David_Cameron: Best wishes to everyone celebrating @LondonLGBTPride
jackiecrozier: The Pride Parade @LondonLGBTPride will have a minute's silence at 1pm in memory of victims of hate crime. #PrideInLondon…
Ed_Miliband: Enjoy @LondonLGBTPride celebrations. Despite incredible progress, there is much to still do. My article for @pinknews

sylvainlogie: Oxford Street packed with shoppers and Pride Parade.
#paramountsoho #pride #london #view
foreignoffice: Rainbow flag flies over the Foreign Office to help celebrate #PrideinLondon @LondonLGBTPride
DrDickyD: With @SarahLudfordMEP @AnujaPrashar @helenwalsh @StephenKnight1 at #prideinlondon
stonewalluk: Support for #equalmarriage at #prideinlondon parade!
lewis_friend: Pink pride doggy #prideinlondon #gays
PeterTatchell: #Putin! Tyrant, Censor, Homophobe @PT_Foundation is marching today @LondonLGBTPride. Have a fab #PrideinLondon:
LondonLGBTPride: Soho is getting ready. Are you? #prideinsoho #prideinlondon
Citi: An army can’t march on an empty stomach! #Citi staff enjoy a great breakfast before the parade begins #PrideInLondon
stonewalluk: @wesstreeting our Head of Education at our Youth Pride event: 'We're proud of who we are and we're proud of who we love' #PrideinLondon
flsxo: Yay! @stonewalluk youth volunteers ready to march for #PrideinLondon
ShaunDellenty: #prideinlondon wearing apparel...come say hi!
ShaunDellenty: @ChasCondouBlog Happy Pride from London
ChasCondouBlog: @ShaunDellenty def looks better on you than the display stand. Hugs x

stonewalluk: @LaytonWilliams speaks to a packed room at our Youth Pride event #PrideinLondon supported by #LloydsBanking
gaystarnews: We got the limo, we got the make-up artists, we got the freebies. Let's get the party started #PrideInLondon
dyerAndie: Best behaviour? Of course! ;) #prideinlondon @THTorguk @startswithme
sciencemuseum: Here's the view from the flag pole #PrideinLondon
LGBTKingston: We've filled a whole train carriage on the way up to London for #PrideInLondon @LondonLGBTPride

SebDance: Proud to be marching @LondonLGBTPride with @LGBTLabour #PrideinLondon
adamlannon: The calm before the madness that is #PrideInLondon #Soho
edwardclarke: HAPPY PRIDE LONDON

ChasCondouFans: @edwardclarke your dress is impeccable! Eddie have a HAPPY PRIDE X
edwardclarke: @ChasCondouFans ha ha! Not mine - I'm covered in stickers though :-) taking time out & heading to Traf Sq now
WoollyCoo: The Christian Bigot just asked me "Do you covet your neighbours ass?" #PrideinLondon
LGBTLabour: We've been joined at #PrideinLondon by Shadow Attorney General @EmilyThornberry
lisapettigrew: #gaypride armed forces
#LGBT Oxford St London parade
LondonLGBTPride: The end of The Parade has just left Portman Square and start is at Beak Street #PrideLDNParade
LondonLGBTPride: The amazing Pride Parade with such colour, vibrancy and diversity :)
PaulBurston: No London Pride is complete without @PeterTatchell #TOPride @TimeOutLondon
stonewalluk: Great crowd supporting #equalmarriage on Regent St! #prideinlondon
wasborntotravel: Just finished #PrideinLondon woohoo!
CarlGD: Did you enjoy London Pride @Charliecondou ? Glad you came and said hi to the ITV Pride group :)
Charliecondou: @CarlGD good to see you guys x
MattB3ckett: @Charliecondou did I see u in Kings Cross today?
Charliecondou: @MattB3ckett you did

photogirluk: Having brekkie @Kerb and already ran into @Charliecondou and @gemmabelleats
gemmabelleats: @photogirluk @Kerb @Charliecondou yay! Bring on the food @KERB_ #kerbsaturdays #londonfood

Congratulations to all the deserving recipients on the list and those too, who may have narrowly missed out. Your work does not go unnoticed!
The boss (Charlie), is 14th on the list this year after placing a very disappointing 15th last year! Yes, I jest! If you are uncertain as to why Charlie is on the list, a quick look through this blog will show you just some of the work he does to promote Equality and LGBT Rights.
A warm thank you to all Condou blog supporters. There are many of you in the Top 100 who either follow my Twitter names, re-tweet the blog or help promote the work of Charlie.
Well done, all!
Tom in Oz x
TOP 20
1 Ellen DeGeneres – chat show host
2 Stephen Fry – polymath #Blog supporter
3 Jane Lynch – actor
4 Clare Balding – sports presenter #Blog supporter
5 Tim Cook – CEO Apple
6 Sir Elton John – musician
7 Lord Alli – Labour peer and entrepreneur
8 Tammy Baldwin – US politician
9 Gok Wan – TV presenter
10 Sir Ian McKellen – actor
11 Peter Tatchell, campaigner #Blog supporter
12 Martina Navratilova, former tennis player
13 Alan Carr, comedian
14 Charlie Condou, actor - #Blog supporter / Twitter follower etc.
15 Michael Cashman, MEP
16 Graham Norton, TV presenter
17 Jane Hill, broadcast journalist
18 Heather Peace, actor and singer
19 Jessie J, singer
20 Sue Perkins, comedian and presenter
Click to see recipients 11-100 HERE
34 Chris Bryant, MP #Blog supporter
74 Paul Burston, writer #Blog follower / Twitter follower / Nice bloke!
76 Daniel Winterfeldt, Lawyer #Blog follower / Twitter follower
79 Alice Arnold, broadcaster #Blog supporter
93 Jonathan Harvey, playwright #Blog follower
100 Jane Czyzselska, editor of Diva #Blog follower / Twitter follower
ChasCondouFans: @Charliecondou only another 14 years & you might be able to claim first place on #PRIDEPOWERLIST - don't spend all the prize money at once x
Charliecondou: @ChasCondouFans hahaha one day xxx
bainser: @Charliecondou congrats on officially being a power gay. ;0)
Charliecondou: @bainser WOOP!
Charliecondou: @OmarSharifJr great speech last night. And an incredible jacket #saintlaurent
OmarSharifJr: @Charliecondou haha thank you!!! and thank YSL ;)
barclayspectrum: Hello @Charliecondou! Thanks for the follow (finally!) :-) Well done on your #worldpridepowerlist! (And well done on your first auction!)
Charliecondou: @barclayspectrum thank you kindly! Happy Pride x
barclayspectrum: @Charliecondou You too! Give us a wave later if you spot us.
Charliecondou: @barclayspectrum I will indeed xx
Charliecondou: @SquarePegMedia I'm amazing
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou you are!
SquarePegMedia: @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou absolutely! over £23k raised for the inclusive foundation last night! I say thats a good nights work Charlie! x
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Sorry not to have seen you last night! Will you be there today? x
Charliecondou: @SquarePegMedia @alicearnold1 Great, thats my fee almost covered
LeaderAbrahams: @Charliecondou well done on the #worldpridepowerlist rating! Wholly deserved! Hope you had a great night; Are you partaking today? X

Charliecondou: @LeaderAbrahams Thanks dear, yes I'll be there. Will you?
LeaderAbrahams: @Charliecondou yes indeed! Me with @InterbankLGBT Mark with @RAF_LGBT x
AnthonyGWatson: RT @SquarePegMedia: @Charliecondou Amazing auctioneer skills last night! Well done for being #14 on the #WPPL
http://careers.guardian.co.uk/world-pride-power-list-2013-11-100 xx
brookgrahamltd: Many congratulations to @AlbertKennedyTr CEO @TimSigsworth and Patron @Charliecondou on your #WPP listings. Well deserved! Happy #Pride2013
ChasCondouBlog: @PaulBurston Congratz on your Pride Power Listing x
PaulBurston: @ChasCondouBlog thank you! X
ChasCondouBlog: @thomjamesmcc @jameswharton @danielkamin @harveyvolley #worldpridepowerlist sending link to blog of last night's events
harveyvolley: @ChasCondouBlog @thomjamesmcc @jameswharton @danielkamin thanks!!!
danielkamin: @harveyvolley @ChasCondouBlog @thomjamesmcc @jameswharton :)
DunstanKesseler: @Charliecondou Sure I'm not the first. But possibly not the first time you've been sandwiched between Allan Carr and Michael Cashman?:)
Charliecondou: @DunstanKesseler just a regular Saturday for me
Charliecondou: RT @SquarePegMedia: Check out the #worldpridepowerlist in the @guardian today online at
http://dld.bz/cFSXR or in an exclusive supplement!
HouseofHaughton: Congratulations @Charliecondou no. 14!
Charliecondou: @HouseofHaughton I know! A-gay at last
HouseofHaughton: @Charliecondou absolutely!
Charliecondou: @ChrisBryantMP nice to see you last night x
ChrisBryantMP: @Charliecondou you too. Xx
simonkaston: @Charliecondou OMG you made the top 20! Xx
Charliecondou: @simonkaston boom!
simonkaston: @Charliecondou who do we have to nobble to get you in next years top 10?
Charliecondou: @simonkaston I think the thirteen who beat me
ChasCondouBlog: @czyzselska PRIDE POWER LIST 2013 - #100 Well done!
czyzselska: @ChasCondouBlog thanks. Charlie didn't do too badly!
Biggles365: Congratulations to @Charliecondou, @sophieannaward , @surandickson for World Pride Power List recognition. You are true Diversity heroes!
ParisLees: Congrats to the lovely people on there, don't mean to detract from @JOJEHARVEY, @czyzselska, @Charliecondou & co, but really, TWO trans ppl?
Charliecondou: @ParisLees it's a very fair point!!
HannahBoo3131: @ParisLees @JOJEHARVEY @czyzselska @Charliecondou It is a fair point, but in this
context what does power truly mean? Influence strength or level of
contribution? Notoriety does not equal power. In this context power to me means
the power within you to believe in yourself, and encourage others to do the same.
Power in this context seems very lacking in definition, if you get my meaning.
Congrats to all though.

GabyRoslin: #GayPrideLondon have a brilliant day. We'll be talking to @Charliecondou all about it on the show x

GabyRoslin: Almost time for the fab line up from midday @SamanthaBond #OwenTeale @backstreetboys @itreallyisjoe @Charliecondou @dale_pinnock @TobyonTV
Jonathan_Phang: @GabyRoslin @SamanthaBond @backstreetboys @itreallyisjoe @Charliecondou @dale_pinnock @TobyonTV Excellent line up ! I'll be listening in x
Charliecondou: @GabyRoslin Im looking forward to it, didnt get to chat at @DrSarahParish's birthday x
GabyRoslin: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish That was such a fab night. Speak later xx
Charliecondou: @GabyRoslin I warn you, it'll be noisy! x
GabyRoslin: @Charliecondou Yay hope so. So so wish I could be there love it! #GayPrideLondon x

Charliecondou: @Jonathan_Phang Sat on the tube salivating last night. Thanks for the book. See you soon x
Jonathan_Phang: @Charliecondou Great to spend time with you and Cameron ! Enjoy the book and give a big kiss to that gorgeous @GabyRoslin for me x
GabyRoslin: @Jonathan_Phang @SamanthaBond @backstreetboys @itreallyisjoe @Charliecondou @dale_pinnock @TobyonTV Thanks gorgeous Jonathan see you soon xx
GabyRoslin: Lovely @Charliecondou so fab speaking to you today on the show. Hope #gayprideLondon was a blast v jealous I couldn't be there xx
Charliecondou: @GabyRoslin I'm surprised you could even hear me! Lovely to chat though xx
mfhorne: @Charliecondou Hey fella, was it you who went to a Chinese up the Shard? (Not a euphemism)
Charliecondou: @mfhorne it was indeed
mfhorne: @Charliecondou Hutong? Hutang? Good??
Charliecondou: @mfhorne @HutongShard it's great
mfhorne: @Charliecondou @HutongShard I think I need a piece of that immediately
HRWright: @mfhorne @Charliecondou I'll be delighted to arrange this - Charlie, give Matt my email? X
Charliecondou: @HRWright @mfhorne ill do it now x

ChasCondouBlog: @LondonLGBTPride @Charliecondou If you Google the words "London Pride" the search box gets a rainbow wrapper. #PrideInLondon #Cool
LondonLGBTPride: 14 hours until the #PrideLDNParade leaves Baker Street! 160 Groups, 25,000 Participants. Going to be AMAZING!
BobbyCNorris: Early Friday night for me, up early to join Team @ITV in tomorrows @LondonLGBTPride #PrideinLondon #PrideLDNParade .. #excited !!
ChasCondouBlog: @LondonLGBTPride Don't forget to tweet photos BECAUSE I WILL BE BLOGGING THEM for those who live outside London OBV x
LondonLGBTPride: @ChasCondouBlog We will be doing! Follow the #PrideinLondon hashtag too :)
ChasCondouBlog: @LondonLGBTPride I am doing that as we tweet luv x
LondonLGBTPride: @ChasCondouBlog Thanx :) x
LGBTLabour: Great turnout at #LGBTLabour & @LDNYoungLabour pre-pride drinks tonight. Thanks to @SteveReedMP for joining us this evening. #PrideinLondon
Rena_Brannan: @ChasCondouBlog #COOL #PRIDEinLONDON