PantsManchester: @Charliecondou awwwww so cute. is that your on screen son or real son?

Charliecondou: @PantsManchester on screen
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou ha ha great pic how have they done today?

Charliecondou: @twinsdad72 brilliant as usual. Can't believe Liam was allowed to be Dylan today!
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou neither can I apparently Connor wasn't impressed.....ha ha Connor has told me he's filming tomoz

Charliecondou: @twinsdad72 Connor drew me a lovely picture today. It's on the wall in my dressing room
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou brilliant hope you got him to sign it..lol

Charliecondou: @twinsdad72 of course
twinsmum67: @Charliecondou that made me laugh. It's so cute but so funny. X

Charliecondou: @twinsmum67 yeah, like butter wouldn't melt. We know the truth though
holymoly: If what I hear is true, one of the worst decisions in the history of television has been made.

Charliecondou: @holymoly yes, my Corrie contract's been extended
Lisairismoorish: @Charliecondou @holymoly Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Charlie boy you make I lolz

Charliecondou: @Lisairismoorish then my work here is done!

drwhocub: @Charliecondou @holymoly That is brilliant! Congratulations

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou @holymoly mwhahahaha!

Cath_Tyldesley: Very excited about going to see 'A View From The Bridge' with my boys tomorrow ;-)

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley my mate Ian is in that. Say hello if you meet him after

juliehes: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley Ian Redford? x

Charliecondou: @juliehes yup
Jennyfremma: @juliehes @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley Is Ian in view from the bridge?
Cath_Tyldesley: @juliehes @Jennyfremma @Charliecondou Any relation to Robert????? x
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @juliehes @Jennyfremma yes, he's his aunt
bramallblade: @juliehes @cathtyldesley @Charliecondou Didn't he play Craig's grandad Keith in Corrie?

PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou what's your tattoo handsome?

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell my name in graffiti. I was 18. Don't ask

PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou it looked alright. Hope you're well mate, enjoying seeing you on the box kid x

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell x
RAF_guy: OMG! @Charliecondou looking hot in a vest on #corrie

Charliecondou: @RAF_guy ta

Nige999: @Charliecondou Nice vesty shot. Oooof!

Charliecondou: @Nige999 ;-)
bainser: @Charliecondou looking a bit buff in the vest top Mr Condou.

Charliecondou: @bainser thank you kindly
leejonathan: @charliecondou have you been working out? am liking the vests. please request more scenes in a vest.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan it's in my contract
leejonathan: @charliecondou what about tighty whiteys?

Charliecondou: @leejonathan you never know

Sparklemonkey: @Charliecondou @leejonathan I helped draft that contract, didn't I? *rubs your chest* x

Charliecondou: @Sparklemonkey if you had your way, I'd be in a thong

Sparklemonkey: @Charliecondou It is so true *sighs*
sittingina: Marcus, you are actually a proper hottie. #corrie

Charliecondou: @sittingina ;-)
Totocub: Ohh Marcus. Woof #Corrie

Charliecondou: @Totocub ;-)
stuarthalton: Corrie is brilliant tonight...

Charliecondou: @stuarthalton mainly my scenes right?
stuarthalton: @Charliecondou it was the black vest

Charliecondou: @stuarthalton it was Westwood
ceurov: @Charliecondou in a vest on Corrie - more of this please !!!!!!
Charliecondou: @ceurov watch this space
therealdavewest: @Charliecondou @antonycotton #corrie another brilliant episode. Best programme on T.V, still,
Charliecondou: @therealdavewest thanks
AubreyEMiller: Amazing stuff from Corrie tonight with @CharlieCondou x
Charliecondou: @AubreyEMiller xxx
MarcPatterson89: @Charliecondou father?? i thought u really were gay lol, (dont take that the wrong way lol) u play a pretty convincing gay guy
Charliecondou: @MarcPatterson89 I am gay!
MarcPatterson89: @Charliecondou lol, just when i read father, feel such a wally now lol

Charliecondou: Flirt! RT @Maxeesmith: Hey! Stood with our esteemed director @davidkester67 He's so handsome and funny u should all follow him!! Xx ;)
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @Maxeesmith don't get me wrong but isn't @davidkester67 that short oddball guy who looks like a "Mars Attacks" reject?

Charliecondou: RT @Maxeesmith: Ur just as handsome and funny Charlie Condou (and im not just saying it cos were about to create tv gold together!!) xxx
Confidential_CC: RT @davidkester67: Stood on the cobbles with my favourite actress @maxeesmith she's my inspiration. Big respect also to @charliecondou & @antonycotton

J_R_B_: @Maxeesmith @Charliecondou @davidkester67 Both followed. Thank you, Mr C.

J_R_B_: @Confidential_CC Followed and done! :o)
MichaelLeVell: @davidkester67 @Maxeesmith @Charliecondou @antonycotton get a move on I'm waiting to go on your set so stop tweeting and work.
Charliecondou: @MichaelLeVell you can't hurry tv magic Mike
MichaelLeVell: @Charliecondou why u Paul Daniels now :)
Charliecondou: @MichaelLeVell yep, and @Maxeesmith is my Debbie McGee

A basket case
seasonalpursuit: @Charliecondou could you be any cuter?
Charliecondou: @seasonalpursuit you should see me holding a basket of kittens
seasonalpursuit: @Charliecondou i'd like that ;)

Charliecondou: @danieljtwit X-ray vision. Always

Charliecondou: RT @CenturySoho: Welcome back from the long weekend! How do you fancy baked haddock with Welsh rarebit & tomato salad this fine Tuesday?

Charliecondou: Dear @hmunitedkingdom please can you tell me why you spray that horrible air freshener in all your shops? It actually stops me coming inside
HMUnitedKingdom: @Charliecondou Thank you for the feedback! We are always pleased to hear and looking to improve your shopping experience anyway we can!

Charliecondou: @david_w_ross I know! You look amazing in it! X
Confidential_CC: Dear @david_w_ross Mr @Charliecondou has a semi-naked pic of u on the blog but we don't have 1 of him from Attitude. BTW ur page is very pop
TupeleDorgu: @Charliecondou @david_w_ross oooh! Anychance of sum pics boys? :-) xx
joejsweeny: @TupeleDorgu @Charliecondou @david_w_ross and me xx
Charliecondou: @joejsweeny @TupeleDorgu This months Attitude ;-)