Below: Trendsmap showing Charlie Condou Trending on Twitter.
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simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou you're on gold in gimme gimme at the mo

Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh why aren't you in Majorca?

Charliecondou: RT @djy12345: Duke of Cambridge? Why have they named him after a pub?#weirdroyalstuff
katherine_kelly: Who else is working today?!

Charliecondou: @katherine_kelly Are you in today hon? Oh wait, of course you are!

Charliecondou: Around about now, Kate Middleton is doing a really big poo #royalwedding
Del_Von_Boy: @Charliecondou . So am I. Does that make me royalty? If it does, then that makes you 117th in line to the throne.

Liam1709: @Charliecondou Is that what you'd be doing before slipping into your gown to go down the aisle?
keeforelli: @Charliecondou you filthy boy!
Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou god I hope she manages it nothing worse than a bloated tum in a tight dress

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan I just worry she'll get caught short at the Abbey
marcooth: @Charliecondou I bet she's actually a bit too constipated for that.
magsalex: @Charliecondou oh my that really made me laugh so hard I was choking!
djy12345: @Charliecondou No she has someone to do that for her now, silly.
ceurov: @Charliecondou Haha that made me laugh out loud

Charliecondou: RT @evjanderson: Seats in Abbey not allocated. Like Easyjet.
Team_Barrowman: Watching the #RoyalWedding jb

Charliecondou: @Team_Barrowman Are you not going John??
ElizabethTan8: Most common tweets (as expected,I guess) = 1)Graeme goes to Jail 2)Graeme and Xin get busted and run away together 3)Xin gets Visa & stays

Charliecondou: @ElizabethTan8 I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!!!!

Charliecondou: #ff @cathtyldesley I predict big things for this lovely lady ;-)

CharlieCondou: RT @KathViner: Prize for anyone who spots a black guest who isn't the king of Swaziland #rw11

Charliecondou: I wish he was marrying Lady GaGa. Now THAT would be a dress worth waiting for

Ammo_Cymru73: @Charliecondou haha can you just imagine how OTT her dress would be

HannahkateTW: @Charliecondou Agreed!!

Liam1709: @Charliecondou she'd probably show up nude

Tom_In_Oz_: @ceurov Please pass to Corrie followers: The new blog in town by Tom in Oz - CHARLIE CONDOU CONFIDENTIAL
ceurov: @Tom_In_Oz_ fabulous babe

Tom_In_Oz_: @ceurov you're welcome it's only the beginning!!
ceurov: @Tom_In_Oz_ I love you !!!

Charliecondou: RT @gracedent: It's sweet of David Walliams and Matt Lucas to do this 'We're the royal hairdressers' spoof. this is great. #bbc1

charliecondou: RT @HRWright: Why, with all of his untold millions, can Elton *never* find clothes that fit?
HannahPool: there! black guy, whoop whoop!
thegarethmclean: @HannahPool Isn't he Security?

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean @HannahPool hahaha

Charliecondou: RT @thegarethmclean: Baroness Thatcher too unwell to attend. She's at home, sucking whisky off her rusks. #royalwedding #bbc1

Charliecondou: RT @clarebalding1: @stellduffy Got excited as thought I'd spotted a lesbian but then realised she was security. Obviously.

Charliecondou: I wish he was marrying Lady GaGa. Now THAT would be a dress worth waiting for
mark_1971bath: @Charliecondou could you imagine the smell & the flies

Charliecondou: Oh Sam Cam, what were you thinking?? That's you out of Tatler for at least a year.#nohat
se4jb: @Charliecondou in an outfit borrowed off her mother and jewellry out of a Christmas cracker

Charliecondou: Right, she's late *switches off*

Charliecondou: RT @caitlinmoran: I like how William just seems a bit ... embarrassed about it all. Now THAT is "What Britain does best."

Charliecondou: RT @Eamonn_Forde: "And what do you do?... And what do you do?... And what do you do?...

Charliecondou: The King of Tonga has arrived. All eyes on Prince Phillip

Charliecondou: I thought there'd be more traffic

Charliecondou: Oh look. Loads of Royals we've never seen before

se4jb: @Charliecondou no just a bunch of people who got on the wrong bus.There's a Sunshine bus with some very top-drawer people on board somewhere

Charliecondou: Hello Catherine's brother!
munchkindamo: @Charliecondou I was thinking exactly the same thing! Where's he been hiding?! X
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou You are kidding, right?

Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean he's hot!

Charliecondou: I met Kate Reardon last night. She's been up since 4am bless her
mfhorne: @Charliecondou @grimmers Amazing
(See the following picture sent by Mathew Horne)

Charliecondou: @mfhorne @grimmers apparently he's a cake decorator. #homo
idhToronto: @Charliecondou some of those minor royals scrub up well #homo

KirstieMAllsopp: I am mortified that Channel 4 have put @PipofftheTV & I up against the Royal Wedding, I've never been so embarrassed in my life!

Charliecondou: I can't believe @KirstieMAllsopp isn't there. An oversight surely?
idhToronto: @Charliecondou and by minor i mean lower ranking not age

Charliecondou: Beatrice and Eugenie = AMAZE
Andysbitz: @Charliecondou teletubby hat!
fionalaird: @Charliecondou Can't *believe* their mother hasn't been invited. It's plain rude.

Charliecondou: @fionalaird so true.
fionalaird: @Charliecondou Bad manners are *never* acceptable. Tsk

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou Bea had to lean forwarards in car as hat too big

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan I love it. They look like the pontipines from In the Night Garden

Charliecondou: The Queen is very on trend with this season's colour, urine
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou Technically it's Kidney Failure Yellow.
sophbags: @Charliecondou what have you been eating?

Charliecondou: RT @thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou Technically it's Kidney Failure Yellow.

Charliecondou: RT @caitlinmoran You just know she's got Werther's in that handbag #thequeen
salihughes: That blusher should be rose, not russet, for starters. And the kohl is ageing. She should've got @TheValGarland in.

Charliecondou: @salihughes thank you for my serum!!! I just got it xxx

Charliecondou: The Queen is very on trend with this season's colour, urine
heawood: @Charliecondou my friend wishes you to know "other gay disagrees - daffodil - ON TREND"

Charliecondou: @heawood I think it's in case her colostomy leaks

Charliecondou: Is that Max Clifford sat next to her?

Charliecondou: My live pause has just run out

Charliecondou: I wonder if Vicky Beckham will do the Panis Angelicus solo
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou is she wearing black?

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I think so

Charliecondou: RT @thegarethmclean: Ah, the gays of tomorrow singing...

Charliecondou: The Queen is asleep!!

boydhilton: Someone's hijacked the wedding to spam us about God for half an hour...

caitlinmoran: Cannot believe the on-going, wasted opportunity for lingering camera-shots of celebrities, nuns and murderers

Charliecondou: We're about to lose William too. Someone get this fella gone!

Charliecondou: I wonder if he'll grab her arse during the kiss

Charliecondou: RT @jimielectric: @Charliecondou or think of her sister!
amandadanni_76: @Charliecondou or look up her skirt at the reception!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou Charlie you do know why you didn't get an invite, right?

Charliecondou: Oooh, I know this one!

Charliecondou: RT @stephen_hagan: When are they singing "angels"?

Charliecondou: Aw, they have matching blusher!

BathQueen: @Tom_In_Oz_ Pmsl x

Sonmirega: @Confidential_CC Dear o don't have to come out do you?
mabs39: @Tom_In_Oz_ calm down all good things come 2 those who wait LOL ;-) xx

Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ ur just an old softie at heart aren't u!

The above wedding photos courtesy of contributors
frankolad: @Tom_In_Oz_ Kate & Wills hot off the press from my HD telly
tashdev: @Confidential_CC Some cool snaps x