wesstreeting: Great buzz at @alt_parenting show. Enjoyed panel with @Charliecondou and meeting lots of excited aspiring parents.
nickipendry: @Charliecondou Hi! Thanks for the pic! We had a great day!
Charliecondou: @nickipendry welcome, nice to meet you
HannahDryden: @stonewalluk @wesstreeting @charliecondou I went and it was excellent, Wes and Charlie were great and Im hoping to get my school involved x

Isleepinthebuff: @Charliecondou I just saw a picture of you on a lilo. It was rather lovely!
Charliecondou: @Isleepinthebuff Where was that??

Isleepinthebuff: @Charliecondou Here http://t.co/dc6b2mAd me & hubby were having a discussion about you being a dad and it led to this! ha ha!

Confidential_CC: @Isleepinthebuff It’s from this page: http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/charlie-condou-no394_07.html
Charliecondou: @Isleepinthebuff Hahaha my god, the things you can find on the internet

Isleepinthebuff: @Charliecondou Like i say it wasn't intentional! But if you have got it flaunt it. The body not the li-lo. I hope I haven't made you feel all Duchess of Cambridge posting it x
Charliecondou: @Isleepinthebuff hahahaha not at all

Confidential_CC: @Isleepinthebuff There is a pic of the Duchess on the blog too http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/charlie-condou-no466.html @Charliecondou

Isleepinthebuff: @Confidential_CC Charlie has better titties!

Confidential_CC: Yes, steroids are helping men become mums... Hhahahaha
welshfreak: @Confidential_CC muwahahah!
JamesEstis: @Confidential_CC #Priceless

marcodotcom1: @Confidential_CC Absolutely horrid

Kissinthebudgie: @Confidential_CC think it’s best they all keep their clothes on.
The Albert Kennedy Trust, the charity for young homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, announces the 2nd Annual Soho Drag Race celebrations running from 12:00 – 17:00 for a kick-off start of the race from 2:00 p.m. on Sunday 16 September 2012 in Soho and is sponsored once again by the Admiral Duncan pub at 54 Old Compton Street, Soho, London, W1D 4UB. The minimum requirement for the race is that racers either wear heels or race 3-legged with a racing buddy.
Our celebrity guest will be actor and AKT Patron, Charlie Condou. Compering hostess with the mostess will be the hilariously delightful Candy Slagindrag! Other Drag Queens planning to attend include thus far: Bette Rinse, Stephanie Von Clitz and Frankie Fantastique!
Charliecondou: RT
@Alt_Parenting: The Alternative Parenting Show is happening at the Grand
Connaught rooms please RT as this show is not to be missed! http://www.alternativeparenting.co.uk
Below: Charlie and son not long after Hal's birth.

As a parent (now grandparent), one observation I have is that having children tends to make you less selfish and care more about others. Parenthood is not to be missed if you can achieve it and nowadays there are many options open to everyone.
By the way, Charlie's family is not unique there were records of families in Rome some 2500 years ago with 2 dads and one mum and vise-versa. The word family in those days even consisted of including your servants and slaves...The Romans were inclusive of nationalities, colour and creed...sometime after Jesus came along the concept of "family" changed a bit!
Below: Charlie and son not long after Hal's birth.

jamesinlondon: Hi @Alt_Parenting,
What time is @Charliecondou speaking today? I got work thing all morning you
see in Angel & was gunna head down after. Ta
@jamesinlondon @Alt_Parenting I think Im on at 5pm

As a parent (now grandparent), one observation I have is that having children tends to make you less selfish and care more about others. Parenthood is not to be missed if you can achieve it and nowadays there are many options open to everyone.
By the way, Charlie's family is not unique there were records of families in Rome some 2500 years ago with 2 dads and one mum and vise-versa. The word family in those days even consisted of including your servants and slaves...The Romans were inclusive of nationalities, colour and creed...sometime after Jesus came along the concept of "family" changed a bit!
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