Tom_in_Oz_: Sending hugs and kisses x (in pics)

kevcowl: @AWOLTom cheers buddy ;)

NildaDaher: @AWOLTom Aw Thank you Tom you're very sweet! Kisses :)
Rustylinda: @AWOLTom oh my god that has to be the cutest thing ever! How did u make that?

michaelbosc: @AWOLTom like it you big softy xx lol

Bennielawrence: @ChasCondouFans sooooooooo cute thank you xx

Terry_Ea: @Confidential_CC Cheers for that, made me smile on a crappy day. xx

hopetc: “@Confidential_CC: @hopetc Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://twitpic.com/9g56hk” Big gay love from all at Hope!

RoxRobin: @Confidential_CC aww cute!

AndrewPiperUK: @Confidential_CC Thanks for the hugs & kisses! (Did you mean them for me??) @TimSigsworth (my friend & flatmate) says 'hi' too.

hardingonfilm: @Confidential_CC awe... So sweet... (is it wrong that I think they would also be delicious in a stew!) ;-)

RoxRobin: @Confidential_CC aww cute!
AndrewPiperUK: @Confidential_CC Thanks for the hugs & kisses! (Did you mean them for me??) @TimSigsworth (my friend & flatmate) says 'hi' too.

hardingonfilm: @Confidential_CC awe... So sweet... (is it wrong that I think they would also be delicious in a stew!) ;-)

JohnTarbet71: @Confidential_CC Aww how cute Thank You :-) xxx

ratty1101: @Confidential_CC awwwwww thanks x

amandaabbington: @Confidential_CC That's borderline obscene. Far too cute but I'll take 'em. And right back at you. Fluffy rabbit...xx

beautybitchblog: “@Confidential_CC: @beautybitchblog Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://twitpic.com/9g56hk” Aw, thanks darls. Right back at ya ;-) x

chrispledge1972: @Confidential_CC thanks very much x

sles78: @Confidential_CC cute

Jay_boy_: @Confidential_CC thanks love ya mate xx

LeFouGallois: @Confidential_CC Thanx for the hugz via bunnies pic... back atcha, mister! ;)

simonpjbest: @Tom_In_Oz_ Thank you Tom.

BullseyeTVshow: @Tom_In_Oz_ Aw are they yours?

pekelika: @Tom_In_Oz_ Your picture has brightened my day. Thanks Tommy!

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ so adorable! One of my first pets was a bunny

Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke mine too, but mine was a wild rabbit and we found it when it was about 2 months old

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ Mine was a Himalayan Mountain Rabbit called Benjamin :-)
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke mine was Oscar because he was wild

MarkMMerrett: @AWOLTom kissy Tom

fitness39: @AWOLTom hugs and xxxx back! So cute! :@)

BoyVirginiaMade: @AWOLTom that's amazing. Thanks for those! Lol

IanWillyW: @AWOLTom @dold87 no idea what u sent as pics dont display but thanks anyway! Goodnight X

AlanYbrum: @AWOLTom awwwww pa that's lovely :-) Right back at ya and hope all is well mwah xx

_Tweetie_Pie: @AWOLTom Ahhh that's too cute! :) x

Get_P_Here: @AWOLTom lol

BlackpoolNorth: @AWOLTom Thanx ... Luv it <3 ;-)

TaTUM_Maggie: RT @AWOLTom: Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://po.st/QeR5tH Cute little bunnies. Thank you xxx

russwrightfla: @AWOLTom awww thx tom. Xo

Lionesskeeper: @AWOLTom Aw thanks Tom *hugs back* ^_^

demelza2: @AWOLTom ahhhh sooooo sweeeet xxx Hugs to you x hope you're feeling better xxx

James__Glover: @ChasCondouFans well, thank you. Hugs and kisses returned x

bonaaar: @ChasCondouFans thanks for that........lol

KathyKincaid: @ChasCondouFans that's cute thanks!!

Davidtrem72: @ChasCondouFans hugs n kisses back at ya lol x ;-)

Lucafix: @ChasCondouFans Too beautiful :) x x

sirenmoonbee: @ChasCondouFans OMG i love that, proper made my day :o)

icarus_tx: @ChasCondouFans that's cute and thanks!!

fifi05: @ChasCondouFans Aww, cute :-) thankyou x x

NeatFreak_: @Confidential_CC Awwwwww!

PipFarnsworth: “@Confidential_CC: @PipFarnsworth Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://twitpic.com/9g56hk” rabbits ?

BayAreaCub415: @Confidential_CC ahhh that's so sweet ( blush) ☺☺☺

ryanseeker: @Confidential_CC thanks! How Did you know I needed them?

ItsMeChrisChris: @Confidential_CC hugs back :-)

PhxJoe: @ChasCondouFans Awww thanks! Muah!

EddieOoi: @ChasCondouFans Thanks for the hugs n kisses!! all back to u =)

polly444: @AWOLTom Thank you

Friendlymoocow: @AWOLTom omg too cute for wo

valeriemeachum: @AWOLTom Awwwwwww! How adorable is that? Happy May

mabelalexa: @AWOLTom aawwww thanks hugs and kisses back at you dear :)

walabytrack: @AWOLTom Thanks Tom, that was Cute, starting to like Cats over the last three weeks there has been a Lot of anim of puss's floating about!

onerebeldevil: @Confidential_CC Right back at u!

KirstyElms: @Confidential_CC cute x

Beth_Annie_: @ChasCondouFans that is incredibly cute x

westy3508: @ChasCondouFans cheers lol

StevenWilson00: @ChasCondouFans arrrrrr fanks

Jonesyinc1: @AWOLTom that's lovely pa!! Cx

TMarkstahler: @Tom_in_Oz_ Thanks for the bunny-hugs Tommy.

EllieJuckes: @Confidential_CC ohhhhhhhh how adorable!!!! Thank you:))) x

sage_from_oz : @AWOLTom aww cute. Thanks.

FoxyLorri64: @Tom_In_Oz_ http://twitpic.com/9g56hk - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how utterley adorable! :O) xx

RealMitchell1: @Tom_In_Oz_ Aw thanks Tom x @drunkkath @claraemms @pennyinlv @warks_rose

DrKenWilcox: @Confidential_CC thanks - right back at you!

clarewilson31: @Confidential_CC aww that's lovely

rachieanddavid: @Confidential_CC thank you so much, put a real smile on my face

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC That's sweet.Have a good day.

beckaweck: @AWOLTom Very cute, made me smile on a wet Wednesday morning, thanks

tnvol19: @AWOLTom WOO_HOO! *doing happy dance*

joooos1: @AWOLTom Aw! Thanks xxx

marcuswhitney1: @AWOLTom love they vid

cheekylondon: @Confidential_CC lol awww what was that for?

TeamTonyHirst: @Confidential_CC aww how adorable. Thanks

charliehendy: @Confidential_CC aww how sweets little white bunnies x

Alexander_Geist: @AWOLTom Cute! x

kylelehane: @AWOLTom very sweet tom ! :D

Shum65: @Confidential_CC Ha-ha luv it mate, what cute bunnies lol looks just like me to? hugz right-back #twitchesnose Xx ;-))

Swimmerskin: @Confidential_CC awwww cheers fella...

clarewilson31: @Confidential_CC Thanks for pic so cute loads of hugs and kisses to u

Steve_Keith: @Confidential_CC Aow! Prefer a kiss and cuddle from you ;-

MichKeeganFanz: @Confidential_CC ahh that’s well cute

ratty1101: @Confidential_CC awwwwww thanks x

amandaabbington: @Confidential_CC That's borderline obscene. Far too cute but I'll take 'em. And right back at you. Fluffy rabbit...xx

beautybitchblog: “@Confidential_CC: @beautybitchblog Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://twitpic.com/9g56hk” Aw, thanks darls. Right back at ya ;-) x

chrispledge1972: @Confidential_CC thanks very much x

sles78: @Confidential_CC cute
Jay_boy_: @Confidential_CC thanks love ya mate xx

LeFouGallois: @Confidential_CC Thanx for the hugz via bunnies pic... back atcha, mister! ;)
simonpjbest: @Tom_In_Oz_ Thank you Tom.

BullseyeTVshow: @Tom_In_Oz_ Aw are they yours?

pekelika: @Tom_In_Oz_ Your picture has brightened my day. Thanks Tommy!

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ so adorable! One of my first pets was a bunny
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke mine too, but mine was a wild rabbit and we found it when it was about 2 months old

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ Mine was a Himalayan Mountain Rabbit called Benjamin :-)
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke mine was Oscar because he was wild
MarkMMerrett: @AWOLTom kissy Tom

fitness39: @AWOLTom hugs and xxxx back! So cute! :@)

BoyVirginiaMade: @AWOLTom that's amazing. Thanks for those! Lol

IanWillyW: @AWOLTom @dold87 no idea what u sent as pics dont display but thanks anyway! Goodnight X

AlanYbrum: @AWOLTom awwwww pa that's lovely :-) Right back at ya and hope all is well mwah xx

_Tweetie_Pie: @AWOLTom Ahhh that's too cute! :) x

Get_P_Here: @AWOLTom lol

BlackpoolNorth: @AWOLTom Thanx ... Luv it <3 ;-)

TaTUM_Maggie: RT @AWOLTom: Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://po.st/QeR5tH Cute little bunnies. Thank you xxx

russwrightfla: @AWOLTom awww thx tom. Xo

Lionesskeeper: @AWOLTom Aw thanks Tom *hugs back* ^_^

demelza2: @AWOLTom ahhhh sooooo sweeeet xxx Hugs to you x hope you're feeling better xxx
James__Glover: @ChasCondouFans well, thank you. Hugs and kisses returned x

bonaaar: @ChasCondouFans thanks for that........lol

KathyKincaid: @ChasCondouFans that's cute thanks!!

Davidtrem72: @ChasCondouFans hugs n kisses back at ya lol x ;-)

Lucafix: @ChasCondouFans Too beautiful :) x x

sirenmoonbee: @ChasCondouFans OMG i love that, proper made my day :o)

icarus_tx: @ChasCondouFans that's cute and thanks!!

fifi05: @ChasCondouFans Aww, cute :-) thankyou x x

NeatFreak_: @Confidential_CC Awwwwww!

PipFarnsworth: “@Confidential_CC: @PipFarnsworth Sending hugs and kisses x (in a pic) http://twitpic.com/9g56hk” rabbits ?

BayAreaCub415: @Confidential_CC ahhh that's so sweet ( blush) ☺☺☺

ryanseeker: @Confidential_CC thanks! How Did you know I needed them?

ItsMeChrisChris: @Confidential_CC hugs back :-)
PhxJoe: @ChasCondouFans Awww thanks! Muah!
EddieOoi: @ChasCondouFans Thanks for the hugs n kisses!! all back to u =)

polly444: @AWOLTom Thank you

Friendlymoocow: @AWOLTom omg too cute for wo

valeriemeachum: @AWOLTom Awwwwwww! How adorable is that? Happy May

mabelalexa: @AWOLTom aawwww thanks hugs and kisses back at you dear :)

walabytrack: @AWOLTom Thanks Tom, that was Cute, starting to like Cats over the last three weeks there has been a Lot of anim of puss's floating about!

onerebeldevil: @Confidential_CC Right back at u!

KirstyElms: @Confidential_CC cute x

Beth_Annie_: @ChasCondouFans that is incredibly cute x

westy3508: @ChasCondouFans cheers lol

StevenWilson00: @ChasCondouFans arrrrrr fanks

Jonesyinc1: @AWOLTom that's lovely pa!! Cx

TMarkstahler: @Tom_in_Oz_ Thanks for the bunny-hugs Tommy.

EllieJuckes: @Confidential_CC ohhhhhhhh how adorable!!!! Thank you:))) x

sage_from_oz : @AWOLTom aww cute. Thanks.

FoxyLorri64: @Tom_In_Oz_ http://twitpic.com/9g56hk - awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how utterley adorable! :O) xx

RealMitchell1: @Tom_In_Oz_ Aw thanks Tom x @drunkkath @claraemms @pennyinlv @warks_rose

DrKenWilcox: @Confidential_CC thanks - right back at you!

clarewilson31: @Confidential_CC aww that's lovely

rachieanddavid: @Confidential_CC thank you so much, put a real smile on my face

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC That's sweet.Have a good day.

beckaweck: @AWOLTom Very cute, made me smile on a wet Wednesday morning, thanks

tnvol19: @AWOLTom WOO_HOO! *doing happy dance*

joooos1: @AWOLTom Aw! Thanks xxx

marcuswhitney1: @AWOLTom love they vid

cheekylondon: @Confidential_CC lol awww what was that for?

TeamTonyHirst: @Confidential_CC aww how adorable. Thanks

charliehendy: @Confidential_CC aww how sweets little white bunnies x

Alexander_Geist: @AWOLTom Cute! x

kylelehane: @AWOLTom very sweet tom ! :D
Shum65: @Confidential_CC Ha-ha luv it mate, what cute bunnies lol looks just like me to? hugz right-back #twitchesnose Xx ;-))

Swimmerskin: @Confidential_CC awwww cheers fella...

clarewilson31: @Confidential_CC Thanks for pic so cute loads of hugs and kisses to u

Steve_Keith: @Confidential_CC Aow! Prefer a kiss and cuddle from you ;-

MichKeeganFanz: @Confidential_CC ahh that’s well cute

Bibbyboz: @Charliecondou Great to see you last week x. Walking for @stonewalluk in the #equalitywalk for details see http://t.co/cU2bwpv0 Please RT
Charliecondou: @Bibbyboz lovely to see you too x

macmillancancer: Guests starting to arrive at #FashionKicks. Aston Villa trio @DarrenBent, Emile Heskey & Stephen Warnock the first on the catwalk.
Charliecondou: @macmillancancer sorry I can't be there tonight! Hope it's a great success

mrchrissullivan: Morning all, well rehearsals with the band went well - a lot more work to do though, 1st time singing since November - feel like a new man ;0)
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan so when are you gonna be auditioning for the tv show - huh?

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ 4 weeks to find if I made the judges

Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan even if ya don't get thru you'll be fine because Essex's Got Talent…woo hoo Chris!
Diversity awards
launches in Brussels
Monday, 30 April 2012
The second annual European Diversity
Awards was launched on Thursday in the Brussels European Parliament, sponsored
by global brand Google and Royal Bank of Scotland.
BBC news presenter Jane Hill
introduced guest speakers Michael Cashman MEP, Senior Policy Adviser at the
Government Equalities Office and last year’s winner of the Campaigner of the
Year Award, Barbara Lindsay, followed by Dana Trama-Zada, who represented the
European Commission. Each speaker voiced the success of the awards in their
first year, and reinforced that they have become vital in recognizing the good
work done by many to promote equality amongst minority groups.
The speeches concluded when the key
sponsors for the 2012 awards, Mark Palmer Edgecumbe, head of diversity at
Google and the chief executive of corporate banking at Royal Bank of Scotland,
Chris Sullivan took to the stage.
Guests included Coronation Streets’ Charlie Condou and Time Out’s Paul
Burston. Linda Riley, managing director of Square Peg Media – organisers
of the event, said: “The first awards ceremony was an amazing event, this year
we aim to build on the previous success. Grass root organisations and charities
that support the various strands of diversity should be recognised, and this
year we hope to offer more seats this year for the people who are making a
The European Diversity Awards will be
taking place on Thursday 20 September 2012. For more information about attending
or sponsoring the event, visit europeandiversityawards.com
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