Charliecondou: Heres a drunk @realsamia

realsamia: Having a lovely night shoot with @Charliecondou dinner and laughs! X

Charliecondou: Waiting for @ryanjamesthomas to turn up. He's late as usual
JOJEHARVEY: @realsamia @charliecondou and drink, according to CC x

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY @realsamia she's hammered berbz, can't even stand up
JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou @realsamia but she has standing in her special skills in Spotlight. This is an OUTRAGE

Charliecondou: Thinking of entering Eurovision next year. We're like the modern day ‘Dollar’

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou ‘peters and lee’
aliJcorrie: @Charliecondou @realsamia she must be, I can see your whole forehead there Sam!!

Charliecondou: @aliJcorrie @realsamia that's really made us laugh
realsamia: @aliJcorrie @Charliecondou @JOJEHARVEY that is HYSTERICAL!! I it must be a mistake.. I need u on fringe duty Ali!!! X
AlisonKingFansx: @Charliecondou who worse drunk Ali or Samia?
Charliecondou: @AlisonKingFansx definitely Ali
ryanjamesthomas: RT @realsamia: So glad @ryanjamesthomas has decided 2 join us @charliecondou ! This smile will not last on night shoot!

Bexstar19: @Charliecondou hey charlie hope your okay never had a tweet from you..shall we change that hehe :D xx

Charliecondou: @Bexstar19 yes lets
tasha912010: @Charliecondou would love a tweet off u someday love marcus :) x

Charliecondou: @tasha912010 hello!

Charliecondou: I'm on a night shoot tonight so finished work until 1am. How do you kill 6 hours in Manchester?
quantick: @Charliecondou hitman?
shazzynabby: @Charliecondou wait somewhere for a bus u might get one come along by then
oldirtymozart: @Charliecondou smack, generally, i believe. ha ha!
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou Canal St?
martinjwright: @Charliecondou steal cars??
MissCharleyWebb: @Charliecondou erm...come to see @birdsontour! Duh. X

Charliecondou: @MissCharleyWebb @birdsontour are you in it??
MissCharleyWebb: @Charliecondou @birdsontour of course-along with Dame Quirke! X
semadivad: @Charliecondou Hat shopping? Bingo? Local amateur ballroom dancing? Dogging? Come on Condou, THINK!

Charliecondou: @semadivad all of those! That'll take me to 8pm
brianfruity: @Charliecondou now I could tell u but would have to be DM lol!! instead me and @shelleyanorphan will entertain you for 6 hours lol

Charliecondou: @brianfruity @shelleyanorphan ha I'm sure you will
brianfruity: @Charliecondou I am good gay
shelleyanorphan: @brianfruity @charliecondou Fruity you are verrrrry faaaaaar from being A Good Gay or anything resembling one
FayRipley: @Charliecondou meet me in Cholton for a drink?

Charliecondou: @FayRipley come into town!! I have no transport


Charliecondou: RT @stonewalluk: With just two weeks left to make your voice heard, we've launched the final push for #EqualMarriage:

Charliecondou: Help @missingdaddy fund their book to help bereaved children - their true story Be a backer or spread on Twitter
misstoogood: Anyone who says "girly night in" deserves to be under house arrest #theapprentice

Charliecondou: @misstoogood hola!
misstoogood: @Charliecondou whoop! X

Charliecondou: RT @misstoogood: Happy birthday to my lovely @lizmatthewspr! #fabsforbreakfastlunchanddinner

Charliecondou: @hypem @iamacamerauk
IamaCameraUK: @Charliecondou @hypem thanks!
British Heart Foundation Party in London
Below: Charlie Condou, “The Tunnel of Love” British Heart Foundation Event at Proud Cabaret, Camden. London - 29.05.2012.
Below: Actor Charlie Condou & Dr Cameron Laux attend Tunnel of Love in aid of The British Heart Foundation at Proud Camden on May 29, 2012 in London, England.
Below: Press play for a clip from Coronation Street 25th May 2012 with Kym Marsh, Alison King, Samia Ghadie, Toby Sawyer and Charlie Condou - Originally posted by Kym Marsh Fans
In this episode Maria was set up with a handsome work colleague friend of Marcus's in The Rovers. They seemed to be getting on well but when she moved in for a kiss he somewhat inconveniently revealed he was gay and more interested in Marcus. She's not doing too well on the date front at the moment, is she?
Velvetjourney: @Charliecondou Long time! Its Jenny.D from HPS.Check out #The Velvet Journey# my new baby:) Love to catch up! Happiness & Hugs Jenny xXx

Charliecondou: @Velvetjourney Jenny!! Hello love, how are you? It's been bloody years! The website looks great, congrats! X
Velvetjourney: @Charliecondou @velvetjourney I'm fabulous! You look great 2! Party planned 4 #TheVelvetJourney# late summer,come along.'Daddy' congrats! X

Charliecondou: @Velvetjourney will do keep me posted xxx

Charliecondou: RT @annekirkbride: the most impenetrable wall you can build is the one that seperates you from yourself. Everything smells of lamb today...