GeorgeNewton1: Dad's watching a western. Reminds him of his youth in Hattersley!

Charliecondou: @GeorgeNewton1 he's into cowboys and Indians? Explains why he wears leather chaps to work

GeorgeNewton1: @Charliecondou ahh... I won't tell my mother!

mrjamieeast: Filming for @DiscoveryUK tomorrow all about hangover cures, hence me cheerfully necking an entire bottle of red and eyeing whiskey.

rogerhad: @mrjamieeast same here dude...do share your findings. I swear by Tomato Juice.

mrjamieeast: @rogerhad cold pizza, lucozade, wank.

rogerhad: @mrjamieeast ha, ha. In that order?

Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast how was the hooker?

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou kept making me talk about discovery science and gadget show 2013 round up. Kinky as fuck.

emmagleave: @hayleysoraya I believe your partying with @Charliecondou tonight.Make sure he keeps his hands to himself, he's a bit dodgy that one

Charliecondou: @emmagleave @hayleysoraya we've already booked a room. Come join us and don't tell @SimonGregson123

emmagleave: @Charliecondou @hayleysoraya - arrrrrr see that's where we're different, I stay up and party so no need for a room like you pensioners xxxx

hayleysoraya: @emmagleave @Charliecondou haha! I win in the pensioner stakes.. I've left to come home!! Let's try have a night out before Xmas?! Xx

GeorgeNewton1: Dad's watching a western. Reminds him of his youth in Hattersley!

Charliecondou: @GeorgeNewton1 he's into cowboys and Indians? Explains why he wears leather chaps to work

GeorgeNewton1: @Charliecondou ahh... I won't tell my mother!

mrjamieeast: Filming for @DiscoveryUK tomorrow all about hangover cures, hence me cheerfully necking an entire bottle of red and eyeing whiskey.

rogerhad: @mrjamieeast same here dude...do share your findings. I swear by Tomato Juice.

mrjamieeast: @rogerhad cold pizza, lucozade, wank.

rogerhad: @mrjamieeast ha, ha. In that order?

Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast how was the hooker?

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou kept making me talk about discovery science and gadget show 2013 round up. Kinky as fuck.
emmagleave: @hayleysoraya I believe your partying with @Charliecondou tonight.Make sure he keeps his hands to himself, he's a bit dodgy that one
Charliecondou: @emmagleave @hayleysoraya we've already booked a room. Come join us and don't tell @SimonGregson123
emmagleave: @Charliecondou @hayleysoraya - arrrrrr see that's where we're different, I stay up and party so no need for a room like you pensioners xxxx
hayleysoraya: @emmagleave @Charliecondou haha! I win in the pensioner stakes.. I've left to come home!! Let's try have a night out before Xmas?! Xx

KTHopkins: Swimwear time at Miss Plus Size International. Even the water on the tables has left the building.

claracatcat: @KTHopkins Are you really only there to humiliate women? I know you court publicity for a living, but seriously?
Charliecondou: RT @claracatcat: @KTHopkins Are you really only there to humiliate women? I know you court publicity for a living, but seriously?
Maz0613: @claracatcat @Charliecondou @KTHopkins she truly is a sad joke that should occasionally look in the mirror before commenting on other women!
orangesazzle: @claracatcat @Charliecondou @KTHopkins can't we all just ignore her? She's a classic self loather.. leave her to it. Peace out..

claracatcat: @orangesazzle @Charliecondou @KTHopkins because it's good craic...

Charliecondou: @jenlog09 hello! How's the show going? We're coming ASAP x
Charliecondou: @jenlog09 hello! How's the show going? We're coming ASAP x

lilyallen: #1 crew :-) guy chambers
Charliecondou: @guyachambers @lilyallen nice Christmas garms kids
Lara_Laughs: Saw @Charliecondou in #London today - a guy chased up to him shouting Charlie: Charlie can I have a pic - he was very nice & let him #corrie
Charliecondou: @Lara_Laughs haha I'm a very nice man!
oktobegaybook: @reallorraine Don't be sad @Charliecondou is leaving Corrie. Read his coming out story http://amzn.to/1bYc2g5. Pls RT it's for a good cause
ITVLorraine: Today we're joined by @JuliaBradbury, @Charliecondou, @MarcuscollinsUK, @danwootton, @nadiasawalha and @JaneWake!
ITVLorraine: Coming up, actor @Charliecondou tells us why he's leaving #Corrie, plus we reveal our secrets to surving your Christmas party! #VowtoWow
danwootton: “@ITVLorraine: Today we're joined by @JuliaBradbury, @Charliecondou, @MarcuscollinsUK, @danwootton, @nadiasawalha and @JaneWake!”
Charliecondou: RT @ITVLorraine: Today we're joined by @JuliaBradbury, @Charliecondou, @MarcuscollinsUK, @danwootton, @nadiasawalha and @JaneWake!
Charliecondou: @danwootton See you there x
Alt_Parenting: Looking forward to seeing @Charliecondou on the @reallorraine show this morning talking about the #outg3awards2014
g3editor: Looking forward to seeing @Charliecondou on the @reallorraine show this morning talking about the #outg3awards2014
SquarePegMedia: Looking forward to seeing @Charliecondou on the @reallorraine show this morning talking about the #outg3awards2014
OutInTheCityMag: Looking forward to seeing @Charliecondou on the @reallorraine show this morning talking about the #outg3awards2014
DiversityCShow: Looking forward to seeing @Charliecondou on the @reallorraine show this morning talking about the #outg3awards2014
itvcorrie: Tune in to @reallorraine today to see @Charliecondou, who plays Marcus, chatting on the sofa!
LeeTuckshop: Awww the lovely @Charliecondou on @reallorraine
amycoombscorrie: Catching up on @reallorraine and the lovely chat with @Charliecondou #corrie @itvcorrie
g3editor: Catch @Charliecondou on This Morning talking about the #outg3awards2014 Headline Sponsored by @RBSGroup - http://www.itv.com/lorraine/showbiz/charlie-condou-marcus-collins/
OutInTheCityMag: Catch @Charliecondou on This Morning talking about the #outg3awards2014 Headline Sponsored by @RBSGroup - http://www.itv.com/lorraine/showbiz/charlie-condou-marcus-collins/
SquarePegMedia: Catch @Charliecondou on This Morning talking about the #outg3awards2014 Headline Sponsored by @RBSGroup - http://www.itv.com/lorraine/showbiz/charlie-condou-marcus-collins/
ITVLorraine: Missed the show? Catch up with @Charliecondou who joined Lorraine to talk about support for the LGBT community: http://itv.co/1iifSJW
Charliecondou: RT @ITVLorraine: Missed the show? Catch up with @Charliecondou who joined Lorraine to talk about support for the LGBT community: http://itv.co/1iifSJW
PRDAssociates: @Charliecondou was great on ITV Lorraine this morning talking about OUT G3 Awards @SquarePegMedia cast your votes at http://www.outg3awards.co.uk
Charliecondou: RT @PRDAssociates: @Charliecondou was great on ITV Lorraine this morning talking about OUT G3 Awards @SquarePegMedia cast your votes at http://www.outg3awards.co.uk
Charliecondou: @WestwoodDan not yet! I'm travelling up today x
WestwoodDan: “@Charliecondou: @WestwoodDan not yet! I'm travelling up today x” should be at gate for ya x drop me a text later as in Panto reh! X
“It’s Time” – Corrie Star To Leave Next Summer
by @rebeccajmck

Charlie has become a favourite on the show.
leejonathan: @Charliecondou will marcus' exit be like keegan's? will he have to appear in every scene & have an affair with peter barlow?
Charliecondou: @leejonathan almost certainly
chloe_orkin: @Charliecondou please RT: #TestMeEast #EuroHIVtestweek @NHSBartsHealth : On target to do 2500 tests this week at 6 East London hospitals
Charliecondou: RT @chloe_orkin: @Charliecondou please RT: #TestMeEast #EuroHIVtestweek @NHSBartsHealth : On target to do 2500 tests this week at 6 East London hospitals
chloe_orkin: Thank you @Charliecondou for your support from all at #TestMeEast @NHSBartsHealth #EuroHIVtestweek

NHSBartsHealth: Thanks for your great support! @Charliecondou #TestMeEast #EuroHIVtestweek: On target to do 2500 tests this week at 6 East London hospitals

DoctorChristian: It's World AIDS Day this Sunday so y don't you #FactUp by sharing @National_AIDS_Trust's 5 facts about HIV?

Charliecondou: RT @DoctorChristian: It's World AIDS Day this Sunday so y don't you #FactUp by sharing @National_AIDS_Trust's 5 facts about HIV? pic.twitter.com/W8ZRcoAwod
toddlerlex: @DoctorChristian @Charliecondou that's a great infographic!
OutInTheCityMag: Fancy a private tour of the Coronation Street set with actor Charlie Condou? http://www.outmag.co.uk/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=567:ku-bar-s-world-aids-day-auction&catid=19:main-news&Itemid=135 @Kubar @TheFoodChain
Kubar: RT @OutInTheCityMag: Fancy a private tour of the Coronation Street set with actor Charlie Condou? http://www.outmag.co.uk/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=567:ku-bar-s-world-aids-day-auction&catid=19:main-news&Itemid=135 @Kubar @TheFoodChain
BFLFevents: Very funny piece by @kihlmedia about our Tufnell Park party on Sunday http://ow.ly/rdjHK @Charliecondou @juliarebaudo @pushyprmummy
kentishtowner: @Charliecondou Review of the weekend's baby rave: http://ow.ly/rdf7G

Charliecondou: @kentishtowner ha! I even made the photo!

DJGingersteve: @BFLFevents @kihlmedia @Charliecondou @juliarebaudo @pushyprmummy brilliant!
DJGingersteve: @BFLFevents @kihlmedia @Charliecondou @juliarebaudo @pushyprmummy brilliant!

Review: Big Fish Little Fish at the Dome, Tufnell Park

Raving for the whole family – what could possibly go wrong?
Tom Kihl
Tuesday 26 November 2013
As any washed-up nightclub bore will tell you, ravers these days seem to be getting younger all the time. The generation that lived for the weekend in the 90s now find themselves entrenched in the freedom-curtailing certainties of family life, so it’s no surprise that the market for child-friendly festival experiences and baby raves is booming. The parents can’t bloody wait to get on the dancefloor and throw their hands in the air once again, under the bubble machine.
Having reviewed nightclubs for a living pre-kids, I know all about acting like a child on a dancefloor – professionally. But previous semi-desperate forays to daytime kiddie parties, such as an early trip to Baby Loves Disco in Clapham, have been musically more akin to a wedding bash than the kind of 5am at Fabric tackle I was craving.
Having a moment on the floor…
So the promise from Brixton success story Big Fish Little Fish – a family event with proper music played by credible DJs – sounded well worth a try. Tufnell Park’s Dome was also the first ‘proper’ nightclub venue I ever went to, drawn to see a terrible guitar outfit in my La Swap days.
Tickled by life’s disco symmetry, we rocked up just before the music was due to start, the children immediately getting stuck in to glue and glitter on the craft tables (don’t remember having those at Turnmills). First tune, LCD Soundsystem’s Losing My Edge was an apt one for the dads attempting to dance for the first time with a papoose strapped to their belly.
Mini Kentishtowner stage invasion by little Archie
DJ Miss JT built the intensity of her warm-up set skilfully, but the rapidly growing crowd needed no encouragement. The floor was already awash with writhing bodies – many of them horizontal and covered in Happy Monkey smoothie.
She upped the ante with Leftfield’s John Lydon infused Open Up as the throng began to melt in the heat – this really was becoming a sweat-box of a rave. Meanwhile at the door, through the equally packed chill-out space, non-ticket holders were being turned away. This junior rave was at capacity.I slunk off to the toilets with a couple of girls, three of us giggling in a cubicle. Not quite as edgy as it sounds when the reality involved coaxing two daughters – desperate to pee but not liking the look of the fag burns on the toilet seat – to sit down and hurry up.
Bubble machine mayhem
Back in the main room the bar staff seemed to be struggling to cope, even though demand for drinks was coming from less than half the crowd (a helpful Drink Aware sign reminding us of the law and its £5000 fine for purchasing alcohol on behalf of a child, lest we get carried away with this whole inter-generational raving thing).
Headliner Si Begg, played a brilliantly no-compromise set, dropping cool electro-tinged remixes of accessible disco classics and plundering the less obvious tunes from the mums ‘n’ dads collective nightclub consciousness.
All too much for some hardy ravers
The madness was reaching a peak, and the heat was proving too much for some. Views on the melee ranged from “soooo much fun” to “hell on earth” – dividing opinion just as every slightly off-the-hook rave should.
A few drooling ravers had to be carried towards the exit, whacked out of their minds on double scoops of Ruby Violet ice cream. But the parachute dance peak was yet to come, and it pushed proceedings into anarchic territory.
Si Begg’s own kids led the stage invasion. The 2-4 hour party people – as BFLF have cannily branded their clubbers – losing it to one last tune. And then it was over.
All back to mine for the Peppa Pig-themed after party.
DAY 3:
garyftw: @Charliecondou At least with you leaving you get away from certain creatures...good luck, hopefully you're onscreen at some point before u go
RochdaleMatt: @Charliecondou @antonycotton you guys are gonna miss each other so much on set, will you keep in touch?
turnips7333: @Charliecondou hi charlie, big fan. Will u be glad to see the back of sean tully? Please tweet me martin
TeamSueCleaver: Charlie Condou, who plays Marcus has announced he will be leaving next year, with a big storyline involving Todd! #Corrie
_AdamDP: @Charliecondou is leaving #coronationstreet #boooooo
JRoberts19_: @Charliecondou Shame your leaving @itvcorrie you've been a great actor init
Jessicaaaa_I_x: @Charliecondou can't believe your leaving corra :-(
amscanlon: Oh NO! @Charliecondou is leaving #Corrie. A pure disast for us #CorrieBitches
brady4560: .... wishing @Charliecondou lots of luck with future projects though :-)
Coops_tv: Charlie Condou promises fans an 'explosive' #Corrie exit... but he'll be back. Someday. http://tv.uk.msn.com/news/condou-promises-explosive-exit
utv: Dramatic exit for Corrie's Marcus: Popular midwife Marcus Dent is set to leave Coronation Street in the New Ye... http://bit.ly/1jKzyl6
notSupermum: Sorry to hear the lovely @Charliecondou is leaving #corrie next year. Hope it's au revoir rather than goodbye.
Jackie_utv: Corrie actor Charlie Condou set to leave the soap in dramatic fashion - http://www.u.tv/entertainment/Dramatic-exit-for-Corries-Marcus/2c48d2d7-fe7b-4e2d-979f-0deba56d1a1f
GrimsbyPride: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://ift.tt/1jJrlxk
TVfromBT: We'll miss @Charliecondou in Corrie - but he's promised an explosive exit http://ow.ly/re967
OpPinkPower: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/gay-actor-charlie-condou-leave-coronation-street271113
kateatmansfield: @Charliecondou Shame you leaving Corro !

alisonking_x: is Charlie Condou leaving corrie?!
alisonking_x: is Charlie Condou leaving corrie?!
gaydadproject: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street:
Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosi... http://bit.ly/1aUqw41 via @gaystarnews
BetoDeLaCueva: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street:
Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosive' as he g... http://bit.ly/1aUqw41 #News
GayGuideMexico: #Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://bit.ly/1cuDCTX #ggmx
BoysOnTheBrink: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://bit.ly/1aUqw41
gayissue: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosive' as he goes to seek... http://fb.me/1WrmHMOtH

wordpresshosts: Actor Charlie Condou, 40, to leave ITV soap Coronation Street for the second time: Though he'll be leaving the... http://binged.it/1aUucCM

thisbrutallove_: RT @SoapSquawk: In case you missed this... Charlie Condou leaving: http://www.soapsquawk.co.uk/news/charlie-condou-leaving-corrie.php#.UpSQGk9sRyE.twitter

NewsdeskENT: Marcus Dent's exit will 'divide' Coronation Street locals - What's On TV http://ift.tt/18GPDGZ

CasaCupula: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street - Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosive' as he goes to seek... http://ow.ly/2BOSh4

audiaputrie: Actor Charlie Condou, 40, to leave ITV soap Coronation Street for the second time http://wp.me/p32nPQ-eiL

a12d78: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://shar.es/DpIZh @gaystarnewsさんから

RevealMag: #Corrie star announces he's quitting, http://on.reveal.co.uk/1eAaPzB

SP_Richardsonx: @Charliecondou Hello Charlie, sad to hear you're leaving #Corrie - you're a great actor, also lovely to meet - and will be missed by many! x

JadeRebecca92: @Charliecondou As if you're leaving Corrie Charlie! Can honestly say I'm gutted. You've been amazing! Lots of love xx

Gaydar: #Gay actor @Charliecondou to leave @itvcorrie - http://bit.ly/charliexits
wordpresshosts: Actor Charlie Condou, 40, to leave ITV soap Coronation Street for the second time: Though he'll be leaving the... http://binged.it/1aUucCM
thisbrutallove_: RT @SoapSquawk: In case you missed this... Charlie Condou leaving: http://www.soapsquawk.co.uk/news/charlie-condou-leaving-corrie.php#.UpSQGk9sRyE.twitter
NewsdeskENT: Marcus Dent's exit will 'divide' Coronation Street locals - What's On TV http://ift.tt/18GPDGZ
CasaCupula: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street - Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosive' as he goes to seek... http://ow.ly/2BOSh4
audiaputrie: Actor Charlie Condou, 40, to leave ITV soap Coronation Street for the second time http://wp.me/p32nPQ-eiL
a12d78: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street http://shar.es/DpIZh @gaystarnewsさんから
RevealMag: #Corrie star announces he's quitting, http://on.reveal.co.uk/1eAaPzB
SP_Richardsonx: @Charliecondou Hello Charlie, sad to hear you're leaving #Corrie - you're a great actor, also lovely to meet - and will be missed by many! x
JadeRebecca92: @Charliecondou As if you're leaving Corrie Charlie! Can honestly say I'm gutted. You've been amazing! Lots of love xx
Gaydar: #Gay actor @Charliecondou to leave @itvcorrie - http://bit.ly/charliexits
gaystarnews: Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave #CoronationStreet http://shar.es/DpfBf @Charliecondou
Gay actor Charlie Condou to leave Coronation Street
Soap star's exit is set to be 'explosive' as he goes to seek other projects
Gay actor Charlie Condou has announced he is leaving one of Britain’s all time favorite soaps Coronation Street. The actor plays Marcus Dent and is set to leave the soap in 2014. After his controversial relationship with Maria, he will fall in love with returning gay character Todd Grimshaw played by Bruno Langley. Revealing his departure on Twitter, saying: ‘So this is what I’m doing. Or rather, not doing for much longer’. Condou added: 'I've had a fantastic time at Corrie but feel it's time for me to move on. I was only meant to return for three months and ended up staying for three years! 'The producers have been really supportive and are leaving the door open for Marcus, which is great, and my exit will certainly be explosive.'
The Corrie celeb is a prominent figure in the LGBT community and even made number 11 on the Pride power list - a list of the most influential LGBT people released every year. Stuart Blackburn, producer of Coronation Street, said: ‘I will be incredibly sad to see Charlie go and wish him well for what I know will be an exciting future.’
Corrie character set for 'explosive' exit
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 11:20 AM
Charlie Condou is to quit 'Coronation Street'.
The 40-year-old actor, who plays Marcus Dent, will leave the long-running ITV soap for a second time next summer following a three-year stint but producers will leave the door open for him to return. Condou – who first played Marcus between 2007 and 2008 and returned to the Manchester-based show in 2011 – told The Sun newspaper: "I've had a fantastic time at Corrie but feel it's time to move on. I was only meant to return for three months and ended up staying for three years.
"The producers have been really supportive and are leaving the door open for Marcus, which is great, and my exit will certainly be explosive." Series producer Stuart Blackburn added: "I will be incredibly sad to see Charlie go and we wish well for what I know will be an exciting future." Condou's character will find himself embroiled in a bitter love battle in his final storyline before leaving screens next year. Marcus is currently in a relationship with Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) - whom he developed feelings for last year, despite previously identifying himself as gay - but their romance will come under threat when Todd Grimshaw, played by Bruno Langley, sets his sights on him. Soap bosses promise Marcus and Todd's illicit involvement will "divide" the residents of Weatherfield in the lead-up to Marcus' exit.
Entertainment News
Stephanie Nessen- 27 November 2013
Charlie Condou, 40, to leave ITV soap Coronation Street for the second time

MichaelPoole: Gay Actor Charlie Condou To Leave 'Coronation Street' Next Year http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2013/11/26/gay-actor-charlie-condou-to-leave-coronation-street-in-explosive-exit/
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