and just generally trying to have fun with an irritating person. But I did have a point and I just want to put it out there. I know I can come across as abrasive. I know I can seem harsh. But what I’ve never done is be unkind to a person in a service position. My first job was in a video store. I rewinded tapes and put them back on the shelves. I was a caterer. I put ravioli into divided plates and cut bagels in half for hours at a time. The difference between someone being nice and someone being mean was the difference in how I felt when I went home that night. I don’t care what’s going on with you: Don’t be rude to people who are doing their job. Don’t do it. Don’t dismiss them. Don’t act like they are less than you. Don’t abuse them just because you’re the customer and “The Customer Is Always Right.” If you’re the customer, you’re only right if you’re kind, polite and positively thankful. If you’re not, you’re a jerk, and that’s the bottom line. A lot of people have been really nice to me and called me a hero today. It’s really fun to hear but it’s not true. Our troops are heroes. Fire fighters and policemen are heroes. Doctors and teachers are heroes. Flight attendants and pilots and waiters and baristas… These are the people that make things work in this crazy world. What I did today was just point out something we all know: Be nice. It’s Thanksgiving. Be nice. Be nice everyday, but if you see a man or a woman working on a holiday you better respect that they would like to be with their family too. So have some compassion and have some appreciation. Most people do. Most people are great. And then there are a bunch of Diane’s in the world. And it’s OUR job to tell every Diane to shut up. It’s OUR duty to put the Diane’s of the world in their place. We need to REMIND them about the way of things. We outnumber them. So, I’m really glad we had fun today, but I really hope you guys join me, look a jerk in the eye, and tell them to eat a piece of your body, because really, that’s what the holidays are all about.
Charliecondou: @theyearofelan I've just read all your flight tweets about Diane. You are my new hero
Ade1973: @Charliecondou It had me howling in laughter while their feud escalated!

Patrick_Ness: The awesome anti-homophobic bullying charity I'm a patron of, @DiversityRM, is running an Xmas fundraising thingy:

Charliecondou: RT @Patrick_Ness: The awesome anti-homophobic bullying charity I'm a patron of, @DiversityRM, is running an Xmas fundraising thingy:
Charliecondou: RT @Patrick_Ness: The awesome anti-homophobic bullying charity I'm a patron of, @DiversityRM, is running an Xmas fundraising thingy:
Charliecondou: Just over a week until our big trip to see the snowman. Got your tickets yet? #lgbtfamilies

Charliecondou: RT @AndyBCasting: PLEASE RT: BBC holding open auditions for 2 young Asian roles in Leeds on Weds 4th Dec.
Charliecondou: RT @AndyBCasting: PLEASE RT: BBC holding open auditions for 2 young Asian roles in Leeds on Weds 4th Dec.
Condou leaving Coronation Street

Actor Charlie Condou is leaving Coronation Street next summer in an "explosive" exit storyline.
Warning: spoiler alert!
The Mirror reports that in Condou's exit storyline, his character, Marcus Dent, will fall for Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley). Condou said of his departure: "I've had a fantastic time at Corrie but feel it's time for me to move on." He continued: "I was only meant to return for three months and ended up staying for three years! The producers have been really supportive and are leaving the door open for Marcus, which is great, and my exit will certainly be explosive."
BigFellaThanks: This...Isn't....Happening.
In floods of tears at my desk
In floods of tears at my desk
Above & below: Charlie arriving at ITV studios 28-11-2013.

Charlie Condou has said that his character's exit will be 'really exciting'. Speaking on ITV's Lorraine Show [28-11-2013] about his reasons for leaving Corrie, Charlie said: "I absolutely love it there and I have had an amazing time but I never planned on being there for a long time again. I went back for just 3 months for a very short storyline and ended up there for another 3 years. It is time for me to go off and do other things." An upcoming storyline will see Marcus fall for Todd Grimshaw's charms, despite his current relationship with Maria Connor. Charlie said: "We have just started filming some of it at the moment and he is certainly going to turn Marcus's head and that is going to go a lot further but poor Maria. I like the fact that Marcus came in, he was a gay man and he was really comfortable with himself and then of course he fell in love with Maria which nobody saw coming, least of all him. I've said this before, it does happen in real life but this is a soap and it was never going to end well for Marcus and Maria. I think we knew that from the minute they put us together and I think the gay thing was always going to rear its head again so that is where we are now, but I can't say too much. It is going to be really exciting, I do know that. I will be on screen probably until July or August - I am here for ages yet. They asked me to stay for a little bit longer than my contract was just to have this storyline, so it is great. "
On behalf of the LGBT community, Charlie appealed for the public to nominate their favourite lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered heroes. The glittering Out In The City Awards will be hosted by Charlie and actress Sophie Ward in early 2014.
Voting can take place online at throughout November and December.
Award categories include:
Inspirational Role Model of the Year
Celebrity of the Year
Sports person of the Year
Broadcaster of the Year
Rising Star of the Year
‘Straight Ally’ of the Year
Charity or Community Initiative of the Year
LGBT Diversity Champion of the Year
Brand of the Year
Best Event of the Year
Lifetime Achievement
Honorary Gay Person of the Year
Above & below: Charlie Condou chats with Lorraine Kelly 28-11-2013
ColinCAustin: Catch @Charliecondou on Lorraine yesterday talking about the #outg3awards2014 Headline Sponsored by @RBSGroup -
Seven characters leaving Coronation Street in 2014
This week it was confirmed that Charlie Condou, who plays Marcus Dent, will be leaving Coronation Street next year. With the departure of Marcus that brings the total number of Corrie characters set to depart the Street in 2014 to the grand total of seven. Who are those seven who are leaving next year? Well, six are definites and have been confirmed - and one is just a tabloid rumour, so far. But the seven set for the Corrie chop are Peter Barlow (rumoured) and confirmed are Marcus Dent, Stella Price, Gloria Price, Hayley Cropper, Tina McIntyre and Brian Packham.
Coronation Street:
Charlie Condou quits
Coronation Street:
Charlie Condou quits
After confirming a few days ago that Charlie was exiting Corrie the fans have been busy voicing their opinions. Over at Digital Spy Forums there are 3 pages of comments about Mr Condou and other members of the crew and cast of Coronation Street. I have cut and pasted a small selection below. If you'd like to see more the DS Forum web link is included at the end of this section - Tom.
Owen Kent: It has been announced that Coronation Street actor Charlie Condou has quit he's role as Marcus. This is very sad news, I am going to miss him. He is really sexy as well. This is very sad news.
vaslav37: Sexy in an odd kind of way...nice bum too.
callumfreeman: It doesn't surprise me. They have hardly done anything with him, even he and Maria rarely have any screen time together since getting together a year ago. What a pointless story. Yet another potential male character lost.
Oldnjaded: Noooooo, I like Marcus. And who's going to be on hand to expertly handle every medical emergency known to man, both on the Street and in Weatherfield General if he goes?
Popsiemiav: Certainly is a shame. When Marcus first appeared in Corrie I always wanted him to become a permanent character and was delighted when he returned. The problem is poor "Marcus" has hardly been given any storylines. I thought they were going to do a storyline where Maria became pregnant, but alas now that Charlie is leaving that will not be happening. Sad to hear you are leaving, Charlie. Looks like with Hayley, Tina, Peter (I think) and Marcus all departing there are going to be quite a few gaps to be filled.
FM Lover: The problem Charlie had was that they saddled up with Maria right at the time she started her Dancing On Ice venture which meant she was never in the show. The pair of them have had two storylines this year that I can think of. The ridiculous invite to Marcus & Sean's gay friend's wedding reception which was held at the Bistro and Maria's father in law (Barry) coming to stay for a few days. Samia must be laughing all the way to the bank. Lord knows what the locals will do now when they need any medical advice.
Irma Bunt: Corrie had a real chance with the character of Marcus to depict a believable 21st century gay man to eradicate memories of the ghastly and offensive Sean, who's set back gay rights by 30 years. But they've squandered it. Charlie Condou is such a good actor - with an impressive CV before he joined Corrie - that I'm sure he'll do well afterwards. He deserves to.
AndreaMC: Marcus was a nice, down to earth and caring bloke, how could he have possibly survived in this street? I wonder did Sean being there still have anything to do with it
Hound of Love: ...If only Anthony Cotton had gone instead!
cah: Aww I liked Marcus, but not surprised he's quit, as since they put him together with Maria he's just become a filler character with Zilch to do
wavlovr: Awww that`s awful, I love Marcus. It wouldn't surprise me if Cotton had something to do with it after a spat they had on Twitter a while back. Knowing how spiteful Cotton is, I can just see Cotton whining to the bosses that Charlie disrespected him.
Michaelmichael:: such a shame
2shy2007: He is sexy in a Timothy Claypole kind of way, I will miss him, but you cant blame him for leaving, his character has been massively underused lately.
purple bunny: ANOTHER ONE! Corrie is losing characters by the bucket load, less than 6 months & I'm at 14 so far... Something ain't right on the street.
cleo petra: I think you might be right...I wonder if there is a bad working environment for some reason. Such a shame, he is a great actor and character. I wish they had used him more and persuaded him to stay.
SellSimilar: A real waste of a fantastic character. Shame they couldn't have given him any decent storylines that weren't about sexuality. It's as if they didn't know what to do with him. I really like Marcus - his recent scenes with Brian showed how well Charlie Condou can handle both comedy and drama.
Michaelmichael: So far this year, either left or about to (correct me if I'm wrong/missed anyone):
and Tommy.
and Tommy.
Irma Bunt: The wrong gay is leaving the show.
Vodka_Drinka: Probably felt pushed out by Cotton and his cronies
sorcha_healy27: If only it had been Sean
pon farr: Marcus is definitely a supporting character in the grand scheme of things. Although performance wise I don't think he can be faulted, unlike some.
MrsCloumbo: Mmmm I think this is about a weird, inept idiot who is now in charge. His work history is death to any soap he's been involved in. Now it's Corries turn. Why he's allowed to make the round of the soaps, killing them as he goes, is beyond me.
cobwebsoup: That's a bit of an exaggeration, he's only been the producer of two soaps. Emmerdale wasn't anywhere near, "death" under his reign but his work did get criticized a lot on here. So far his time on Corrie has been fine and ratings are still doing very well...
MrsCloumbo: I beg to disagree and stand firmly by my post. He trashed Emmy and he's doing the same to Corrie with the Tina show. He's inept and wouldn't have lasted this long in any other profession, except maybe the NHS.
Goldeyfish: Would be really surprised if Charlie actually quit and wasn't axed.. They often allow actors to say it was their own decision when they've been axed. I'd also imagine it'd be difficult to ink a storyline for 3 gay male characters
Michaelmichael: Shame they wasted this character / actor
Corrie_Fans: Charlie Condou has announced that he is leaving #Corrie The actor, who plays Marcus Dent, will finish July/August 2014


(Click following article to enlarge)
Charlie Condou, who plays Marcus Dent, has revealed that his character's exit will be "really exciting."
Speaking on Lorraine earlier today, the actor said: "I can't say too much. It is going to be really exciting, I do know that.
The upcoming storyline will see Marcus fall for Todd Grimshaw's charms, and Condou hinted that the complications will certainly have something to do with his exit. "We have just started filming some of it at the moment and he is certainly going to turn Marcus's head and that is going to go a lot further but poor Maria. "I like the fact that Marcus came in, he was a gay man and he was really comfortable with himself and then of course he fell in love with Maria which nobody saw coming, least of all him. I've said this before, it does happen in real life but this is a soap and it was never going to end well for Marcus and Maria." Condou continued: "I think we knew that from the minute they put us together and I think the gay thing was always going to rear its head again so that is where we are now, but I can't say too much. It is going to be really exciting, I do know that. "I will be on screen probably until July or August - I am here for ages yet. They asked me to stay for a little bit longer than my contract was just to have this storyline, so it is great. " Show bosses are promising that Marcus's storyline "will divide the residents of Coronation Street".
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