ryanjamesthomas: Crazy chat with @Charliecondou in work today...if walls had ears hey? Haha
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas great minds Ryno, great minds x
ryanjamesthomas: @Charliecondou your minds filthy haha x
marcooth: @fugueur Maybe @Charliecondou can help. What us Nathan Barley up to these days?
Charliecondou: @fugueur @marcooth who can say??
AWOLTom: @Charliecondou you and @misterhsk make out and carriage will empty in seconds x (of girls anyway)
misterhsk: @AWOLTom @Charliecondou it's not that sort of love
AWOLTom: @misterhsk @Charliecondou it could be x
ChrisWBarratt: @Charliecondou easily done if you switch into Jonatton Yeah? mode surely?
Charliecondou: @ChrisWBarratt I'll miaow at them
TracyAnnO: @Charliecondou just say in a whisper SHUDDUP
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou By doing a shit on their cream plastic fold out table....
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou And I'll tell you what'll finish it....more where that came from
minx_1983: @Charliecondou do a big loud fart :)
GavinJuniper: @Charliecondou call me put me on speaker and I will tell them "EFFING WELL SHUT UP!"
tommacwriter: @Charliecondou through the medium of mime?
DJPAULETTE: @Charliecondou sign their tits
Charliecondou: @DJPAULETTE perfect!
emmafreud: @Charliecondou just shout SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWATS.
JonobiWan: @Charliecondou Put ur cock in their faces. That might shut them up!

Confidential_CC: @CharlieCondou a pic of the Corrie Float and you going along the street #PRETTY & #IMPRESSIVE
djbearish: @Tom_In_Oz_ @CharlieCondou @Confidential_CC Bloody hell! Did not know they had a float ? Looks wonderfull! Go Corrie! :)
Confidential_CC: @djbearish @CharlieCondou yep I have even more pics coming in from contributors - Corrie is still the peep's fave & float was a masterpiece!
djbearish: @Tom_In_Oz_ @CharlieCondou @Confidential_CC How cool is that! We can't even watch Corrie on tv here, but I download it every week, and i'm so hooked!
Confidential_CC: @djbearish @CharlieCondou Shhhhh don't mention the "d" word....remember it accidentally fell off a lorry down the pub x

Charliecondou: I'm watching TOWIE for the very first time. Amazing
streetworker01: @Charliecondou But not in a good way...? x
Xpletiv1975: “@Charliecondou: I'm watching TOWIE for the very first time. Amazing”
*books you into therapy*
imbueUK: @Charliecondou my god. It's so shit...
Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou . . .Have to say, for a while I thought TOWIE was Aussie slang for a towel
Confidential_CC: @Brendan_Surrey @Charliecondou in Oz "towie" means someone who is likely 2 explode because they're sexually un-released ie He's a bit towie!
Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou Have they never heard of wanking in Oz? Sorry to lower the tone :o)
Confidential_CC: @Brendan_Surrey @Charliecondou yep we have a lot of wankers...mainly Brits but a few from the USA!
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou I'm wary of having conversations with you on 'ere now. I'll save myself for face-to-face. *zips mouth*
Tom_in_Oz_: @DJstewartwho S, I hope you are not wary because of me...if you want something taken down say so because Charlie gave me carte blanche to blog anything on his twitter...*hope you were just joking* Mr Oz (Tom)
DJstewartwho: @Tom_In_Oz_ No, not at all, it's easy for me 2 forget how many follow him. He's just lovely Charlie 2 me. Twitter is a misleadingly intimate
DJstewartwho: @Tom_In_Oz_ And a great dad, top actor and natural comic, obviously
Tom_In_Oz_: @DJstewartwho & even from the other side of the world I can tell that @Charliecondou likes his fans & tries hard 2 please them with pics etc
Tom_In_Oz_: @DJstewartwho forgot 2 mention the charity work - majority of celebs only do cause of publicity - he does it cause he believes in the cause
DJstewartwho: @Tom_In_Oz_ @Charliecondou Aww bless, course he does. He don't have to try hard to please with a picture. I know he has a big heart.
DJstewartwho: @Tom_In_Oz_ @Charliecondou He also makes a top coaster. We don't have a coffee table, so current issue of Out is placed on carpet. Ringface
Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho hahahaha I'm surprised you haven't laminated it
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou I hand out guest's tea/coffee. They look 'round for a place to rest it. I go, 'Here, use Charlie,' and fling mag on carpet
Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho I love you for that
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou THEN, when they finish drink, they pick it up, flick thru and go, 'OMG, YOU'RE in it too!' And i curtsey and say, 'Of course'
DJstewartwho: @Charliecondou It's proved a spiffing conversation starter and right now, it's like a Pollock. You're splashed with wine, tea, & bloody Mary
Charliecondou: @DJstewartwho (you mean vodka, cum and ketamine don't you)
Tom_In_Oz_: tsk tsk - and just to think this started off with @DJstewartwho & moi saying how nice @Charliecondou was . . . *changed my mind*
Angela_Griffin: Okay getting up now, wonder if @jaseewasee will drain my nose..
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin I've just brought up my breakfast
Charliecondou: I see Ross King has taken tips from the Simon Cowell/Michael Ball school of style. Male camel toe is never appropriate Ross
Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou ooops I just lost my breakfast x
misterhsk: @Charliecondou kiss me now. X
Charliecondou: @misterhsk I'm coming home tonight and will be back for AGES!!!
misterhsk: @Charliecondou I'm in manch today. Shall we conspire to share a train back???x
Charliecondou: @misterhsk calling you now!
AWOLTom: @misterhsk @Charliecondou 2 handsome men sharing a train carriage hmmmm sounds like Brideshead Revisited x
misterhsk: @AWOLTom @Charliecondou all we need is a teddy bear...
AWOLTom: @misterhsk @Charliecondou I am sorta like a bear (not the Teddy kind) x
misterhsk: Decks the halls with bunting! @Charliecondou is coming home!
HopeThomas19: @Charliecondou you don't remember meeting me
HopeThomas19: @Charliecondou wish you'd answer me
Charliecondou: @HopeThomas19 no, don't remember. Sorry
Tom_In_Oz_: I remember you - you were the one who sent a tweet 10 mins ago - see I didn't forget!! RT @HopeThomas19: @Charliecondou wish you'd answer me
mfhorne: Birthday celebrations begin today with birthday haircut and birthday fave sandwich. Have a good weekend. x
Charliecondou: @mfhorne Happy Birthday dear x
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou awww hurray hurray!!! X
Charliecondou: @msm4rsh You're back just as I get 6 weeks off! Typical
Below: Charlie Condou, Michelle Collins and Phil Collinson attend the 2011 Terrence Higgins Trust dinner.

(20 WEEKS)
Charliecondou: We had our 20 week scan today. It's still a boy. Or a girl with a penis
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou Have you got a name for him yet?
Charliecondou: @MargoJMilne baby. Catchy right?
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou Very. Quite common though?
Charliecondou: @andybcameraman hahaha
sweep007: @Charliecondou I had my 20 week scan today! It's a girl :)) congratulations x
Charliecondou: @sweep007 you too!!
Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou hey well of each you clever people xx
Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan I know!! Thanks, see you at the theatre??
Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou sadly not working...for a moment thought you meant hospital theatre and were inviting me to the birth I got a bit too excited
Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan hahaha yes come!! The more the merrier
Charliecondou: @jameswharton hahahaha
EmmaBunton: Loving celeb juice!!!
Charliecondou: @EmmaBunton Mott Mott Mott
LeighFrancis: mot mot mot
andybcameraman: @LeighFrancis what happened to Holly? She's the colour of hangover piss!
Charliecondou: @andybcameraman hahaha
FayRipley: Weekend away....Budapest or Prague?
Charliecondou: @FayRipley Prague. But both are lovely
WeLoveCorrie: Does anyone know where @Charliecondou's from? I know Marcus is from Stevenage (like all the best people:P), but I was just curious...<3
Charliecondou: @WeLoveCorrie London!
Shmouise: @Charliecondou Dear Chach, please can you tell Caitlin Moran that I owe her a drink? Life-changing. Love you x
Charliecondou: @Shmouise it's great isn't it? How was the massage?
Shmouise: @Charliecondou I ended up postponing for a couple of weeks. It all got a but messy! X